Something Dangerous

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I been out the hospital over a month now. Been spending most of my time between my house and Damien's. Turns out his family was just as worried about me as mines. The first day I went over after the accident his mom yelled at me about not watching where I'm going and overreacting but I knew it was all out of love she hugged me pretty hard after and said she was glad I'm okay. Damien don't let me leave by myself now, like at all but I think it's pretty cute. I'm happy with life again besides the the bruises I think I'm doing okay.

One thing still on my mind though, how weird Charles was acting at the hospital. I could tell he wasn't telling me the whole truth, or any at all to be honest. I really want to know what happen that day. There no way he hit me, the man is one of the best drivers I know he would have made sure not hit the person. Something is obviously up here and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

So today I'm on my way to his house. He been trying to talk to me lately but I've been ignoring him. After getting my full memory back I was mad I even let him in my hospital room that day. After I told Jade he was there she threatened to cut him, Damien had to literally stop her. I remember the cheating and him not caring, I remember it all and wasn't happy at all.

I told Damien I was coming to get answers and let's just say he wasn't happy at all. He tried everything to get me to changed my mind. Even volunteer to come with me but I honestly didn't want a fight to break out so I convince him to let me come alone. After pulling teeth and nails he finally agreed but making me continuously text while I'm here.

I went up and knocked on his door. His little brother answers and jumps and hug me. I wince still in a little pain. He backs up and smile at me. "I'm so glad you back I don't like Charlie new girlfriend" I laughs at his cute 7 year old self. I hug him again and whisper "me either". I walk upstairs to Charles's room. The door was crack open and I could hear people arguing in there. I stand outside and listen in. Yes I am nosey and no I do not care. I can't believe what I hear next though.

"Fuck that bitch! I'm happy I hit her ass" someone say behind the door but it was a female voice. Confused I peek in the room to see the Destiny girl pinned on the wall by Charles now. My eyes widen but then realization comes over me. She's the one who hit me that day. Thinking quick I take out my phone and start recording.

I walk in the room shocking both of them.

"Bri... what you doing here?"

He moves to come closer to me but I take a step back and he stops in his track. Destiny scoffs and moves to go sit on the bed.

"So Destiny the one who hit me with the car that day?" I say hoping to get it all on camera.

"Bri let me explain" Charles tries to move closer again until Destiny jumps up and gets in between us. Not that I cared.

"Yup bitch I hit you, what you going to do about it" she say pointing her finger in my face. I try to calm myself before I'm the one going to jail instead her.

"Hows the broken ribs bitch" I look at Charles because obviously he told her my injuries but he just put his head down.

"Okay first im not going to be to many more bitches and second I really hope you two get what you deserves. Have fun in jail... bitch" she push me and I go to hit her back but Charles protects her. Wow didn't know they was that serious but glad to know where we all stand.

As if reading my mind Charles says "Snook its not like that.. she's" trying to explain but I interrupt him and turn to leave for the door. I got what I came for, the answers I needed.

"Snook I'm still in love with you... please don't leave we can work all this out" I start laughing historically. He can't be serious right now

"In love with her but I'm carrying your baby" my eyes goes wide. I've be lying if I say that didn't hurt a little. Giving early on in our relationship I lost a baby do to stress, which he caused and may never have kids now. But he get to go on and have a little him running around. That not fair.

Shaking my head I walk out of the room with just one finally word "goodbye". But that obviously wasn't the end to either of them. Charles came after me, trying to stop me and Destiny after him. Pushing him into me send both of us flying down a flight of stairs.



Brittany stop returning my text a while ago. I'm starting to get really worried. I knew I should have let her go there by herself, but everyone knows how stubborn she is and she's going to do what she wants in the end. Im pace my room calling her phone multiple times but this time someone answers.

"Omg thank God baby are you okay?"

"Hello" someone with a thick Caribbean accent answers. Its a female.

"I'm Charles mom who is this"

"Damien ma'am I'm Brittany boyfriend"

"What? Brittany is with my son" God I don't have time for this I need to know where my girl is at.

"Ma'am why do you have Brittany's phone"

"She must have dropped it during the fall. She's on her way to the hospital"

My world begins to move in slow motion. Not again, I can't go through this again. I'm out the door before she can finish telling me which hospital she's at.

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