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Chapter 3:

"That was fucking crazy" I said in disbelief. I looked down at my hand and fiddled with the batman ring Andy gave me. This night was going to be permanently engraved into my head. Raye smirked at me knowing why I had this huge smile on my face.

"Wow! Who knew you could play guitar like that!?" Jinxx said "I did!" Raye exclaimed while fist bumping the air. The boys started laughing and Ashley walked up to her, grabbed her hand and took her to sit on the couch with him. I smiled, crossed my arms, leaned on a nearby wall and laughed. I even took a picture of them sitting on the couch together. Cuties.

Jake opened a bottle of water and took a sip. He then proceeded to grab a face cloth and pour the rest of the contents of the bottle onto the face cloth. I raised my eyebrow at him and he pointed to my stomach. I looked down and saw the marks of dry blood from punching the guy in the nose. I shook my head and started taking off my leather jacket. As I put my jacket on a nearby table. "Woah nice sleeve" Jinx commented. "Thanks, Raye designed it for me" "It was nothing really" Raye said modestly. "Maybe you should draw me something so I can get it tatted somewhere on my body" Ashley teased. Raye was about to blackout. Remind me to high five Ashley for that! "It looks fucking badass" Christian said. "I know right".

*Backstory: Raye has a passion for drawing. When we were 17 she drew up this epic tattoo design and she showed it to me. I loved it and told her that I'll get the whole thing if she gets a different but matching tattoo with me. She came up with a skeleton jaw and said it would look sick if it was on our hands. So we both have matching skeleton jaws on our right hands. She was right. It does look fucking sick.  She ended up drawing another design for my sleeve. One that has the jaw and still fits. By the time I was 18 the sleeve was done and Raye and I had matching Tatts. **

Jake walked over to me and instead of handing me the cloth, he dabbed over all the places the blood was. Once he was done with that he told me to lift my head up so he could reach my neck. As he was doing this the door opened and Andy walked in. "Where's Juliet?" Christian asked "She pushed me and walked away, who cares" "Trouble in paradise?" Jinxx teased "Who care- wait what the fuck are you two doing?" Andy said referring to Jake wiping my neck with a wet face cloth. "The blood from when she punched that guy in the nose has dried up on her skin" Jake reasoned. "That was fucking amazing" Andy laughed. "I hope he has to get a whole new nose" I mocked "Babe are you kidding. He's gonna have to get a whole new face with a punch like that" Andy joked I smiled. Wait what the fuck. Did Andy just call me babe? HOLY SHIT. I looked at Raye and her face probably looked exactly like mine. Wide eyed and open mouthed. "Are you alright?" Jake whispered. I cleared my throat "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine haha sorry" "Your probably starving with a performance like that, wanna help me bring the food back to the tour bus?" Andy offered. Hell yes I did. "Sure" I nodded. Jake finished up and let me go with Andy. "Text me if you need me Raye" she waved me off and didn't even bother to look at me. She was too busy with Ashley. Of course. I laughed again and picked up my leather jacket off the table. I swiftly put it on in one motion. "That was hot" Andy smirked "All I did was put on a jacket, pretty boy" I mocked while patting him on the face. Christian threw Andys jacket to him and he put on his leather jacket. He put it on awfully slow to. Jerk. "That was hot" I imitated. "All I did was put on a jacket beautiful, if you want me all you gotta do is say. It's pretty simple" I rolled my eyes and playfully slapped him in the arm. He laughed and put his arm around me as he went to go open the door "See you guys back on the bus" Andy yelled to the guys. When we turned around he pulled me close and whispered "Oh and I wasn't joking. All you have to do is say the words."

