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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

【。_。】 . 【。_。】

The deal was, if Kokichi wanted to come along, he had to show Shuichi where a Mr. Kaito Momota lived. Kokichi asked about why Shuichi was interested about Momota in the first place , but Shuichi only explained that he and Momota were friends in high school, and he heard something about Kaito hanging around clubs and wanted to meet up with him. That's why he asked Korekiyo if he had seen him. True, Shuichi and Kaito were best friends in high school, though adult life and careers caused them to, unfortunately, drift apart, but Shuichi lied about that being the reason he spoke to Korekiyo earlier.

"Well if that's the case, he lives not far from here," explained Kokichi. "He comes to Wisteria Nights every now and again," he told Shuichi. Which made Saihara raise an eyebrow. He honestly didn't know his old friend had been visiting red light districts like Liquor City. Shuichi only hope there wasn't any negative reasons for Kaito hanging around bars and clubs. Last time he heard, Kaito was heading for space and had a girlfriend even. Oh well, perhaps this would be the time to catch up.

That is, if Kaito was even alive.

Shuichi's stomach turned and felt like it was doing flip-flops , his skin felt clammy as he gripped the steering wheel. It seemed he could maybe take it as a good sign Kokichi was so willing to take him to Kaito's new residence, but perhaps Kokichi didn't know Shuichi had seen the calendar book in Korekiyo's office and didn't know Shuichi knew the two had met up together out of the club last night. If Kaito was dead, the signs could and would point more and more to Kokichi. . and his old high school friend would've been killed by the person right next to him—

"Hey, hey! You wanna see what Shinguji-chan got us?" Kokichi with with an excited tone and expression as he shook the box around in his hands by Shuichi's face. Shuichi tried to swat it away since he was driving. That's right. Kokichi mentioned something that the gift was to share, so what even was it? Saihara glanced over to Kokichi every now and again before his eyes had to glance back at the road. "Right. Um, so what is it?" He asked, signaling as he got into the next lane. He couldn't pay much attention to the box driving, so he told Kokichi to open it himself.

After about half a minute of listening to the sound of Kokichi open the box, shuffle through the tissue paper, and pull and look over whatever was even inside, Shuichi tapped the wheel as he turned the car. "So, what is it?" He asked. But he didn't get a response. So he glanced over to Kokichi to see why he was being ignored, but Shuichi wished he hadn't; he blushed and quickly darted his eyed back to the road. "W-what the hell.. I thought the gift was supposedly for both of us.." he muttered under his breath. Kokichi was holding a small plug in his hand, displaying it like he was showing off the product for sale. "Nishishi~ I asked Shinguji-chan to get us some to use for you." replied Oma. And to Shuichi's horror hearing that, the car swerved a bit.


"Remember, you never had sex with a guy before. You're not used to this stuff. So I gotta compromise," argued Kokichi. He held up two more plugs– all different sizes. It all  looked terrifying to Shuichi's poor virgin soul. "You don't wanna stretch a whole lot suddenly and bleed and hurt, do you?"

"I-I'm not touching that! I'm not!" Shuichi announced, stuttering a bit. He yelped when he felt Kokichi's hand under the back of his shirt and trailing into his pants and boxers. Kokichi's hand was so cold- which might feel nice against, let's say, Shuichi's hot face, but down there? It made Shuichi shiver.

"I already lubed it. It'll be fine," assured Kokichi. And somehow, hearing Kokichi use that soft tone, Shuichi's body relaxed all on its own. His eyes drifted for a second over to Kokichi's. Shuichi turned bright red and looked back at the road. He began to pant lightly as Kokichi began to push the object into him. Without meaning to, Shuichi let out a breathy, quiet moan. But a part of himself said he would be okay; Kokichi said so. Why was Shuichi wanting to take Kokichi's words to heart now all of a sudden?

Shuichi shook it off as he felt the foriegn object inside of him. It was weird, and felt uncomfortable. Shuichi had a feeling it would stay that way until he got used to it. He didnt want to, but he knew Kokichi was being patient with him. Somehow, Shuichi got the feeling, for some reason, Kokichi really wanted to have gone farther than they did the first two times.

"He might not keep being okay with just kissing and touching the next time he need something from him.. Next time , Oma may very well want us to have.."

"How does that feel?" Kokichi asked, almost aweing over the other as he gently petted Shuichi's head. Shuichi hadn't even notice how much closer Kokichi had gotten to him. And was treating him like a princess or something. "You'll get used to it. Then we can go up a size~!" Kokichi made it sound like it was something to look forward to. But it just made Shuichi horny and strange with the smallest size plug. He wasn't sure how he could handle the other sizes that were bigger.

Shuichi couldn't look at Kokichi the rest of the way. It was too humiliating and embarrassing.


When they got to the neighborhood Kokichi had directed them to, Kokichi told Shuichi the rest of the way to navigate through to the right house; which was one with red brick walls, two large windows in the front, and squeezed between two other small homes.

Shuichi practically jumped out of the car. He was sure Kaito couldn't be dead. He never heard any news of it. Still, he couldn't be sure until he saw his friend with his own two eyes. Shuichi open the gate, and ran up to the door, forgetting the plug he had inside him until his thighs and ass throbbed with uneasy pain. But he ignored it and pressed the doorbell a few times. Kokichi caught up, but with confusion written all over his face seeing how desperate the other was acting.

However, even after ringing and ringing, nobody was opening up.

"His car is here.." noted Kokichi calmly, looking around. "I wonder what's keeping him?"

Shuichi didn't like those words. He began to knock using both fists. "Momota! Momota-kun!" he called out, still pounding on the door. The feeling of dread he had been feeling grew much worse now, and Shuichi could only think something terrible was about to happen.

【。_。】 . 【。_。】

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