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Chapter 2:

Raye and I were losing our shit. Once everyone was in the stadium that was it. Black veil brides were starting and we'd see our potential husbands!

Raye nudged me and made a motion for me to look behind them. I turned my head and saw the perverted douchebag from earlier. He had a red cup in his hands and was hastily staring me down. I gave him another middle finger. I saw him scrunch his cup, throw it onto the floor and walk away. Hopefully he goes to hell.

About 20 minutes later the stadium was full and the lights dimmed. Raye and I had made our own glow stick bracelets and decided now was the time to put it on. As smoke was filling the stage the whole stadium erupted in cheers and screams. It was amazing.

Black veil brides bounced out onto the stage in all their glory and I was screaming my heart out. Raye was following suit. The band started off with Faithless. Fucking kill me. I LOVE THIS SONG AND ALL OF THEIR SONGS FUCK!! I shouted Andys name halfway through the song and he spotted me in the crowd. My fucking heart man. Holy shit. He's pure perfection I swear to god. I winked at me and yelled "I LOVE YOU" shitshitshitshitshit. I hit Raye but she was too busy eyeing out Ashley. He even came towards her and knelt in front of her. I turned my attention towards andy and started singing along to the song. He looked out to the crowd and everyone went ballistic. I was having the time of my life.

After a while we were eventually nearing the end of the concert and you will not fucking believe how much pictures I got of andy smiling at my camera. They were playing Fallen Angles and Raye and I were losing our minds!! About 5 lines in I felt a hand on the back of my ass. I turned around and saw the fucking douchebag! He was up in my personal space and kept groping me. I kicked Raye and she turned around and grabbed the guys arm. I looked back at the band and I could tell they could see me struggling that was embarrassing. "LET ME GO" I screamed over the music. "I'm gonna make you pay for earlier darling. I'm gonna make you beg for me!" He slurred

Disgusted, I tuned out the music took a deep breath and elbowed the guy in the balls. Raye helped me up and I heard the guy yell "BITCH". His hand came swinging down with force but I leaned back into the railings, dodged the guys fist and punched him square in the nose. Blood gushed out and splattered on my neck and stomach. Fucking hell. The guy fell backwards and I heard cheers from people around me. I noticed the music had stopped and paramedics were trying to squeeze past the bodies of people in the crowd. I opened and closed my fist repeatedly but shook it off. I've had worse. I've done worse.

"See guys!" I heard from the speaker in front of me. "That guy over there with the broken nose is what an asshole looks like! Everyone raise your middle finger as he goes to hospital!" I looked behind me and saw Andy lifting his middle finger. Did he just do what I thought he did. He winked at me. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I was about to put up a fight before Andy intervened. "OI BRING HER UP ONTO THE STAGE!" DID HE JUST FUCKING SAY WHAT I THOUGHT HE SAID. The crowd cheered and the security guard hesitantly put me down and opened the rail so that I could get onto the stage. I realised it was the same security guard who ripped my ticket in half. I jumped onto the stage and Christian jumped off the drums and grabbed my hand to help me up. What a gentleman. I walked over to Andy with confidence mixed with a hint of seductiveness. Andy bit his lip for a second and yelled into the microphone "LOOK AT THIS GIRL! DOESNT SHE HAVE A FUCKING COOL LEATHER JACKET" I laughed and Andy opened his arms to me so I'd hug him. BEST DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. Even if that douchebag had to ruin it.

Andy looked down at his outfit and noticed he was wearing a metal batman ring. He took it off his finger and slid it onto my left ring finger. Fuck. His face was unreadable for a split second but then he looked up and stared at my lips. What the fuck Andy don't toy with me like this. Andy raised the microphone to his mouth. "Your a fucking boss for punching that jerk in the face" he spoke and then met my eyes. The crowd started yelling again. "Keep this. To remember that no matter what you will always have my respect. I fucking love batman. This is a privilege" I grabbed the microphone out of his hands stared him straight in the eyes and said "well I'm fucking honoured" the crowd was to the point of defending. Shit it was fantastic, how I haven't fainted yet? I have no fucking clue. He looked into my eyes for about 3 seconds and we just stood there. Frozen in time. I leaned towards Andy and whispered into his ear "Can I play the last song with you guys" "Our last song is In the End, think you can manage it" "I got you" I teased and saw him suppress a shiver.

