Chapter Thirty-one

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I know how some people dread going to work but after what I agreed to yesterday, being busy at work is just what I need to ignore the impending doom of a dinner tonight. Plus I have been dying to try that peppermint cheesecake that I made yesterday. That is exactly what I do the moment the bakery isn't busy. My fingers are crossed that it tastes good cause I know if it doesn't that will put me in a sour mood for the rest of the day and probably well into tomorrow too.

You put in all of that time and effort for a tasty treat, only for it to not taste good.

Yeah, that will put me in a bad mood alright.

I carefully remove the sides of the springform pan by undoing the buckle. The cheesecake comes out perfectly, not a crack in sight.

Now for the ganache.

I remove the cheesecake from the flat bottom piece of the pan and place it down on some parchment paper. Grabbing the saucepan that I made the ganache in, then carefully pour it over the cheesecake making sure the excess ganache doesn't run off the parchment paper. Now for the final touch, I take the extra smashed peppermints and sprinkle them all over the top.

Once the ganache has fully set I display the peppermint cheesecake on a cake turntable.

Unable to help myself I snap a picture and send it to Quinn who is still out sick with the flu. I know she's probably going to curse up a storm at me for torturing her like this but it will definitely be worth it.

Plus this can count as payback for when she did the same thing to me when I was sick.

Quinn - Girl why would you do this to me?!
Read at 1:32 p.m.

Rory - Revenge is a dessert best-served cold and minty ; )
Sent at 1:33 p.m.

Quinn - Bitch :'(
Read at 1:33 p.m.

Rory - Love you too!
Sent at 1:34 p.m.

I put my phone down and grab a knife so I can cut this cheesecake, cutting a small slice and set it down on a plate. Picking my fork up I take a bite, finally and it was worth the wait. Mmm, it's delicious the perfect ratio of chocolate to peppermint. I take another bite and another it doesn't take me long to finish off my piece, and I go in for seconds. This peppermint cheesecake will definitely be going on the menu soon, it's so good and I feel it would be a great dessert to sell during the winter.

I spend the rest of the day making more peppermint cheesecakes and helping Hannah out with customers when the bakery becomes busy again.

Two hours later I'm freshly showered and dressed for dinner at Cage's parent's house. I'm wearing a burgundy long sleeves v-neck maxi dress, with a slit up the side all the way to my knee. I wore black stray heels and finished the look off by curling my long chestnut brown hair, light mascara, and chapstick.

Now to see if this night goes as good as I look.

"Remember you want to leave and we'll leave. I promise Sugar," Cage brings our interlocked hands up to his mouth, lightly brushing his lips against the back up my hand with a kiss.

"I know. Now let's do this before I change my mind," I roll my shoulders back and stand up straight preparing myself, kind of feeling like I'm about to walk into a war zone.

How I wish I was curled up on the couch with Cage and our boys right now instead.

I know without a doubt in my mind that Knox and Kohl will have a better time tonight than I will. My Mom and Dad picked up the twins from school today and drove them to Bryce to visit the zoo. Dad also mentioned something about taking them to this all-you-can-eat pancake place called Stacks, which they will absolutely love. I also warned him not to take Knox and Kohl to the Just Tacos food truck, threatening him with silent treatment if he does. Which he measured me he wouldn't by saying they were only going to Stacks for food. Cage and I want to take the boys' to Just Tacos sometime when the weather warms up. I think it will become a family tradition for us to go out and take the twins to get tacos at least once a month.

The Perfect Mistake✓ (Perfect #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang