Something like a Miracle

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I open my eyes. Well at least I tried the lights was to bright to stay open but I finally got it. Now I'm in my current bedroom and its exactly how I left it. All of that, the crash, Damien's confession, the person who hit, it must have been a dream or something.

That was one intense dream then I thought to myself.

I get up and go into the living room to see where everyone is because it is way to quiet in this house. No one was there.  I went and my mom room and the same thing, no one in sight. I run downstairs to my sister bedroom and she is gone too but her room not empty. Their a figure sitting on her bed playing her xbox 1 but the weird part about it, the game is not hooked up.

The figure turn around and smile at me. He gave me the other controller and made me sit next to him. This is so surreal. I'm sitting here playing the game with my god brother who passed over five years ago.

"Bri Bri you have a choice to make" he starts and Im in complete shock. His voice sound just like I remember. It amazes me. After a while i pulls myself together and answers him.

"What choice? And how are you here right now"

"I have my wings and when my family need me im here"

"And as for you choice well Bri, you can stay with me or you can go back and finish living life for thr both of us."

"What do you mean? Where am i? And i am living see" I get up and start dancing and of course my clumsiness kicks in and I trip. As I'm falling i realize I about crazy into her coffee table. I scream and grabs air to try to stop my fall. Which definitely did not work. I close my eyes waiting for the hard impact to come but it never did.

Some how I'm on the floor but never hit the table. I opened my eyes and have of my body is through the table. Like some weird magician trick. I look up and man man is laughing at me. Then I thought about his choice of words earlier,  got my wing... Go back and live life, And that could only mean... Oh my god NO!

I start sweating, my body begin to shack uncontrollably and it felt like my heart was going to jump out my chest. It can't be true. No it can't I haven't done everything I wanted to do, needed to do. No its not true. Is it? I mustard up enough bravery to ask the testing question.

"Am I dead"

He look at me and smiles. Uh that's a little creepy. I just ask if I'm no longer a living human being and he smiles?

"No your not dead but technically your not living either. Well not by yourself. Your body is at the hospital right not but your soul is in limbo. See" he snaps his finger and my sister and her kids appears. The game is off the tv and she watching her show. I can her my dad and little brother upstairs talking. Where did they come from. I try to get my sister's attention but its like she can't see me.

"She can't see you and you have to choose soon before it isn't your choice any more." He explains how I have to get back in my body before midnight tonight or Ill be stuck in limbo forever.

I can't die now, its not my time yet. Man man smile once more. Its seem he knows im not not giving up. He start to wave bye but i stop him.

"Wait, are you always here?"

"I bounce between houses but i can come her when every i want as long as you mom have my ashes. Oh and Tell jinny i love her"

And with that he disappeared and I was pull to the hospital at top speed. When we stop in front of a room, Im guess my room, I realize who was pulling me. Tears immediately start to fall. I hug her with all my might. God I miss her.
My childhood best friend but she was more like a sister was standing in front of me. She passed a couple of years ago from a tumor.

"Sis you gotta let go of me" she laughs. I smile and let go.

"I miss you Shany"

"I know, I hear you talking about me with that boyfriend of yours" oh god that I forgot all about him and whats going on.

"I really don't want to deal with him when I get back. I still don't know the truth about what happened"

"I can help with that. Just lay down and relax." She held my hand as I laid there and then she touch my wrist and the bracelet we made when we was 8 appeared on in my hand "and stop losing this would you" she say and gave me on last hug before I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up it was a bright light above and a figure standing next to me. When my eyes finely adjusted I realize it was my mom crying her eyes out calling for the doctor. I try to speak but my mouth dryer than the desert. The doctor come in to check me and make sure everything okay.

As he was examining me I realize I've been holding on to something this whole time. I open my hand and Shany's bracelet is sit him my palm. I smile. The doctor said i was fine and they going to keep me a few days and she left.

My mom came and hug me and it hurt like hell. She let go and just held my hand.

"Im going to call your father and let them know you okay"

"Okay ma"

"Oh and I better call that boyfriend of yours. This might the best birthday present he got this year" she says and leave.

Birthday present? How long was I asleep? It was December when i got into a accident. Charles's birthday is in May.

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