Someone to Lose

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Something is obviously wrong with Bri. I can see it in her eyes, something is definitely bothering her. First, she not eating that's a red flag right there. Plus, her back is move weirdly, which means her chest is bothering her. Just as I was about to figure out what's going on, my mom calls me saying its important. So, I go see what she needs first.

When i get back to my room Brittany was going and her plate of food still on the bed untouched. I check to see if she in one of the bathroom but both of them are empty. I look and the living room where my sisters at but she's not there either.

"Yall seen Brittany?" I ask

"Yeah she just left. Why she ain't speak when she left though?" My sister Tia said.

"I don't know let me go call her"

I dial her number and was sent to voicemail. I dial again and was sent to voicemail again. It was till the 11th call she answer. My heart is racing because its obviously something going on between us but i have no idea what it is. This fact became even more clear the way she answers the phone


Damn! What the hell did I do? She is pissed. She never answer her phone like that

"Where you going? What's wrong?" I ask completely confuse.

"According to you we broke up anyway so why do it matter?" She reply and hangs up before I can get a word in. I already was putting on my shoes to go after her.

As soon as I step foot outside, I hear people yelling, the sound of screeching tires and a loud boom. It feels like my heart stopped at this very moment. I knew something horrific has happen and no doubt it happened to my girlfriend.

I took of running and just like i feared Brittany laying there with blood coming out of her head. As i approach her her eyes are still on open and on me. That's a good sign or maybe i spoke to soon, just as the thought popped in my head her eyes closed.

I sat there holding her in my arms, trying to hold back tears. Everything around felt like it was moving in slow motion. They people on the phone with 911. the guy who hit her freaking out on the side of the road, who looks like he might actually die to if she doesn't make it. That make two of us.

The ambulance arrived and took Brittany from my arm. I felt empty as soon as they did. Looking down and seeing her blood on my t-shirt nearly broke me. Why did she have to leave out the house in the first place?

I pick up her phone, the screen was cracked but otherwise seem fine. There was message still up. Must have been what she was reading before she was struck by that car.

Unknown Number: was with him the other night, god that dick was good

Soon as I seen the message everything registered. Someone told her I was messing around on her. Which is a complete lie but I still know exactly who it was.

I've been keep a secret from her. While i wasn't cheating on her i did used to talk to someone from our past. She used to live on our block to. She "never" like me, well in front of people anyway. Plus Bri told me she just told me they spoke recently and when she told her we was dating she still acted like shr hated me. This has to be her doing.

They let me ride with her to the hospital with her after i told them I'm her boyfriend. I can't believe this, if something happens to her i don't what I'll do. I can't lose her this soon. I just got her in my life as a girlfriend, it haven't even been a year yet. Yet still this cute nerd, who is secretly obsessed with Harry Potter and Dr. Who, who snort when she finds something truly funny, who would literally give the people she close to the clothes off her back if they needed it, and wants nothing more than to make her parents proud have truly made me fall in love. There I said it Im in love with Brittany Johnson.

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