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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

【。_。】 . 【。_。】

A sunny and lovely afternoon was enough to lift Shuichi's spirits as he took in the fresh air. Finally, a change of scenery of a bright and beautiful park was a big upgrade from the clubbing red light distract of Liquor City.

With the view of a small lake ahead of him, the waters glistening with afternoon rays, Shuichi sighed in satisfaction. This was the perfect place to think; somewhere quiet and peaceful.

Shuichi took a sip of his tea as he looked over the notes he had laid out on the small outdoor table in front of him he was sitting at. Shuichi had recorded everything from since these killings started, to since Kaito's attack. He had the names of people Kokichi slept with and when. And Shuichi made sure to write down his theory of their being someone else not Kokichi being involved.

"Oma was with me that night... He left... then Momota-kun was attacked... Is it too obvious? It seems if Oma was the culprit to all this, he was trying to kill Momota since they -" Shuichi cut his mumbling to himself off for a moment, then cleared his throat. Saying out loud his best friend slept with the same guy Shuichi had sex with and that guy being Kokichi... was weird and Shuichi quickly continued to himself.

"So did Oma try and kill off Momota-kun to keep his streak going?" asked himself. Even though Kokichi was the clear suspect, Shuichi didn't think Kokichi, even if he was involved with the case, was the one responsible for Kaito's attack.

"He seemed so defensive when I asked about who was responsible for the attack. Does Oma know who attacked Momota..? If so, is it possible whoever attacked Momota is the actual-" Shuichi was interupted by someone suddenly dragging out a mental chair beside him and sitting down.

"Ugh! What a busy day!" Kokichi sighed in an exasperated manner, folding his arms on the table before looking up at Shuichi. "Hey my beloved~ How are you?"

He then paused as he watched Shuichi scramble to shove his notes and papers back into his bag. "W-wha- H-How- Why are you here ?!" Shuichi exclaimed, putting away his material before Kokichi got his grabby hands on it.

Kokichi frowned a bit, a pout on his lips. "I was taking a walk and saw you. Nishi~ Imagine my surprise when I saw my darling in the flesh!" He laughed, earning a small blush from Saihara, who opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted once more when Kokichi suddenly held up a- Oh God.

"Wanna try something new next time we~do~it~?" Kokichi asked curiously in a sing - song voice as he was tossing the adult toy in the air and catching it. This man had no shame! Here he was tossing the terrifying fake cock up and down like he was playing catch. But it only took a split second before Shuichi, without a second thought, grabbed the toy from Kokichi's hold, stood up, and, with all his strength, threw it into the lake.


Kokichi's jaw dropped as he saw his item disappear into the water and gone forever. He just sat there ... horrified.

"M-my dil–"

"S-Shush! There are people around here!" Shuichi exclaimed breathlessly. "Don't you care!?" He asked, sounding completely shocked. Then he sighed, sitting back down.

"I just bought that!" Kokichi retorted back, pointing at the lake where his toy had disappeared into. "What do I do now!?" He whined, shaking Shuichi's shoulder.

"I don't know!" Shuichi replied, grabbing Kokichi's hand and pulling it off of him. "Get a different kind of job. Don't you think yours is dangerous?"

Kokichi paused, glancing at their hand-holding before a small smile spread across his lips. He grinned and leaned closer.

"Is Saihara-chan worried about me?~"

"W-well with all the killings going around... happening to prostitutes and customers going to the gay bars... aren't you worried something bad might happen to you?" Shuichi asked, carefully choosing his words, his eyes focused on Oma.

Kokichi paused, then he looked slightly anxious, glanced down, and tried pulling his hand away, but Shuichi held it tighter. Kokichi looked back at Shuichi.

"Oma... you know who attacked Momota..."

Kokichi went pale.

"And," Shuichi continued. "The reason you're so carefree with the 'One Night Killer'... it's because they're not going to hurt you, right?" Shuichi's question sounded rhetorical, and it seemed he already had the answer to it. "I thought maybe you acted carefree because you were the killer, but thinking about it... I don't think so anymore."

Kokichi was sure he was white as a sheet. His hand felt clammy, and he quickly tried to pull it away as causally as possible away from Shuichi. "Haha... W-what?! That's so random–"

"But it's true, isn't it?"

Kokichi couldn't come up with a lie. He was cornered. His expression must've answered Shuichi's doubts.

Shuichi frowned and looked down at the table. "I'm...really sorry. Lately I've acted... in a disgusting way... I acted like all the other men who threw themselves at you and forgot for a second even if it's your job to entertain in that manner, you're human...and I took it for granted..." he explained softly, seeming genuinely upset and ashamed. "I was...just so .. mad at whoever hurt Momota-kun because I can't lose anyone else I care about..."

The words caught Kokichi off guard, and he listened in to each one. He was heartbroken seeing how Shuichi changed towards him, but took it as better than nothing. Even then, Shuichi's touch was better than anyone else's.


Shuichi looked up when his name was spoken, but froze seeing Kokichi was tearing up. The smaller pulled his hand away so he could try and wipe his tears away. But it proved impossible because it was like a sudden waterfall rushing from Kokichi's eyes.

"N-No one ever s-said that.." he choked, continuing to sob. "T-that.. I'm h-human..!" He sniffed and wailed, though his crying was a bit exaggerated, his tears were real.

"But," he added under his breath. "If I tell you..." he bit his lip and squeezed his wrist. Suddenly, something finally because very obvious to the detective. Kokichi was being held by gunpoint by someone; he was under someone's control.

Shuichi was a bit startled by Kokichi crying, but quickly got up, kneeled on the grass by Kokichi's chair and pulled Kokichi into a hug.

"I'm sorry," Shuichi said, and Kokichi's crying stopped, along with what felt like time for a long moment. For that moment, Kokichi stayed in Shuichi's warm and sympathetic embrace.

"But to help you," Shuichi pulled back, looking up into Kokichi's watery eyes.

"You have to trust me and
tell me the truth, Oma-kun."

【。_。】 . 【。_。】

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