Chapter 18

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Blake's lips pressed against mine vehemently and his passionate intensity made my heart burn. My lips were frozen solid for a moment in shock, unsure what to do. Then Blake's hands wound into my hair pulling me even closer towards him as his lips parted and my whole body set alight. I began to copy his movements and kiss him back just as forcefully. I wound my hands into his shirt and reveled in being able to touch him, being able to touch all the places I have watched for weeks in yearning but knowing I would never be able to touch. 

Blake's lips were moulding around mine in ways I didn't even know was possible. Every touch, every way he moved his mouth made my stomach flutter with happiness and the way he touched me made me feel like I was special to him, like he actually cared about me. Was this normal? I wouldn't know, but what I did know was that he was making me feel like I was the most precious diamond in the world. 

Pressing myself closer to him so our chests moulded together sent an electric shock straight through my blood and I wound my hands into his messy dark hair. It was surprisingly soft. But my overzealous motions caused Blake to push back, his hands wounding out from around my neck.

He was breathing heavily as he panted trying to catch his breath. I myself was gasping for breath and felt like I might pass out, from lack of air or from the intensity of what he made me feel, I wouldn't know.

My hands were still wrapped into his shirt and as he pulled away even further they fell to my sides. His opened his eyes and they were glassy like he was in shock. I myself was lost for words and thoughts, all I could think about was how I wanted him to slam his lips back onto mine. I stared into his eyes watching his reaction with my chest seizing up in anxiety this time, does he regret kissing me?

His eyes turned from glassy to ice cold as he looked into my eyes and my stomach plummeted. He regretted it.

His jaw clenched and with his muscles tensed up he jumped up and left me without a single word, even after kissing me like that. I stared after him dumbfounded as he opened the latch into the tree house and slammed it behind him as he climbed down the ladder and stormed off back into the party, leaving me here still gasping for breath without a single word explanation for his reaction.

The passion that was burning my chest earlier now rose into my throat making me feel nauseas. That was a mistake.

I wrapped my hands over my mouth still recovering from the kiss and his unexpected reaction, but all I felt on my hands were how numb my lips felt from where his lips had slammed into mine.

It took me another few minutes to recover and my eyes were glued to the door where Blake had stormed through just hoping for him to return. But I knew he wouldn't, he regretted his actions. And that was all I was to him just an object. I should have known better. I sighed and ran my hands down my face before rising with unsteady knees. Now I knew what they meant about a kiss that could literally make you weak to the knees.

In a dazed state I made my way down the tree house and crept back through into the party roaring outside. I decided to take the back exit away down the side of the house through the gate away from everyone, so I could get home ASAP without running into anyone, I couldn't deal with Sarah right now. I really just needed my teddy, bed and bible.

I crept down the side pathway and snuck past a guy passed out on the floor until I reached the side gate. I reached up to yank the lock open when I heard the soft pitter patter of steps of someone approaching behind me. I froze as panic surged through my body, unsure who it could be. 

I spin around wildly with my fists outstretched ready for a fight when I come face to face with a guy in a black cap. It was pulled down over his face, so I couldn't distinguish who he was, but I did know one thing. A guy following you down a dark alleyway with the only other living creatures around being passed out is not a good thing.

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