Chapter 7

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I watch scornfully from the dark corner of the cafeteria as Sarah leads Blake by his arm over towards her group of friends. My bagel snaps in half and crumbs fly everywhere due my fists gripping it so hard. I diverted my eyes away from Sarah and my new housemate.

"You look agitated," comments Lisa with a raised eyebrow as she scrutinises the crumbs of my beloved bagel. 

"I am just slightly irritated," I speak between clenched teeth as I pry my hands away from the table.

"Looks more like furious to the point of steam coming out your ears."

"Alright, marginally irritated," I concede. She smirks.

"Thought so." Her eyes light up in amusement but when I don't laugh back her features turn serious. She glances towards the dark, evil and demented table as we like to call it.

"So, what is it about this new guy that has you so worked up?" She inquires as she leans closer to me like we were discussing a very secretive secret.

"Nothing he just makes me so angry," I growl refusing to look over at them.

"He was in my Math class, he seems kind of scary. He gives me the heebabegebies," she cringes as her eyes move over his black clothes, dark form and glare that his features seem to be permanently set in. 

"Yeah and to think he is living in my bedroom," I speak with horrified wide eyes.

"Rest in peace," she nods with tight lips. I couldn't help laughing at her, even though what she said is too true.

"I wouldn't be surprised if I was killed in my sleep to be honest. He hates me, and I didn't even do anything to him," I admit with a low voice, I really didn't know why that fact was effecting me so much. Lisa touches her hand onto my shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry about it, he will come around soon. Who can't like you?" He tries to cheer me up with a goofy grin. I force a smile back at her effort to cheer me up. But then I turn my gaze towards my old best friend and group of friends and I close my eyes tightly as I remember they used to be the most important people in my life and now they despise me. 

I refuse to look at Blake or my group of bullies for the rest of lunch. Lisa and I busy ourselves with looking on her computer as we work on our computer technologies assignment on cryptography which is cracking and analysing code, we were both very skilled in hacking but actually decrypting that code we both needed to work on. I felt better after lunch and didn't look at them once but as we leave the cafeteria I weakly glance behind me towards Blake.

 I notice he had moved off from the bullies table and was talking to Dean and Liam. Liam was very tall with long pale bushy hair that was tied back into a shaggy bun. He had a scar through his right eye that has been rumoured to be caused by a prison fight. Dean was dark skinned and he was short and made up of all muscles, I was pretty sure he is taking steroids. A shiver of fear runs through me but not for myself, for Blake. My body itched at me to turn around and warn Blake not to speak to those boys. 

They truly were people to be afraid of, they were both apart of a gang and have been suspended multiple times for getting into fights. I am pretty sure Dean has been to prison a few times and judging by the way Liam has a very unfashionable flare at the end of his pants I am pretty sure he carries a gun holstered there. And the third member of their group who used to attend our school Adrian is in jail right now. As I stare worriedly at Blake as he speaks and laughs with these two dangerous guys his eyes move to mine and I am caught staring.

 Instantly Blake's features darken and the glare he sends me causes my toes to curl in my shoes. My heart jumped in my chest in panic and I immediately spin back around and start speed walking out the cafeteria.

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