Three Cubs

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Anastasia's POV

I have been moved to the den which has an amazing view of a forest. Adrian has been with me to whole time. Aside from when he went hunting. I gave birth to three healthy cubs. Two girls and one boy. We named one of our daughters Crystal as my adoptive tiger mother as she is a tiger. We named our son, who is a lion Leo. Lastly our liger cub was named Alisha.

Leo loves to climb things and Adrian is always having to get him down. We tell him not to climb up if he can't get down alone. But he never listens. Crystal loves laying on the cool stone floor of the den. Alisha loves rolling on the mosey floor. I'm glad I can communicate with our cubs through our family mind link. It makes things easier when Adrian is away hunting.

The cubs are now seven weeks old, only one more week until they shift into human babies. Then I'll struggle with looking after them on my own. As I won't be able to hear their cries and it'll take a few months until they'll be able to use the mind link again. I worry about that.

'What have I said about worrying?' Adrian asks he returns with his kill.

'Not to' I say as the cubs greet him happily. He chaffs happily rubbing each of them fondly. Before he places the kill down letting them tuck in. He comes over to me and nuzzles his head against mine. I chaff happily.

'Exactly, did the cubs behave in my absence?' he asks me.

'Yes, Alisha was practicing stalking on the mosey floor. While Crystal and Leo practiced their fighting moves' I state.

'Good' he says as he lays beside me and starts to groom me. I sigh feeling content. 'Sleep my love, I shall watch them now' he tells me. I lay my had on my paws and fall into a peaceful sleep.

(Mini time skip)

Adrian woke me up and I had some of the kill. Then groomed the cubs before telling them to sleep. Adrian and I went to the cave entrance. Admiring the stary sky and full moon. 'How is everything at home?' I ask Adrian.

'Yes, the triplets room is ready for them. Everyone is excited to greet them. Our mothers are preparing a ceremony for them' he states.

'Did we not already have one?' I ask him confused. We had a ceremony when the cubs were two weeks old. To announce their names to the pride.

'Yes, but not all were present then. Besides every royal cub has a double ceremony. Where as other cubs only get one when they turn human' he explains. I nod my head in understanding.

'Do you think we will have more in future?' I ask as I look back at our sleeping cubs.

'We will have as many as you want' he tells me.

'I am in no rush for more, maybe in a few years once we are married by human standards' I tell him. He nods his head in agreement. We return to our cubs and curl around them falling asleep.

(Time skip to a week later)

Today is the day, our cubs will be turning into human babies. Adrian is human ready to wrap them in blankets. While I coach them on how to turn human. I decide to help Crystal as she is the oldest on the three.

'Ok Crystal honey, imagine yourself with two legs and two arms. Like your dada' I tell her.

'What else?' she asks me curious.

'Your hair and eye colour will match that of your current form. So think of that also' I tell her. She nods her head and starts to think. I see hear her bones breaking and lick her trying to sooth the pain I can see on her face. Soon her transformation is complete and I see her crying. Adrian wraps her up on a cream blanket.

'Me next!' Leo shouts and I chuckle as Leo starts to shift. Soon he is a human baby and Adrian wraps him in a pale blue blanket. I look at Alisha and she does not seem in a hurry to shift. She actually looks scared.

'Alisha, why are you scared sweetie?' I ask her gently.

'Crystal and Leo were in pain. I do not want to feel pain' she whimpers.

'Awe sweetie, it will be ok' I say as I lick her head. 'How about we do it together?' I suggest. She nods her head. I curl around her and start to shift slowly as she does the same.

Soon we're both human and I take the final pink blanket from Adrian. I wrap her in it as I stand up. 'Lets go home' Adrian tells me and I nod my head. As our cubs sleep exhausted from their first shift.

We walk to a near by car and strap each one into a baby seat. Adrian then drives us to the castle. Where we are greeted by our families. When the cubs wake we feed them. Then it was time for the ceremony. Everyone loved their new princesses and prince. Especially their future queen Crystal.


Picture above of the three cubs and picture on the external link of them as babies.

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