Chapter Eight✓

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"YOU! Your barbaric children hurt my son! He has a black eye and a split lip!" Lauryn screeches.

I cringe at the sound.

I don't know who hates me more, Lauryn or her mother. While her mother doesn't make it as known, Lauryn makes it known. She makes a habit of coming into my bakery a lot, ordering something and saying it's dry, hard as a rock and could have broken her tooth, etcetera.

She thinks she owns everything in town just because she married Ethan Jones, who is now the Mayor. Though her husband is quite nice, I think even if we only spoke once, maybe twice. She goes around criticizing any of the stores in town if it's not up to her high standard.

I bet you can guess who is at the top of the store hate list, huh?

Luckily, no one listens to what she says about my bakery. My cakes, cookies, pies, pastries, etcetera are good. Plus, where else will they get that homemade taste from if they don't make it themselves? Sure not gonna find it at the grocery store.

"They're not barbaric. This is the first time they have ever been in a fight." I say as calmly as I can 

"So?! They hurt my son! First, you sleep with my brother Catch and get pregnant and now you're going after Cage?! Trying to get money from him since he was a famous baseball player or something?! Plus your bastards attacked my son!" Lauryn's face is turning red from the anger. I'm surprised she doesn't have steam coming out of her ears and nose.

However, she has now angered me by calling my boys' names. So much for staying calm. I stand up and fully face her.

"Okay, first off, never call my children bastards, got it? Second, I have no idea who Catch is. Third, Cage is the twin's father and I don't want any money from him. Let me repeat myself so you can understand me very clearly. I. Do. Not. Want. His. Money. He wants to know his sons, and that is it." 

After I say that, she gets very quiet for a minute. I glance over at the principal, Mr. Anderson, and see his hand hovering over the phone, looking between us both nervously. He's probably debating on if he needs to call security on us. I sigh and sit down, making sure I look calm and not like I'm about to slap Lauryn. It is very tempting to do but I won't. Lauryn sits down as well and Mr. Anderson sighs in relief, placing his hand back on his desk.

"Do tell me her children have been punished?" Lauryn says, her children with so much disgust in her tone.

I honestly don't know why I have to stay here any longer. I already know the boys have been suspended. What else is there to talk about? Do I need to sit here and let the Wicked Witch of the West next to me call me and my children horrible names? Yell at me more?

"Yes, Knox and Kohl have been suspended for two days. Since our school has a no fighting or bullying policy. However, so has your son too, Mrs. Jones." Mr. Anderson laced his fingers together and rested them on his desk in front of him.

"What?! You must be joking. My darling Patrick has done nothing wrong!" After he said her kid was getting suspended as well, the smug smile slipped off her face and was replaced with a scowl.

I almost laugh but cover it up with a cough. Lauryn whips her head in my direction and gives me an icy glare.

"Yes, however, your son said a highly inappropriate word, and if he didn't, none of us would be here having this conversation right now." 

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