Something about Family

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Today I am suppose to go over Brittany house for the first time. All the other time we hung out at my house. I got up and took a shower, got dress and stuff. before I could finish putting on my shoes my phone starts to ring . I thought it was Brittany but to my surprise it was my older brother telling me he is in Jersey and is on his way to my house. I was excited to see him and actual a little relieved, I didn't have to go to her house yet. I'm embarrass to admit this but I am nervous to go over there. I don't know if they remember me or how they will feel about us being more than just friends. I text Brittany to let her know what was going on.

Me: Best don't be mad at me but they won't let me leave cause my brother here but I promise I'm a come tomorrow okay?

BestFriend😍: lml I'm not mad I knew you wasn't coming but ok...

Me: don't say it like that this was unexpected I had no idea my brother was coming to Jersey today

BestFriend😍: I'm not saying it like nun

I knew she was mad but I'll make it up to her tomorrow.

Once i was finished driving around with my brother, it was late so I decide to get some rest while laying there I start to think about what it would be like to be with her as more than a friend. Like going on dates and actually seeing a future together. I went to sleep that night with Brittany on my mind... again.

The next day I am dressed and ready to go see her. I text her but she told me she was going shopping real quick and that she will call me when she gets back. I took that as a chance to ease my mind. I rolled a blunt and smoked it. By the time i was done she was calling me. Stopping at the chinese store first I finally made it to her house.

I walked up to the house and some old man was hanging out the window talking shit. Confused as hell, I just ignored him and pulls out my phone to call Bri. she sent her goofy ass cousin Denise to open the door. Haven't seen her in year but she definitely still act the same.

Walking into the house, it was nice but not exactly what I expected. They directed me to her room. As I walk into the room I see her sitting on her bed with a game controller in her hand so focus on the game looking so cute. She look up and got up and gave me a hug then she went back to playing her game.

About a hour later we heard the front door open and we see her father walk pass. He did a double take and came into the room. Even though we both grown I thought he was about to say something about me being in his daughter room but what actual happen shocked the hell out of me. He dapped me up and was like  " what's up lil mal" referring to my older brother who used to live next door to them. i relax after tht, i honestly didn't expect them to remember me. We spoke for a while about how my family doing til he left to go to his room. My encounter with her mom was pretty much the same til she the question everyone was thinking 

"so what you really got going on 'best friend'". 

Brittany and I look at each other and then together says "we just friends". 

Although in my mind i know she'll soon be my girlfriend and probably the future Mrs. Mclair.

"yeah, right, sure" her mom says with a eye roll. It's obvious she doesn't believe us. I don't think we do either, to be honest. My day with her was cool. we made plans for tomorrow so she can meet my brother Jayden, she never met before.



When I get to his house the next day it was just a normal day. I had a conversation with his sisters Tia and Deanna about nothing, his mom was out and the brother I was suppose to be meeting wasn't here yet. I was just laying in his room when Damien came back in the room telling me how he just got yelled at because of me. Apparently his mom is mad because I didn't speak to her, so i went to speak to her.

"oh, uhuh, I just told him about you being in here with out speaking"

"yeah i know, I'm sorry Ms. T, I didn't know you was here"

"umhum you better come find me next time"

"yes ma'am"

And with that i went back into the room and laid back down in the dark with Damien. As we lay there the door bust open and to my surprise it was his older brother and my old neighbor Jamal. He speaks to his brother until he realize he has company and retreats. He didn't realize it was me because it was so dark. I didn't say anything because I was a little nervous what they would think about me being there with him like that.

We went out into the livingroom where everyone was. As soon as i walk out the door all i hear is "BRITTANY!". i turns around and see Jamal and Nelly, his wife.

"Hey y'all" i say

"what you doing here" his brother asks. he looks at his family " y'all know that was her in there" he ask them. "yes" they all said laughing. "wait how old are you now" he return his attention back to me. "I just turned 21" I reply. " oh ite, just making sure little bruh ain't out here robbing the cradle" he says causing everyone to laugh again.

"girl next time you better speak for i kick you in you throat" Nelly said. We all just sat there talking and laughing till there was a knock at the door. It was his older brother Jayden. He came in speaking to and hugging everyone. I was a little nervous considering i never met him in the 10+ year of me knowing Damien and the fact that i did just get yelled at by his family members twice in one night. But we spoke to each other and he ask me a lot of questions about me and Damien, like how we met , how long we known each other and just stuff about me. He seems impress that I', in school and working for the summer. Everyone was just hanging out having a great time.

Once everyone started to leave me and Damien went back in his room and laid down. Damien's phone start to ring. He answer it putting it on speaker.

"what's up dumb ass" Dam says

"what's good" Roy says

"nothing chilling"

"you with your girl?" Roy asks

Damien looks at me. It"s obvious  that he was unsure what to say. I sat there waiting, my heart beating fast as shit, ear fully open, listening for his answer. He look into my eyes and says "yeah her big head ass right here". I tuned out the rest of their conversation. I just laid there with the biggest smile on my face. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't the chocolate complexion I am, my face would be bright red. My best friend of 10+ years just called me his girl!

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