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"Did you hear about the chief's nephew? Saihara Shuichi?"

"I heard he nearly killed someone who was innocent in the case.."

"No kidding. His uncle is even kicking him out and made sure Saihara won't ever get another chance at another agency."

"Saihara is totally blacklisted ."


Shuichi could hear all the whispers of the gossip about him. But it shouldn't be surprising. It shouldn't , but it was painful. Shuichi's colleagues, people he grew up with during his starting career in high school now looked at him like some sort of disappointment. Which, Shuichi felt like. He let this agency down, his friends, co-workers, and worst of all- his uncle; whom had given Shuichi the chance to practice the arts of being a detective in the first place.

After all, what kind of detective does what he did ? For weeks Shuichi and the entire agency had been after the 'One Night Killer'. A murderer who had been on the prowl and known for sleeping with their victims before killing them in their sleep. Their strategy? Seducing and luring their targets out of bars and then it went from there. The victims were all men so far so Shuichi tried checking more gay bars, but still he had barely any luck.

He thought he found the culprit that one night, but instead he ended up seriously injuring an innocent person who played no role in the case.

"I investigated every bar , strip club , and turned up with anything but the truth...!"

Shuichi kept quiet , biting his lip. He shouldn't say anything. It would only make matters worst. He stood up from his desk and shut his suitcase and left.

"You're not to come back here. You know that right?" asked an older man who seemed to be waiting until Shuichi was finished getting his stuff together. Shuichi stood there for a moment, then nodded and replied in a murmer: "Yes, uncle."

"Good," replied his uncle who wore almost all similarities to Shuichi, except older and gelled back indigo hair. The older detective put a hand on Shuichi's shoulder and began to lead him out. He walked his nephew to the parking lot and gave him his keys.

"Take them. You don't have any other ride and you're not living with me and your aunt anymore." The man sighed under his breath and turned away, leaving Shuichi alone.


That was all six months ago. And sure enough, as Shuichi expected, he was turned down by every agency he tried to apply to. His uncle really did have that much respect and influence to do this.

Shuichi was cleaning out his closet when he dropped a suitcase he was trying to pull out. He was packing up to move since he couldn't afford living here anymore, but cursed quietly when the suitcase landed on his toe, causing him to wince. Shuichi sighed when the case popped open and everything inside fell out and made a mess. Papers and files from old notes he was taking from past cases he was working on scattered all over the floor.

Though a photo caught his eye.

Shuichi picked it up and looked at it. On the photograph was a young man, older thirties by the looks of it. That's right. This man was found murdered in Shuichi's last case, but nobody could find out who did it. Shuichi thought he knew who the culprit was, but...

Shuichi took a breath and began putting the things back in the case when he noticed a file that didn't belong to him.

"Huh... what is this..?" He didn't recognize it being his. Maybe back the  he accidentally grabbed one of his ex-co-workers papers by accident. He checked for a name, but here wasn't any information on who it belonged to.

Though , out of mere curiosity, Shuichi opened the folder and began to go through it.

"This is just the same information from the case." Shuichi noted with some disappointment he wasted his time. But just as he was about to toss it back, something new grabbed his attention.

There was a few pictures held by a paper clip. And in these pictures they all had something in common- there was the same guy circled in red in each one. He had purple hair and matching eyes, and by his skimpy clothes and flirtatious expression, Shuichi could guess he worked for a club as a dancer or something of the like.

"He's in this one... and this one ..." Shuichi's eyes darted over each photo quickly. This person was talking to-

"Each of the victims..." Shuichi whispered to himself, his eyes wide. He recognized each guy as one of people they found dead after being killed by the 'One Night Killer'.

"This guy.." he looked him over in the picture that had the best view of his face. Shuichi took in every little detail; pale skin, short, pretty short, bouncy purple hair,  bright, excited violet eyes. He sure didn't look like a killer, but nobody did. It was inside that you truly judged someone. And if this purple-headed stranger wasn't the culprit,  something was telling Shuichi, call it a detective's gut feeling, that he had something to do with it.

It was no doubt. This guy had something to do with the case that Shuichi though he would never get another chance to solve.  This was Shuichi's only lead for information. If he could find this guy, then maybe...

"This time, I can find the real killer..."

【。_。】 . 【。_。】

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