"HEY GUYS!!" Andy yelled into the microphone. The crowd jumped in reply. "APPARENTLY OUR SOLIDER CAN PLAY OUR LAST SONG. MIND IF WE LET HER JOIN US?" The crowd leapt into a frenzy and I smirked. I looked down at Raye and gave her the rock sign with my fingers. She gave me two thumbs up and started yelling my name. "CARTER! CARTER! CARTER" the crowd repeated. Jake took his guitar off and placed it over me. Shit this was happening. Good thing wasn't lying about the guitar part. Jake ran off stage and appeared seconds later with another guitar. "I'll follow you guys" I said to Jake as he neared me and said "what you did was amazing. I saw that guy grab you, I was about to stop the song and help you but you beat me to it" I smiled in reply and Jake gave a thumbs up to Andy while Jinxx patted me on the back. Andy grinned at me and yelled "THIS IS OUR LAST SONG. THIS IS IN THE END FEATURING THE AMAZING CARTER" Holy fuck the way he said my name sent butterflies throughout my body, to places that weren't holy.

3. 2. 1.

"IN THE ENNND AS YOU FADE INTO THE NIIIIIGHT! WHO WILL TELLLL THE STORY OF YOUR LIFEEEEEEEE!" Andy along with the audience sang. The boys started playing and I added my own little lick to the riff Jinx was playing. I then decided to show off and play the same thing jinx was playing but delayed so it mixed well with the song and everyone and I mean everyone was speechless. Heck even I was speechless. Andy even forgot the words for a little bit but I sang them to him and he picked it up. I started playing chords during the verse and walked up to stand next to Andy. I was immersed in the spotlight. I wasn't holding back anything. "AND WITH FLESH AND BLOOD I COMMANDED AN ARMYYY THROUGH IT ALL I HAVE GIVEN MY HEART FOR A MOMENT OF GLORYYY!!" Andy put the microphone upto my mouth and I just couldn't deal. I started belting the chorus and the crowd went into a frenzy as did the band. "Holy fucking shit" I heard Andy whisper. He took the microphone away from my mouth and I ran back to Jake and started playing my own shit on the guitar but it didn't take away from the song. I only enhanced its sound. Near the end of the song the band gave me a solo in which I called out Jinxx and Jake. It went as far as all three of us on our knees and head banging to each others guitar sound. We both started playing again in unison until we finished the song.

I heard the crowd applause from all around the stadium and began to tie my hair up with the rubber band on my wrist. When I finished I blew a kiss to Raye and turned back towards the band. "WASNT THAT FUCKING AMAZING" Andy yelled through the microphone. Holy shit. Jake came over to me and hugged me "That. Was. Fucking. Oh my god" I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you" I said over the crowd. He let go of me and said "Come backstage with us. I'll even let you keep my guitar and I'll get everyone to sign it!" "ARE YOU BEING FUCKING SERIOUS? THAT WOULD BE FUCKING FANTASTIC THANK YOU!" I exclaimed while pulling him into a hug again. "Shit wait!" "What?" "I need to bring my best friend" "of course! Bring her up now!" I jumped and motioned for Raye to jump up onto the stage with me. She squealed and the guards let her through. I helped her into the stage and she lunged at me. I almost lot my balance. "You were amazing holy shit that was unreal!" She said. "We're going backstage" "WHAT!?" "I KNOW!" Andy then suddenly walked over to me and lifted my head with one finger. "Wow" and that was all it took for me to go swooning. He stared at me for a couple of seconds before clearing his throat and announcing the departure of the band. The crowd audibly sang a variety of "nos, aws and encore!" Until we all made it safely off the stage.

Raye and I linked arms and we followed the boys to Ashley's dressing room. Raye wouldn't stop shaking. I squeezed her arm and tried to mentally calm myself down. As we were almost there Juliet made an appearance. Her arms were crossed around her chest and she shot me a fake smile, in which I returned of course. "Andy can I talk to you for a minute please" the tone in her voice was malicious. "Sure". The rest of the band kept walking but looked at each other like they knew what was happening but they better not spill. As we were outside the dressing room door I faintly heard the screech of juliets voice "How dare you fucking do that to me!" "This is a b-" my eavesdropping was cut off short by the sound of a door closing.

(Not edited)
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