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Christian was the first one to rush in. "Holy fuck Carter what's wrong" "Andy" I mumbled "Fuck" Christian exclaimed. "GUYS! HURRY UP!" The boys came crashing into the bus and Raye rushed beside me and put her arms around my shoulders. I stroked Andys face and refused to cry. I was more angry and frustrated not only with Juliet but with myself I shouldn't have left him. I fucking knew something was going to happen, but he didn't want me there, he didn't want me to witness what was about to happen. What did he do in order for her to abuse him? If she knows what's good for her she won't come near me. As I looked at Andy I started to subconsciously play with the batman ring around my finger.

Jake was the only one with common sense at this time and he went to go get the onsite paramedic. I had managed to wake Andy up but he looked groggy. He looked up at me and expressed guilt through his facial features. My stomach dropped. "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to go through this" his voice was raspy and husky "The guys have already explained everything Andy it's fine" I said reassuringly. "Are you thirsty?" I questioned. He nodded and when I went to stand up to get him a bottle of water he grabbed my arm. I looked at him, puzzled. He brought my hand up to his lips for a second time and kissed it. He tried to get up but I gently pushed him back down. I kissed him on the lips to tell him that everything was going to be alright. Then he let me go. I walked to the fridge and heard Ashely, Jinxx and Christian repeatedly ask if he was alright but Andy brushed them off with "I'm fine". I turned my head to look at him and he was staring at me, in concentration. I smiled and turned my attention back to getting him some water.

As I was opening the small fridge the paramedic rushed in. I hastily grabbed the bottle and darted back beside Andy. The doctor helped him sit up and I opened, and gave the bottle of water to Andy. As the paramedic was looking at Andys wound, I was slowly becoming a nervous wreck inside. Raye sat on the end of the couch and soothingly rubbed my back. I decided then to take my shoes off and leave the paramedic to do his job for a bit. "I'll be back baby, ok?" I whispered to Andy

I walked back to my bunk, hopped inside and took my BVB singlet and my bra off, then put the hoodie back on and tied it in a knot at the back. Next, I changed into black shorts that stopped just above my mid-thigh and swapped my socks for batman ones. I then jumped out and made my way into the walk in bathroom. I tied my hair into a messy bun and looked into the mirror. I clenched my fist and released it repeatedly. Inhale. Exhale the bullshit. I thought to myself. I then, grabbed some tissue paper, ran it under water and started clearing the makeup from my face. I'm glad I just sported for a winged eyeliner, mascara, bronzer and highlighter. I didn't like wearing foundation and concealer too often because it felt heavy, plus I didn't really need it. Once I was done I threw my tissue in the bin and brushed my teeth. After, I went back into my bunk grabbed my purse and took out a mint. It was a routine I had done ever since I was 14. I always had to have a mint after brushing my teeth. I also put my piercings back in. I thought it would be better if I took my double lip piercing and nose ring out for the concert because you never know how one of these is going to turn out and I don't want to rip my face up anytime soon. Lucky I did too, that fucking asshole. Once I was all finished I walked back to where Andy was. Once he saw me his mouth parted slightly and he wouldn't take his eyes off me. I winked at him and he smirked. I walked over to him and he leaned close and said "Nice socks beautiful" I laughed "Well I wanted to match the ring I was so thoughtfully given tonight" Andy smiled at me. It affected me, he affected me so much.

"So doc, what's the verdict. What's my reason for bitch-slapping Juliet in the face?" I said earning a few snickers from the band while Andy put rubbed his hand on my thigh and leaned his head back onto the couch. The paramedic just shook his head at me. "He's been hit in the head with a glass bottle. I managed to remove any remaining pieces left from the impact and bandaged it up. He might have a few random headaches for a few days but other than that, he's fine" I put my hand over Andys and squeezed it. "Thanks for your hard work" The boys commended. "No problem, but you should really go to bed now and rest. Tomorrow drink plenty of water, take some Tylenol and have a healthy breakfast in the morning. You should be good" Andy nodded and thanked the doctor. "I'll be on my way. Have a good night everyone"

