Chapter 4: Jealousy is an Ugly Thing

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Ahsoka blocked the punch with ease, jumping up to avoid the kick being thrown at her, she quickly twisted her body around using her momentum and kicked Kurenai in the ribs.

The raven haired girl stumbled, careful not to fall.

Ahsoka rushed towards Kurenai again, quickly throwing a punch at her face which the girl managed to dodge.

Kurenai then crouched down, extending her leg and sweeping Ahsoka off her feet, to which the girl quickly caught herself, placing her hands on the ground and doing a backflip back into her stance.

Barely a second later, Kurenai was rushing towards Ahsoka, kunai in hand.

Seeing an opening, Ahsoka moved almost too fast for the students to catch, swatting the red eyed girl's wrist as it approached her face, quickly grabbing the arm and twisting it behind Kurenai's back, snatching the kunai and pointing it at the back of the raven haired head.

"Winner, Ahsoka Aoyama!" Ikamaru-sensei called the victor as cheers erupted from the academy students watching from the sidelines.

"Great job, Ahsoka!"

"Good try Kurenai!"

"Splendid my youthful lily, splendid!"

Ahsoka sweat dropped at Guy's comment, "I'm not a lily."

She quickly let go of Kurenai and held out the kunai for her. Kurenai took it back with a sweet smile, "Thanks, you were really cool by the way,"

"You were too, that leg sweep caught me off guard." Kurenai blushed at the compliment, knowing that her taijutsu skills weren't necessarily the best, she preferred the calmer and less physical genjutsu.

"But you got yourself up so quickly. I couldn't even see when you flipped me around,"

Ahsoka tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, laughing, "Maa, that was nothing."

The other kids in the class were nice. Socializing with the students had definitely become easier during the past month at the academy.

She had started to get to know the kids a lot more after they started to approach her when they saw she opened up to Obito, Rin, and even Guy.

'Yeah, they aren't too bad,'  She thought to herself with a gentle smile as she scanned the crowd of cheering academy students.

Ikamaru-sensei approached the two girls with a pleased grin, "Good work you two, now do the union sign." The two girls connected their fingers in the typical shinobi spar peace offering, sending each other kind smiles.

"Oi Ahsoka!" Rin waved her over to where she and Obito were standing.

Ahsoka wasted no time, quickly jogging up to them with a pleased smirk.

"That was great Ahsoka! Even Ikamaru-sensei was impressed." Rin praised as the honey colored eyed girl approached.

Ahsoka gave a warm laugh, "Thanks, Rin."

Obito huffed, "You were okay, I guess,"  and he looked away, pouting. Something he did quite often, but not to Ahsoka, not anymore.

She looked at her friend with wide eyes before glancing down at her sandals, a frown on her face.

He was jealous.

'I thought we were past that,' She thought, Obito's dismissing huff hurting more than she cared to admit.

Obito looked back at her with a guilty look but said nothing.

"Next up, Anko Mitarashi and Hayate Gekko,"

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