Chapter 10: Declassified

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Information for Public Disclosure (get the reference? hehe): Any ninja can sense chakra if powerful enough. However, only sensor type shinobi can sense chakra at their own discretion and allow them to identify individuals and their movements. Very skilled ones can even sense when a person is lying by their chakra fluctuations.

"Wow! Look! That dress is so pretty!" Rin's big brown eyes sparkled as she looked in through the store's glass window.

"Gosh, that must cost at least five S rank missions." Ahsoka said as she and Kurenai peered through the glass next to Rin.

"Make that ten S ranks." Kurenai added in a disbelieving voice, "This is the most expensive clothing store in all of Konoha, after all."

The three girls had decided to go out to Konoha's shopping district on one of their days off. A rare occasion since the three were usually either too busy or their schedules didn't match seeing as Kurenai was on a different team.

Ahsoka sighed regretfully, "As if our tiny D-rank mission filled purses could even afford to walk into the store." The three bowed their heads regretfully as they leaned away from the glass and started walking again.

"Maa, so how is your team doing? I told you about mine but I haven't gotten to hear about yours." The red eyed girl asked, "Being in a four man cell sure is strange, huh?"

Ahsoka nodded, "Yeah, Kakashi being added to the team really came as a surprise. I mean, the Academy prepared us to work in a three man cell. But we make it work."

"Putting an all ready experienced genin with a bunch of rookies is really random though. I wonder what Lord Third was thinking." Kurenai put a finger to her chin in thought.

"Mhmm, he has a ton of experience over us. It usually makes me feel self conscious about making mistakes." Rin added with a small blush. A knowing grin appeared on Ahsoka's face as she leaned in close to Rin.

"Are you sure it's only his experience that makes you self conscious about making mistakes?"

"Huh?! What do you mean?!"

Kurenai giggled, "Because that blush on your face tells us otherwise." She pointed at the red that dusted Rin's marked cheeks.

"Huh?!" Rin's palms flew to cover her face, "No, no, no! It's not like that!"

Ahsoka hummed, not believing a word, "You like Kakashi, don't you?"

Rin's finger parted slightly, just enough for her to peek through, "Well...maybe it is a little like that."

"I knew it!" Ahsoka pointed her finger at Rin who yelped in surprise, "Those little blushes whenever he's around aren't just because it's hot outside!"

Kurenai lifted her arms,"But why though? I mean sure he is talented but he is a bit of an ass. You can't even see his face to tell if he is handsome or not!" Surprisingly, it was Ahsoka who quickly defended him.

"He isn't that much of an ass! Most of the time..." Kurenai raised an eyebrow, "...Sometimes...Ok once in a blue moon."

"He is extremely talented! Only Ahsoka can compare to him and she is an Aoyama so that gives her an advantage! His fighting style is amazing too, a-and his mask just gives him an air of-of mysteriousness!" Ahsoka's eyes softened as she watched her friend give her passionate rant with so much devotion and admiration. A bright blush on her face and a twinkle in her eyes.

'She really likes him, huh?' Ahsoka couldn't help but laugh to herself, 'Kakashi sure is something else. Talented, dependable, the girls in our class couldn't get enough of him.' Ahsoka suddenly grew a tick mark on her forehead, 'Not at all like that bonehead Obito.' Ahsoka resisted to urge to cross her arms and huff, 'He's so loud and always late. Nobody in the class was swooning over him...nobody..except me.'

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