"Let's go to bed, baby" Andy said "Okay" I replied. I decided not to question him about what happened tonight and reminded myself to ask him in the morning. I grabbed Andys hand and stood up, I gently helped him off the couch and hugged him. He kissed my forehead and we made our way to his bed. I told him to get changed and I took it upon myself to grab my new guitar from Jake. I also needed to see my best friend. I walked over to where Raye was going to be sleeping and jumped on her bed. She immediately wrapped her arms around me. I sighed and she pulled me closer to her. "Andy really likes you huh?" She teased "Ashley really likes you huh?" I mimicked back "I hope so" she said "He's really funny, and sweet, he's also really dirty minded. You will not believe how many times a penis joke came up with that boy I swear to god" I laughed softly "Andy kissed me." "He kissed you!?" She half whispered/screamed. "He fucking pushed me into a janitors closet and almost didn't kiss me because we heard Juliet." "Oh so you kissed him" she mocked "Shut up slut he kissed me back" "You've only dreamed about this moment since?" "Since forever I fucking know." "Holy shit" Raye and I said in unison. "We're touring with Black Veil Brides Cee! How fucking crazy is that!" "I know! I can't believe it either. I'm scared that I'm gonna wake up and it's going to be a dream" "Your awake babe. This is really happening! This is fucking our reality now" she stated "Holy shit" we said together again. "Ok you need to go back to Andy or he's gonna come looking for you" "Haha ok. Night Raivalley" I said I jumped out of her bed as quickly as possible. "You little shit. Don't call me that" she hollered. Raivalley is her real name but only I knew that. She hates it. "Sorry I forgot. Goodnight Raye..VALLEY" I said while power walking away from the she devil herself. I found Jake at the front of the bus and walked over to him. "Thought you'd be coming for this" Jake said while handing me his-well mine now- autographed, guitar. "I still can't fucking believe you did that for me" I said honestly. "Are you kidding it's my honour, holy shit Carter don't even joke with me right now" I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. He laughed too and hugged me. "Remember if you want to talk, I'm here." "I know Jake, thanks" I hugged him again. "Goodnight Carter" "Goodnight". As I walked away from Jake and into the little corridor Christian and Andy were bro-hugging. I leaned against one of the walls and smiled. Andy and Christian patted each other on the back. "You were one lucky bastard" Christian said "I am now." Andy muttered while staring at me. Christian looked behind him and looked between me and Andy. "Well ok that's me for the night." He said while clapping obnoxiously. "Go to sleep children we have a long day ahead of us" Andy rolled his eyes and I leaned my guitar against the wall and hugged Christian as he was walking away. "Night CC" I said he smiled at me "Night Cee" he replied before walking away.

"Come here baby" Andy said while motioning with his index finger. I walked towards him and he kissed me passionately. "Fuck your beautiful" he whispered "Don't do that to me again" I pleaded "Never baby, I promise." He said while lifting up my hand and showing me the ring. My heart skipped. "Lets go to sleep" I suggested "I'm sure there are much more productive things to do before bed" he said while waggling he eyebrows at me. "Fuck off" I joked "Fuck me?" He teased. I leaned close to him and whispered "maybe if you be a good boy" then I kissed the spot underneath his ear. He shivered "You know how I feel about you doing that, fucking hell" he said grumpily before climbing into bed. "Was I bluffing?" I whispered seductively. Andy glared at me and slammed back into the bed rubbing his eyes. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. I untied the knot at the back of my hoodie and went to grab the guitar and bring it closer to the bed. After, I climbed into bed with him. His right arm was behind my head and his left arm cheekily lifted my hoodie. His arm snakes in under my hoodie and he ran his hand up my stomach until he was cupping the bottom of my breast. I pretended like it didn't faze me and I did a pretty good job too. To make Andy stop there I purposely moved my ass so it was touching his bulge. He sucked in a breath so fast I almost missed it. "Be careful baby." I taunted and turned around so I was facing him. "Fuck you" he whispered while moving his hand around my back and pulling me closer. "Fuck you too" I whispered and wrapped my legs around his. Then I closed my eyes and drifted off.

Picture at the top of Carters tattoo mentioned before.
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