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INA/N: This is a Fan-Fic about Andy Biersack who was crafted by the gods. Not much to say about this shit except that he is a flawless human being and its unfair to human beings everywhere. Also if you don't like detail gtfo I like explaining my stories so you can imagine everything that's happening alright. On with it then...

Chapter One:

"IM SO FREAKING EXCITED"  Raye shouted in among the crowd of people also waiting outside the stadium. "Im not" I smirked as my best friend whipped her head to look at me. "How. Fucking. Dare. You Carter" she screamed. I burst out laughing earning glares from the shitheads around us. Like I cared. We were standing in line for black veil brides concert, beside me stood my best friend since elementary, we met when we were 6. That's fucking crazy. Raye had wild blue hair, deep grey eyes and porcelain skin, while I had jet black hair, light blue eyes and skin that resembled a milky caramel.

I looked around and felt slightly overdressed for this monumental concert. Mostly because of some girls here were dressed as sluts with their ripped mini skirts and sports bras. Not that I was judging. There was one gang of girls who were painting 'WE LOVE BVB' on their stomach right now never mind I am judging. Classy. I, on the other hand was wearing a custom made leather jacket that was specifically tailored to look like one of Andys, black high- waisted skinny jeans, a BVB singlet that stopped just above my navel piercing, gold jewellery to top it off and some kickass studded wedge boots. I looked fucking badass. I was feelin myself. My best friend kinda had on the same thing I was wearing except her favourite in the band was Ashley, so she was wearing his face across her boobs.

"Hey. Cee." Raye whispered. "What?" "That guy keeps looking at you" "Is that all you fucker, bloody hell the way your face is right nowhere assumed one of those girls were getting stabbed." I said while obnoxiously pointing to the gang of girls I described earlier."Carter shut the fuck up and look" I rolled my eyes grabbed a cigarette out of my pocket, lit it up and turned around. As I was turning around this giant was all up in my personal space. If he didn't back the fuck up he was gonna lose his balls. I looked at Raye while blowing out a puff of smoke and she lifted one eyebrow signalling that this was the guy she was talking about. I looked back at shrek, stared him straight into his eyes and took another puff of my cigarette. "You shouldn't smoke darling, you should try something else. I know the perfect thing that would fit in that pretty little mouth of yours" he said pervertedly. That pissed me off. I blew my cigarette smoke straight into his face and smiled. He did not like that, I saw that he was about to lunge at me so I threw my ciggy on the ground and stomped on it while giving him my 'I fucking dare you to try something' stare. The man straightened up, mumbled something along the lines of "this fucking bitch is gonna pay" and walked off. I waved him goodbye with my middle finger. Douchebag.

"Well shit Carter" Raye said amused "Fuck off, when do we go in? I want to get the best place in the mosh pit" "Another 45" I rolled my eyes and spotted a burger stand at the top of the street. I could go with a burger. "Raye, give me $20 bucks?" "And what the hell for?" I pointed to the burger stand down the street and she rolled her eyes. Raye reached into her Jean pocket and said "Get me a bag of chips". I fist bumped her and started walking towards the stand. When I arrived I eyed the menu and had a liking to everything on it. "Hey man, can I get the number 4 please" "Sure so, two steak burgers, two bags of chips and two bottles of coke" "Yeah" I smiled. The cashier smiled back and started to make the order. He's cute af. When he came back he handed me the plastic bag and as I was about to give him the money he said "Dont worry about it. It's on the house" and smiled. I cocked my head to the side and smirked "Why thank you" I said confidently. "No problem beautiful" he said while winking at me. I flicked my hair over my shoulder and walked away from the stand sending the cute guy a smile. As I was walking away I dug my hand into the bag to find Rayes chips. I started eating her ones so I could have more in my packet when we pulled it out.

When I got back to where Raye was standing she greedily snatched the bag off me and yelled "ABOUT TIME" I decided not to tell her about me not having to pay for the food and let her eat her burger in peace. "Did you eat my fucking chips" "Shit, have a snickers bar. Your not you when your hungry" "CARTER DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT EAT MY CHIPS" I stayed silent and Raye punched me in my arm. "WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled "DONT TOUCH MY FOOD AGAIN" I glared at Raye and pretended to dust her knuckle print off of my jacket. Bitch. As I was nearly finished with my burger I checked my phone and saw that we had 5 minutes left before the doors were supposed to open. "WE HAVE FIVE MINUTES" I screamed and even eared a few excited 'yays!' from other people who were waiting in line. I scoffed down my burger and pushed Raye out of the line so she could put our rubbish in the bin.

As she was walking away from me I mentally went over everything that was gonna happen from now.
1) Run inside when the door opens
2) Get the best spot in the mosh pit where the band can see us and I can touch them.
3)  Get andy to fall in love with me.
4) Get married
5) Have his babies
Except that he's in a relationship with Juliet Simms. Hear that? No? Oh it's just the sound of my heart breaking and my dreams shattering. No fucking biggie. As a matter of fact just disregard my checklist.

"Going over your mental checklist?" Raye teased "When did you get back. Holy shit" I mocked. "Aw love you too bitch" "You more" I said while rolling my eyes. 15 years with someone can really take a toll on you. "Stop freaking out" "I'm not!" "Bitch please" "I'm suprised your not hyperventilating" I smirked "THAT WAS ONE TIME" "You vomited on the guys shoe before you fainted" "SHUT THE FUCK UP" I was taunting Raye because she was right. I was freaking the fuck out man! But the reason why she's yelling at me right now is Raye thought she saw Johnny Depp one time and started hyperventilating so I dragged her towards him because I knew it wasn't. The guy just didn't have the cheekbones. Anyways when we were close she screamed, he turned around and then she vomited on the guys shows and fainted! I had to drag her ass all the way back to our car. It was hilarious.

While Raye was still ranting I could see the faint shine of yellow through the tinted stadium doors implying that security guards were coming. "SHUT THE FUCK UP THEYRE OPENING THE DOORS" "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! I don't think I can do this I can't do this! Carter I'm feelinglightheadedistheworldshrinking?" "Your too dramatic! For fucks sake. Also you better not faint on me again because I'll leave your ass behind" "ok ok ok ok I got this" Raye said I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time today.

The security guards opened the doors to the stadium igniting fire within the crowd of people standing outside. Raye and I were about 7 and 8th from the front door so we'd be in really soon. One by one people were disappearing into the stadium then it was us.

Raye was the first one of us to go in and she waited for me until I get let through. The security guard didn't even check my ticket he just grabbed it, ripped it in half, winked at me and let me through. I paid $150 for this piece of paper and he wants to fucking rip it in half. What a prick. I was gonna frame that. The bastards lucky that I made a copy.

When both Raye and I were in we ran like murderers all the way inside towards the stage. Holy shit.

The picture at the top is who I imagine as Carter.
How'd you like the first chapter? Leave a comment below! Later skaters.

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