Chapter 34

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Blake and I were trapped. Blake kept yanking against the ropes that tied him down but to no avail. I had already collapsed on the floor from bashing the restrains that bound me around so much but they wouldn't break loose. Blood was dripping down my wrists from the gashes I had scraped into my skin from trying to break off the handcuffs.

"I wonder if we will die down here," I wondered hopelessly, looking down to my broken looking hands. I knew now that Lisa was capable of murder. "Or get eaten alive by cockroaches." I kicked at a cockroach that scurried along the basement floor.

"I think I would refer to get eaten alive by cockroaches then stay another night tied to this chair," Blake replied, his head was bowed and his black hair was falling over his eyes. His back was stiff and his right shoulder was sitting at an unnatural angle, his muscles must be in agony from being tied down to that position for so long.

"I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe they did that to you," I growled, beyond incensed. I sat backwards collapsing my back onto the floor and held my hands over my eyes.

"Everything will work out Rose, I just know it will," Blake vowed optimistically. I sighed but listened to his words, I was just glad that he was here and I wasn't in this alone and he wasn't alone anymore.

We spent another half an hour chained to the basement floor. I had retreated into the darkness of my own mind and I heard Blake grunt and huff every once in a while. But our moping silence ended when I heard footsteps trot down the stairs towards the basement. My chest leapt and suffocated me with panic when the door to the basement clanked open. I was expecting Lisa to come in gloating about how much money she had stolen from the bank but it wasn't Lisa. It was someone much smaller.

It was the little girl that was hanging onto Lisa earlier in the night. She peaked her head through the basement door warily.

"Rose?" She asked in her small voice tentatively. Instantly I sat upright from the ground.

"Yes, I am Rose," I responded softly, to not scare her away. "What is your name?" I asked, standing up to my feet slowly.

The girl twisted her hands into the fraying old dress she wore that was too long for her and had dirt scattered over the patterns.

"Mia," she answered, looking up from under her eyelashes like she didn't know if she was allowed to tell me that.

"I recognise you," Mia commented looking at Blake. 

"You know me?" Blake replied softly. 

"Sometimes I get hungry and I go down for food with all the homeless. You gave me food many times when I was hungry and I don't think someone as nice as you should be kept down here." Mia explained with her eyes pointed at the floor. 

"Mia, you shouldn't ever have to be hungry," Blake replied with conviction. My heart went out to this little girl, who has been abused and shut away from a real life. 

"I heard what Lisa was talking about. I don't think Lisa is doing the right thing keeping both of you down here." Mia looked over her shoulder at the door she just came through as she explained her doubts.

"No, what Lisa is doing is against the law," I confirmed, taking a cautious step towards her. Mia looked back to me, her brown eyes were wide with anxiety that she might be caught out. It made my heart ache for her; she shouldn't fear doing the right thing.

Suddenly her wide eyes hardened with determination. "That's why I brought you these," Mia held up a chain with multiple keys clanging together.

I gasped, my eyebrows rising in disbelief. Blake's chair scraped against the floors; I think he nearly fell off his chair. Mia was here to free us. My tight shoulders relaxed as Blake and I locked eyes, sharing a look filled with pure relief.

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