Negotiating Fails?

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King's POV

"You must be Mister Pryde" a woman in a black dress says holding a hand out. My mate and I are at a restaurant to discuss the tigress issue with Terri. Adrian wanted to come, but I would not allow it. So he is back at the castle looking after the twins with the Edwards.

"Yes, you must be Mrs Irwin" I say smiling shaking her hand. "This is my wife Ellie" I add and she shakes my wife's hand. We then head to the receptionist.

"Reservation for Pryde and Irwin" Ellie tells the receptionist.

"Table for three, right this way" she says with a smile and we follow her to our table. I hold the chairs for both women before sitting down myself. "Here are your menus, you can order your drinks at the bar" she tells us before leaving.

"So what is your interest in out tigress?" Terri asks. Not beating around the bush.

"My children saw her when they went to the zoo and fell in love with her. It's the twins birthday coming up in a month and I wanted to do something special. I thought why not pay the tigress that brought them so much joy" I partly lie.

"I'm going to get a glass of wine, do you want anything?" Ellie asks us.

"I'll have a beer, did you want anything Mrs Irwin?" I ask.

"A glass of water please" she tells Ellie and she nods her head. Then heads over to the bar. "Mr Pryde, this is very unusual request" she states.

"I have more then enough money to pay for good enclosure and her personal needs. She'd be going to a good home" I assure her.

"What about breeding?" she asks suddenly. "She is in the prime of her life and a perfect specimen for the breeding program. Why not allow us to breed her and then you can have one of her cubs" she tries to bargain.

"No can do, my kids birthdays are in a month" I lie. "Look I know she's deaf, but we don't care. What do you want more? Her to go to a good home and her to live the rest of her life in peace. Or have her mate with random males just to have cubs?" I ask.

"You present a good argument Mr Pryde" she states as Ellie returns with our drinks.

"Look lets order, then we can discuss payment" she suggests. Terri says nothing as she looks at her menu. We order our food and then get back to the matter at hand. "So where were we?" Ellie asks.

"I just presented a few of our arguments" I tell her.

"Now I have some of my own" Terri states taking a sip of her water. "Even if I agree to this, it'd take longer then a month to finalize everything. You'd still need to build her enclosure and not mention have a license to own her. By the time that was all settled, we could of introduced her to a male. So I propose a compromise" she tells us.

"You leave her with us for now until you have everything prepared. Then and only then, can we discuss you buying her from us. Until then we'll go ahead with the breeding program" she explains.

"There is nothing we can say to persuade you otherwise?" Ellie asks.

"None, until I see a license for you to own a big cat and an approval from a professional on an enclosure. She stays with the zoo" she states as the food arrives. I excuse myself to call Striker, knowing there was nothing more we could do tonight. In the meantime we'll pretend to follow Terri's demands. Instead we'll be preparing to return to the main castle once we rescue Anastasia (aka Delia).

"Plan A has failed, Plan B is a go" I say into the phone.

"Got my king, she'll be out in two to three weeks" Striker states hanging up. I return to the table and we eat in silence. Making small conversation about our families.

"We will follow your demands, but how do we get a license to own Delia?" Ellie asks Terri.

"I can give you a number of the guy who can give you one" she states. "He can also approve the enclosure" she adds writing a name and number down. "Keep me updated on your progress and I'll have our head tiger keeper Jack keep you updated on Delia" she states.

"Deal, thanks for the meeting" I say shaking her hand. We return to the castle and the twins run to Ellie looking scared. "What's wrong kids?" I ask them gently.

"Adrian heard from Striker and he's very upset" Luke explains as Leia cries softly.

"I'll go talk to him, get these two to bed" I tell Ellie. She nods her head and I head to Adrian's room. I enter after knocking to find it trashed, Adrian sitting on the edge of his bed. His head in his hands. "This won't help matters Adrian, Striker is already on the case. She'll be out soon and we can return home" I assure him.

"I know, I just want her in my arms" he says.

"I understand, now clean up and pack. We have to be ready to leave as soon as Delia turns human" I tell him. "Which may not be for a couple of weeks, but we must be prepared" I add.

"I know dad, thanks for the talk and I'm sorry for scaring the twins" he tells me.

"They worry for you, we all do. Now get some rest" I tell him before leaving. I enter the master bedroom to see the twins asleep either side of Ellie. Who was in he nightgown. She mouthed sorry and I just smile. I prepare for bed and crawl in beside her & our youngest cubs. Leia curls into my side and the four of us sleep peacefully.

Adrian's POV

I couldn't sleep and head to my parents room. I smile when I see my family all sleeping together soundly on the large bed. I join them on Luke's other side. Where I full asleep dreaming of the future where I can do this with my mate and our cubs.


Picture above of Terri Irwin (zoo owner).

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