Ok what in the world. Is he teasing? Is he being serious? Why the fuck is he so hot? He smells really good too. No! Ok your losing focus. Shit.
We were waking down the corridor, his arm still around my shoulders. He had this aura about him. He walked with his head up and his hand in his pocket. I felt safe. "Your gonna burn a whole trough my head if you keep staring babe. Not that I'm complaining though" I playfully nudged him and started laughing. He chuckled "What are you hungry for, Carter?" Fuck. Stop saying my name like that, these fucking butterflies I swear to god I'm going to murder someone. I tried to play it off like he wasn't affecting me. I'm pretty sure I was succeeding, I mean everything's kind of blurry. "Earth to Carter". Fuck you, oh shit. He's looking at me "Huh? What? I'm sorry haha". Andy looked like he was trying not to laugh. "What's on your mind beautiful?" Play it cool Carter. "Honestly?" I said biting my lip. He looked into my eyes and nodded. "A double-double burger from In-N-Out" I said seriously trying to hold in my laughter. Points for me. Carter 1, Andy 0.

Andy took his arm off my shoulder stopped walking for a moment, I just continued to walk. "Wait what?" "What?" I repeated. He just stood there with his eyebrow raised and his mouth was slightly open. Even like that he was still fucking perfect. I knew exactly what he wanted me to say but I'll be damned if I was gonna succumb under pressure. After I while I couldn't hold it anymore. I bursted out laughing. "YOUR FACE! Oh man. Your funny". Andy crossed his arms and looked at me amused. He shook his head and looked at me through his eyelashes. I innocently opened my arms to him and he chuckled and gave me a hug.

I then took the opportunity to jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist. We both laughed, well we laughed until we made eye contact. Once we made eye contact we were stuck. Stuck in the moment, our minds were on each other and nothing else. His eyes are lighter in person. I subconsciously placed my hand on his cheek, it was warm. My heart skipped a beat. I looked back into Andys eyes and saw that he was no longer looking at mine but on my lips. He started to lean forward and so did I for a second. Until I remembered that he was in a relationship. We were so close. I regretted what I was about to do next. "We can't" I whispered. His eyes searched mine there was an expression in it that I couldn't identify. It kind of scared me. "You have a girlfriend" I added. He looked away from me. He looked like he wanted to tell me something but he couldn't find the words. I placed my hand on his cheek again and made him look at me. He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. "Come on, let's go." I was confused. What just happened.

"Tell me about yourself Carter" I decided that he didn't want to talk about what just happened so I pushed it to the back of my mind. "Well I'm an only child. I'm 21, and Raye -the girl with the blue hair- is my best friend. We've been friends since we were 6. I kicked her ass because she stole my juice box. It was a memory I'll never forget" I smiled in remembrance. "So even as a child you were a little badass. A walking flame. A-" "heart of fire" I finished and he gave me a genuine smile. "I like what you did there" "Me too honestly" we laughed in unison. "Oh there's also a band that I'm crazy obsessed with. The lead singer isn't too bad too, really fricken sexy" I said Andy laughed and it made me happy "I aim to please babe" "oh I wasn't talking about you, I  was talking about Adam Levine in Maroon 5. Your in a band?" I joked sarcastically. He pretended to be hurt for a second before he put his arm over my shoulder and smiled. "How did you learn to play guitar like that?" "Well, im self-taught" "Are you being serious?" "Dixie chick serious" "What the fuck that's cool" "I actually play 6 instruments" "Woah, what are they?" "Guitar, Piano, Drums, Bass, Violin and Saxophone. Oh and I sing" "Voice of an angel" "That's a good song title, you should write a song about me" "Who knows maybe I will" Andy winked at me. I smiled in thought and snuggled in closer to him. He kissed my forehead.

I felt guilty but free at the same time. Juliet really cares for Andy, anyone can see that. I know when she asked him to talk they were talking about me. I didn't actually care about that but I'm thinking more about Andy. I feel guilty for Andy. Should I? What is he doing? Doesn't he feel guilty about this? Does he have feelings towards me? What is happening!? I feel like a middle schooler! I'm 21. I'm a fucking woman. I think I'm just gonna go for a ride. See what happens and where it takes us. If it ends up in my heart breaking then fine. I've idolised this man for years and to see that he's taking an interest in me in a big thing! For fucks sake. Fuck it. Winner takes all. Game on Juliet.

Not edited
The picture at the top is Raye.
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