Chapter 8

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Blake doesn't return that night. I was waiting for him all afternoon and night to thank him once again for what he did for me. I also wanted to confront him about why he treated me so distastefully and then do something as opposite as protecting me.

I spent the night busying myself with my cryptography assignment for my computer unit. As the night burned on my assignment was creating less of a distraction and I was starting to become more worried about Blake, many what if scenarios kept echoing in my head and my mother was fuming out her ears at his cheek to not even tell us where he is.

 I went to bed that night agitated, and it showed in my dreams. I dreamt of that very same dream I have every night, I was in the dark woods and someone was murdered in front of my eyes and I was helpless to stop it. But my dream was different tonight as usually the attacker pounces at me and then I wake up. This time the attacker grabs me around the head and then snaps my neck. I wake up panting and with a cold sweat dripping down the back of my pajama top. In my moment of panic, I was so incredibly glad when I looked over to Blake's bed to see that he wasn't there.

I don't fall back asleep for the rest of the night and I was showered and ready for school before anyone else in the house was even awake. My mother had to leave early for her gym session in the morning, so she wasn't home to yell at Blake when he walks through the front door ten minutes before I needed to leave for school.

He looked disheveled. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was sticking up in multiple directions. He looked like he didn't get a wink of sleep last night.

I scrutinised him with narrowed eyes as he walked straight past me in silence. He gives me one enduring glare as he storms into the house and then walks right past me, barely acknowledging my existence. My heart sinks to the floor and the smile that was forming on my lips drops as I realise that Blake was back to his old persona. I jump off my chair and move towards him.

"Blake?" I yell after him, but he ignores me, and I hear the door to my room slam shut behind him. I knock on my door repeatedly, the force of the bang echoed through the entire house. I hear some shuffling and then the door opens. I glimpse his face for a fleeting moment. 

"Go away," he speaks slowly and then slams the door in my face. Outrage manifests on my face as my mouth falls open at his behaviour and my hands ball into fists. How dare he kick me out of my own room?

"Hey, you can't kick me out of my own room." I bash on the door in insult.

"Well I just did," he yells from inside my room.

"This is my room," I object fiercely stamping my foot on the ground in defiance. I continuously bash of my door until suddenly the door swings open. It was so sudden that I stagger backwards in fright and then trip over a shoe placed outside. I flail my hands around in the air until I settle myself steadily on solid ground. I glare up at Blake.

"What do you want?" Blake growls with a sneer set on his features. He leans his torso against the doorway with half his body angled away from me and his hands crossed against his chest. Even though his dark mood was infection, I steeled myself to not give into his darkness and plastered a bright smile on my face.

"Thank you for what you did," I smile as I look up at him. He stares deeply into my eyes for a long moment and as we were so close to each other I could see the white specs inside his blue eyes. My heart skips a beat in my chest as we stare into each other's' eyes. It was then that I noticed that he was trying to hide by standing sideways. His right eye was black and bruised and was starting to buff up.

"You already thanked me," he snapped bitterly. My eyebrows pucker as I stare at him in bewilderment. Why is he being like this?

"Now will you leave me alone." He starts to close the door on my face again, but I slam my hands onto the door. I search his broken face, it looked like he had been punched in the face. How did that happen?

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