Chapter 25: A Game Of Shogi

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I'm in finals week so I've been crazy busy, but I'm glad I could get this chapter out to you guys!

The pace of the walk was daunting as the group moved through their course. Slowly, and almost painfully so, their feet took them down the meandering roads, passing through miles of forest and rivers as they took one step after another.

The birds chirped soundly, all the while the group traveled through another road, getting further and further from the village with each passing minute. Far enough that the village wouldn't be able to send help in time if anything happened.

And the Hokage's entourage was well aware of that.

Ahsoka had taken the vanguard, setting the leisurely pace for the rest. Another Anbu member took the rear, letting the Hokage walk a good few paces in between him and the Aoyama. And in the canopies of the trees, the three remaining guards leaped from branch to branch, monitoring the surroundings of the ambling group.

But they were out in the open, visible to anyone with a naked eye. Welcoming anyone to dare attack them.

Their dare was answered.

Ahsoka was the first to feel the obvious presences, sense alerting her of the nine figures hidden deep within the tree leaves, watching them like hawks. The skilled Aoyama could have done many things in this situation, could have done many more to prevent it too, but she did not.

She hadn't even lifted her gaze to the enemy until they landed on the dirt road, completely surrounding them. That was when she bothered to acknowledge them, coming face to face with pale masks not unlike her own.

"Enemy attack!" The Anbu at the rear called, whirling to the green clothed and beige vested enemies. He let out a growl of frustration as he pulled out a kunai, "Damn it, Wolf! Weren't you paying attention?!"

"Hush." Was Ahsoka's only response as she unsheathed Kusanagi in a flash and began sprinting as a blur towards the enemy.

The air was soon filled with the sounds of battle as metal blades clashed into each other. Barrages of kunai and shuriken whistled past  and some Earth rumbling attacks were thrown. But the Hokage only watched as his ninja battled, standing in the same open spot on the road.

The sudden rustling leaves to his right caught his attention enough to turn to it, finding a small figure kneeling on the dirt. Shoulder- length brown hair and a green and red painted mask being the only distinctive features the attacker had.

But none of that mattered as he lifted his hands and locked them in place before shouting, "Wood Style Jutsu!" Three serpentine pillars of wood burst from the ground as the Hokage cried out in surprise before he was embedded with them.

The force of the wood pushed the body back far before letting it hang in midair. The wooden spikes sticking the back of the old figure, landing a killing blow. The wood style user began to shift, sure of his victory. That was until the large hat shadowing the face of the Hokage fell, revealing a log.

The boy sucked in a breath, 'A substituation jutsu?!' A bit of chakra flared just enough for him to notice and whip his head up to the trees, quickly spotting the red and white robed figure of the Hokage before he disappeared in a cloud of white smoke.

The boy gritted his teeth enough to hurt as the cloud dispersed, revealing Kakashi Hatake, his left hand braced on the tree trunk, another on his hip.

The epitome of calm and collected composure.

The boy Kakashi had come to know as Kinoe immediately braced his feet as he weaved through more hand signs, frustration seemingly seeping from every pore in his body, "Wood Style! Giant Forest Jutsu!" He shouted, raising his hand as multiple tentacle like branches of wood shot for the silver haired Anbu.

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