Chapter 1

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Today was the day I was going to meet my new housemate. And I wasn't happy about it. He was a delinquent, he argued constantly with his parents and kept getting kicked out of school and he was going to live with me. The ultimate goodie too shoes, who did her homework and didn't go out and was bullied at school. I knew already we were not going to get along. I ran my hand through my hair, too frustrated to concentrate in class.

"What are you going to do about Sarah?" my best friend Lisa asks hesitantly from beside me. I glance to her and her worried eyes were focused on the way I kept running my hands through my hair, assuming my worry was about my bully rather than the boy that was about to move into my house.

I groan as I try not to think about Sarah, my bully.

"Hope I fall into a pit of dying monkeys on my way to my locker," I admitted as I flop my head onto my desk. Lisa pats my head in condolence.

"Hum, I'm with you on that one. I will pray for that to happen," she exclaimed and I don't think she was even joking.

"Thanks you're a true friend."

The bell rings for the end of class and the end of school. I squeeze my eyes shut as I think about what is to come.


A hard shove out of nowhere pushed me back so I whacked into my locker. Unfortunately no pit of dying monkeys came to save me. Sarah found me.

"You better stay away," Sarah shrieked at me so I was now backed against my locker with her body boxing me in. She was taller than me so I had to look up at her snivelling face. She seemed to enjoy this as she smirked at me. She leaned her abnormally large lips to my ear and I felt her disgustingly cold breath in my ear.

"Or else," she threatened. I tired to turn my head away from her but she grabbed my chin forcefully and yanked my face so I was looking straight at her, our faces inches apart. I glared at her with all the hate I could muster. It didn't affect her at all; I could only see the sadistic enjoyment in her eyes. Her grubby hands tightened around my chin as she squeezed painfully.

I refused to make a sound to elicit the reaction she wanted from me. When I didn't do anything she just smirked and let me go but not without a small push so my head hit the back of my locker. Her two friends laughed at me as they followed their evil friend. The cowards. I looked around at those few people around who just stood around watching and I felt humiliation run through me.

I was left with my back moulded to my locker in a state of shock, my muscles refusing to move. That was the first time that Sarah had physically hurt me, well on purpose that is.

I snapped myself out of it. I need to get out of here. I turned around grabbed what I needed from my locker and then slammed it shut. I stormed down the corridor and out of this hell whole as I thought about why this all happened to me.

Sarah used to be one of my best friends and so was her boyfriend who she was just talking about. I used to be good friends with him too but not anymore and I forcefully was paired with him in a project today. I don't think Sarah really even cared that much about our paring because she knows that her boyfriend hates me she just as must as she does. 

She just wants any excuse to hurt me, to bully me. And because she was the most popular girl in the school, the rest of the student body followed her lead. Sarah was beautiful there was no denying, she had waist long black hair that was always perfectly styled. She had beautifully toned skin and she drew the eyes of anyone who looked at her. But her beauty on the outside did not reflect how she was on the inside. 

We all stopped being friends our second year of high school when I did something unforgivable to them. People liked to avoid talking to me because it just made them a target too. But luckily Lisa didn't mind the bullying; she said she was just happy to have a friend. So she is all I have and I was so incredibly grateful for her.

But the bullying was always constant and sometimes it is maddening.

My anxiety was sated as I remembered that I have the whole night ahead of me completely free from them and their taunting. But then reignited again as I remembered who I was going to meet today.

Blake. My new housemate.


Hello everyone, so this is my new teen fiction story! Next chapter we will meet Blake :)

I hope you are all enjoying it so far, please comment and vote if your reading Xx  

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