Baby Sitting

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Delia's POV

It's been nearly two weeks since I reunited with my family and meet Adrian. I've stayed mainly at Adrian's family's castle and my family moved in. Leia and Luke are always having me play with them. Which I enjoy very much and it makes me want to have cubs of my own. Adrian and I went on our first date, which was lovely. I've been bonding with my parents and brothers. I even meet Harold's mate Mary, she's a leopard shifter. She is very beautiful.

Anyway today I volunteered to babysit Leia and Luke. As Adrian and his parents have royal duties to attend to. My parents are on vacation, Harold is with his mate and my other two brothers are training to be pride guards. So I've taken the Leia and Luke to a clearing, we're all in cat form. As I watch them play.

Third Persons POV

Delia relaxes in the sun as a cool breeze blows watching the two lion cubs play. Leia pins Luke for the second time when they hear a copter. They look up and Delia follows their gaze confused. When she sees the news chopper, she calls to the cubs. They run over to her and she leads them into the trees out of sight.

But it was to late her image had already been caught on camera. Along with the two lion cubs with her. However, not knowing this the cat return to the mansion. Where they go to the play room and Delia lays down again. Leia lays beside her wanting to sleep as Luke tries to catch Delia's swishing tail.

Delia's POV

Both cubs have fallen asleep and I rest my head looking at them fondly. Not knowing I was being watched as I am completely focused on them. Until I see a pair of shoes and look up to see Adrian. I chaff happily and he pats my head smiling.

"Did they behave?" he asks me and I nod my head. "Good, they're ours for the night. I convinced my parents to take a night off. Also your brothers went to a party" he explains as I read his lips. I nod my head in understanding and give him pleading eyes. He chuckles, "you love my lion don't you?" he asks me fondly. I nod my head not ashamed to admit it.

He goes to shift and soon returns. He lays on the other side of the cubs looking at me. We haven't completed the process yet, but maybe soon. There's no one else I'd rather have mount me then him. I just don't know if he feels the same way. I close my eyes pushing my doubts away and fall into a light sleep.

(few hours later) Third Persons POV

"Adrian, Anna wake up!" Luke shouts shaking his brother as Leia shakes Delia. Both wake up confused looking at the now human cubs.

"We're on telly, look" Leia states pointing to the TV. Adrian immediately looks at it and sure enough she was right. There on telly was a tigress disappearing into the trees with two lion cubs. He growls in annoyance and leaves the room. Delia looks at the TV confused, why does Adrian feel angry? she wonders.

Adrian turns human and puts his pants on calling Striker. "Did you see the News?" he demands.

"Yes, we're already on it wiping the video and it's location. But they may already know she's in this country. We may have to take drastic action" Striker tells him.

"What sort of drastic action?" Adrian asks him.

"Fake to tiger Delia's death" Striker states and Adrian growls. "It's only as a last resort, I'll keep you posted on the situation" he assures him. Adrian hangs up and returns to the play room kneeling in front of Delia.

"I won't let them take you from me" he tells her and she chaffs in bewilderment. "Don't worry, everything will be fine" he assures her. "Please go turn back and I'll make us all dinner" he tells her gently. She nods her head and leaves to go change.


News got to Australia about Delia being spotted and the investigation team was alerted. They made a copy of the film before it was destroyed. And take it to show the Irwins. "I don't understand, are you sure this is her?" Terry asks the police officer.

"Yes, the markings match" the officer states.

"But why are two lion cubs with her? How did they get her out of the country unnoticed? Why put her with lion cubs?" Terry asks confused.

"Don't worry we'll get answers to all your questions. I contacted my contact in Ireland, they put out a reward for anyone who has information on Delia. We'll return her to you as soon as we retrieve her" the officer assures her.

"Are you sure we should do that?" Jack asks and the pair look at him surprised. "She looks happy in the footage, what if she becomes dis-pressed if we retrieve her?" he asks.

"She'll be fine, this is her home. She does not belong with lions, what if they try to breed her with a lion to make ligers? No, better she be returned her where she's safe" Terry states. "You have our full support, find Delia and return her home" she instructs.

"Consider it done" the officer says and leaves. Once outside he calls someone. "She wants us to continue the investigation" he tells the person.

"Very well, thank you for getting on this so quickly" Striker tells the person.

"Hey, anything for the prince and his princess. Just give a few false leads and they'll give up searching for her" the officer tells him.

"Will do, good luck on your end" Striker says and hangs up. The officer returns to the police station to fill in his report. Before looking for leads on where the film was taken.


Picture above of Delia and on the external link of Luke with Leia in cub form.

Ps: This book is now on hold until farther notice. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I really want to focus on my fan-fictions at the moment. 

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