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Andy and I manoeuvred our way through the back entrance of the stadium. I was suprised that there was a security guard there waiting for us with a bag of food. What the fuck, is that In-N-Out? I lifted my eyebrow and looked at Andy. He just smirked and winked at me.

Andy grabbed the bag and politely said thank you to the guard. I stood there in mild shock. "Oh I even have the burger you wanted earlier, princess" Andy said casually before taking some fries out of the bag and tossing them into his mouth. He even gestured to me asking if I wanted some chips. I went to reach for the bag and Andy grabbed my hand. He then slowly pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. Gently. Fuck. I'm so getting him back for that.

I smiled with a plan forming in my head. I pushed Andy onto a wall that was next to him and started running my hand up his shirt and onto the back of his neck. I pulled him closer to me and pretended to close my eyes. Once I saw him close his eyes I ripped the bag out of his hands and started to walk away, opening the bag and taking chips out of it. I while walking I turned around and stuffed about 3 chips into my mouth and gave Andy the middle finger while winking. His face was too damn funny. He looked at me like a wounded puppy and I couldn't stop the smile from appearing on my face as I turned back around. "You little minx" Andy said while I presume shooting daggers in my back.

I began to sway my hips in a seductive manner and looked over my shoulder at him. He was looking at my ass. I rolled my eyes and he cleared his throat in embarrassment. Aw was my little puppy embarrassed? I internally laughed and Andy finally decided to get off the wall and follow me.

Once he caught up with me he took the bag back out of my hands. "What the fuck was that?" "What? Me winning? Aw can my baby not handle a little competition" "Holy shit, Carter. Where the fuck did you learn that. Fuck that was hot" and said while running his hand through his hair. I threw my head back and laughed. "Also loved when you called me your baby. Glad we're on the same page princess" Andy teased. I shook my head and grinned. "You should really learn to finish what you start" Andy said seriously. I looked at him and batted my eyelashes "will you teach me" I persuaded and I shit you not Andy started choking and almost dropped the bag of food. I looked at him with disappointment. "Holy fuck you need to stop doing that" Andy exclaimed. High five Carter! Carter 3, Andy 0. "Your testing my patience" Andy glared "Baby I'm yours" I flirted.

Andy looked at me and searched my face for any sign of a joke but I wasn't joking. I was being serious if he really wanted me though he would have to fight for it. I'm not gonna give into his charms that easily. Plus the whole Juliet situation. Things are still blurry. I'm going to make him work, he's gonna want me by the end of this. At least I hope so.

"Fuck it" Andy said while looking at me, bringing me out of my thoughts. He put the bag of food on the floor right behind a massive container. He then looked around and went to open a janitor door. What the hell was he doing? Once he opened it he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside and flicked on a lightswitch. It didn't produce much light but I could still see him clearly. Andy looked so betrayed by the little lightbulb. I couldn't stop myself and started laughing. He put his index finger on my lips and made me quiet immediately. "Do you trust me carter?" He whispered. "I trust you Andy." As cliche as it was I found it sweet. He looked me in my eyes and started to lean in again to kiss me. This time he didn't close his eyes, as if I'd disappear if he did. We were so close. Almost the-

"ANDY?" Juliet. "shit" Andy whispered. He looked away from me and I felt a small sting in my chest. Fuck this shit. Round One. We heard footsteps right outside the door. I put my hand on Andys cheek again and made him look at me. He looked at me but I didn't waste anymore time. I pulled his head down to mine and kissed him. At first it was soft and sweet but then it started to get heated. Andy bit my bottom lip and I gasped. He then took the opportunity to invade my mouth with his tounge. I moaned and he slid his hand up the back of my shirt. I then put my hands up his shirt and began to trace the outline of his toned stomach. He leaned into my touch and we both pulled away for air. He tasted like chips and perfection. Fuck. We then heard the sound of juliets voice again but it was getting more faint. Not completely satisfied I ran my hand through Andys hair and tugged on it pulling his head back. He closed his eyes and I started kissing his neck. Slowly and teasingly. "Fuck fuck fuck" Andy cursed and I loved how I made him squirm. With one last peck on his collarbone he rested his forehead against mine. "You just keep getting better, carter" i just looked him in the eyes again and searched for any sign of guilt or regret. I didn't find any.

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