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Waking up to an unfamiliar ceiling is enough to immediately wake one from their slumber. To not know where you are when you wake up can be a jolt to the senses and leave you wide awake in a heartbeat; and that's how Shuichi felt when he didn't recognize the ceiling he was looking at when his eyes opened. In an instant he sat up, making himself dizzy. He looked around quickly, only adding to the dizzy feeling he felt. What happened? He was with.. Kokichi. They were in that room and things were starting to get heated and then-

"Oh.. Oh my God-"

Shuichi hid his face behind his hands. He didn't know what was more embarrassing: being kissed like that, or fainting because of it. Probably- no, definitely the latter.

But first things first. Where the hell was he? Shuichi lowered his hands as he took the environment into consideration. He was in someone's bedroom, and it definitely wasn't his. This room seemed trashed- panta bottles everywhere, enough piles of clothes you could basically mountain climb in here, and it smelled funny- just like the bar did. Shuichi covered his mouth in disgust. He was a bit of a clean freak and was very organized, so this sight alone left him ill.

"Oh! You're awake.." said a voice. Someone walked in to the room- Kokichi. He looked... really different today; compared to how Shuichi usually saw him dressed. The entertainer was wearing black jeans with a white sweater , and over that, a black bomber jacket with little clown iron ons attached to the breast pocket. The way he was dressed up, Shuichi assumed Kokichi went somewhere.

"I went to the convenience store and bought some water for you because you looked like total crap Mr. Stranger." Kokichi explained when he noticed the confusion on Shuichi's face. Kokichi held up the couple grocery bags as proof. He walked across the room and began to unpack the groceries on a small kitchen counter. Now that Shuichi was paying more attention, the room seemed to be, he guessed, a one person apartment. Almost everything seemed to be in this room. The corner was the kitchen, there was a bed and closet and a couch and tv and that was it besides the door Shuichi assumed led to the bathroom.

Though now that Shuichi was sure this was Kokichi's place, he quickly spoke up.

"Did you bring me here last night ??! How did you even manage to do that ..?!" Kokichi didn't seem that big, so how did he carry Shuichi all the way here? And how dazed was Shuichi not to wake up during it?

"Hmm? Oh , well I carried you to my car. You weren't that heavy. "

"You make it sound sarcastic.."

"Nishishi~ I was. You weigh a lot!"

Kokichi stood up and walked over. He handed Shuichi a bottle of water. "Here. You haven't had anything to drink all night, and it's almost noon."

Noon? Shuichi glanced over at a digital clock on the nightstand. He didn't realize he slept so much..

"Thank you.." he mumbled as he took the water and graciously drank from it, and sighed with relief afterwards. "Um..." he looked around uncomfortably. "Do you live here alone?" Shuichi would've expected Kokichi to have maybe a harem of men sleeping here too, but it seemed that wasn't the case.

"Well duh. Are your eyes decorations ? You sure do ask a lot of questions." Kokichi sighed , opening a panta bottle before he took a sip. "Especially for a guy I know almost nothing about. ." He added under his breath. It sounded like that was Kokichi's way of telling Shuichi if he wasn't going to talk about himself, than why should he?

Shuichi frowned. "And that guy you know almost nothing about you just let sleep here and even left here alone while you went to shop." He pointed out with a huff.

Kokichi tapped his chin. "Huh. I guess I did.. Haha ! You're so smart ~" he laughed off. Then Kokichi started to talk again

"Mr. Stranger still hasn't told me his name..." he sang quietly , observing his hand as he did. Shuichi looked away and pretended he didn't hear that.

"Anyway," Kokichi changed topic. "I only live by myself because I have to. My boss helped me find a place nearby where I work."

Shuichi quirked an eyebrow, and took a small drink of water. "Your boss ?.." he asked, trying not to sound interested.

Kokichi shrugged causally and sat on the bed beside him. "The owner of Wisteria Nights. He's the one who hired me." He said proudly, pointing at himself.

Shuichi made a mental note to himself. Then asked- "What's your boss's name?" He asked and learned Kokichi's boss was by the name Korekiyo Shinguji.

"Do you know where I can-" however, Shuichi was cut off by Kokichi's lips. Wait, he was kissing him!

"Mmhpf--" Shuichi wasn't sure what to do, but try and push Kokichi off him. But Oma was like a clingy koala and wouldn't budge. Eventually it didn't take long before Shuichi's body stopped resisting. Kokichi pulled away, licking his lips. The taste of panta lingered on Shuichi's.

"W-what was that for ?!"

Kokichi giggled and poked Shuichi's forehead. "For the information I just told you. Since it was just a name, I get a kiss~" he replied.

"I-I-" but it was no use, Kokichi didn't give him a chance to protest.

"I decided it was really unfair Mr. Stranger ruined things last night. I even had to take him home with me and hurt my poor old back-" what a lie. No way with Kokichi's job he hurt his back so easily. "-and so from now on, you're giving me your body whenever you want me to tell you something." He decided, leaning back again. "It sounds fair to me. You broke our original promise last night after all. I said I would tell you what I knew if you slept with me ! And you fell asleep instead! How boring !"

"It wasn't on purpose !" Shuichi tried to argue, but it was pointless. Kokichi wouldn't have it.

"So from now, I'll only tell you what I want depending on your performance. Sheesh, you could've learned everything last night, about what I knew , but you just had to pass out, huh." He said with disappointment and shook his head. Shuichi doubted Kokichi would even give out all that information so freely with just one night stand, so he didn't believe him on that part. But he blushed when Kokichi got in his face again.

"If you want to know more about
the club, you know where to find me,
Mr. Stranger.."


After that, Shuichi left. Thankfully nothing was stolen like his wallet or phone which were still in his back pockets . He had to walk back to the parking lot where he parked his car last night. Shuichi began to drive towards the direction of home for today. He needed to get more sleep...because tonight he was going back to the club. And this time, he was staying awake for whatever Kokichi had planned.

【。_。】 . 【。_。】

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