plushie shopping

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Caregiver: nagito
Little: hajime

Nagito reached their bedroom, he slowly opened the door as to not wake up his baby, who was peacefully sleeping at the moment. He didn't wanna startle Hajime, so he decided to softly shake him awake. Today was the day! What day exactly? The day that nagito and Hajime were going to go stuffie hunting. Hajime had been begging nagito for new stuffies for awhile and nagito decided to be kind and get his baby some new ones. (Not that Hajime didn't love the stuffies he had...he just wanted new friends.)

"Wakey wakey little one." Nagito gently pulled the covers off his boyfriend and shook him, making sure not to shake him too hard so he didn't hurt the little boy. He frowned when Hajime threw the covers over him and shoved his face back into his pillow.

"Baby. Wake up." Hajime groaned and whined as he opened his eyes and rubbed away the eye boogers he had. "Papa..." he asked in a whiny voice as he stood up.

"I guess you dont want to go stuffie shopping todayy!" Nagito said as he got up to leave the room. "No!! Dada!! Come back.. I'm just sleepy." Hajime made grabby hands for nagito. "Okay, okay. Come here baby boy. Let's get you ready, yeah?" Nagito placed his baby down onto the toilet seat in the bathroom and grabbed a comb. He began to comb through the small knots that Hajime had in his hair and put a cute little clip on his hair.

"There you go cutie. Want daddy to pick out your outfit or do you wanna surprise me?" Hajime giggled and jumped up off the toilet seat-- he ran over to their closet and shut the door. "Oh. Okay baby. I cant wait to see what you pick out!" Nagito took a seat on their bed, his elbows resting on his knees as he waited for his little boy to come out of the closet.

"Done!" Hajime opened the closet door and wiggled over to nagito. "You like it dada?" He was wearing nagito's hoodie, and his favorite pair of blue shorts, they had kitty patterns on them. "Yes baby you look adorable." Their hands clung together as Hajime held his daddys hand.

Nagito helped his baby into the car. They pulled out of the drive way and entered the road. "So excited?" Nagito looked over at Hajime who could barely even control his excitement-- his little legs were kicking and he was squirming around in his seat.

"Oh I can see you're very excited cutie. We're going to the mall since that's most likely the best place to find stuffies, is that okay baby?" Hajime instantly nodded. "Yes dada!!" He said as his eyes fluttered with happiness.

They pulled into the driveway of the mall and parked the car, in an easy spot so they wouldn't spend all night looking for it. "Hold my hand little one." Nagito walked over to hajime' side of the Car and opened the door for his baby. Hajime jumped down (with his daddys help..) and grabbed nagito's hand. "We go inside now papa?" He asked while wiggling around. "Yes hun. We go inside now."

They entered the mall and immediately they saw some toy stores that sold stuffies. "Look baby! Wanna go there and look at the stuffies?" Hajime nodded and ran over to the shop. Nagito held his babies hand as they walked over to the stuffie shelf. And there laid....the cutest giraffe stuffie Hajime had ever seen in his life. "Dada!! Dada!! Want that one!" He pointed up at the shelf.

"Oooo that's a good one baby boy. Let's buy it." He reached up and was just about to grab it when little Hajime pulled on his daddys shirt. "Nooo...lemme grab it papa!" He begged with a pout. "Okay... here you go little one." He picked up his baby and held him up close to the giraffe. Hajime grabbed it and held it close to him. "Yayyy!! Let's go papa!!"

Nagito and Hajime reached the desk and nagito bought the stuffie for his baby. "Thank you sir. Have a good day." Nagito said with a smile as he grabbed his babies hand and they left the shop. "Wait papa!! We need to get the giraffe a bed!!" Nagito frowned. "....alright baby."

Word count: 733

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