Chapter Twenty

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"Mom!" Cage yells.

I'm stunned into silence. Of all the things she could have said to me, that wasn't what I was thinking she would say. Normally I would have said something snarky back in response to that but this is Cage's mother. I'm trying to be respectful and not cause problems but clearly, there's going to be no matter what. Plus I would regret saying something for weeks to come. Mrs. Trevor would probably try to get people to stop coming to my bakery, again.

I glance over at the twins and see Knox's eyes are narrowed and he looks like he's about to say something.

I subtlety shake my head no and he's giving me a are you kidding me look in return. I just shake my head again and he glares at his plate and starts to cut up his asparagus into tiny pieces angrily.

"What Cage? I was simply asking a question."

Lauryn laughs softly at her mother's response.

"No Mom you weren't and you know it. Can we please just have a nice meal without anyone trying to start anything?" Cage asks but looks directly at his mother when he does.

"Yeah, son I think that's manageable. Now tell me how are you liking your house?" Mr. Trevor asks.

"I like it so far there are still a few things I need to finish up. Knox and Kohl already picked out their rooms for when they come to stay with me though."

"That's nice how about you boys. Did you like the house?"

So far it seems like Mr. Trevor isn't like his wife. He hasn't made any rude comments to the boys or me. For most of the dinner he's just been quietly eating and letting others talk, he seems like the peacekeeper when he does talk.

"Yeah, the view from our rooms at Dad's house is awesome," Kohl says briefly glancing at Mr. Trevor then going back to pushing his food around his plate.

"Uncle Cage, are you going to add a pool to your backyard?" Patrick asks.

"No, I'm not going to."

"Why not? Mom and Dad have one. I want one at your house for when you have to watch us." Patrick crosses his arms and huffs annoyed.

"Bud it's not your house. It's your uncle Cage's. He can add or not add whatever he wants to his house. He worked really hard on it and paid a lot of money to have it built. So it's up to him to add what he wants to his house," Ethan tells Patrick.

"I think the house looks beautiful as it is," I say and put my hand on Cage's arm.

Cage places his hand on mine and smiles softly at me. I take my hand off his arm and cut up a bite of my salmon and eat it.

"I think you should add a pool Cage. It would make your niece and nephew very happy. After all, you do owe them since it was your kids that hit my son. He had a black eye and split lip!" Lauryn says and slams her hand palm side down on the table in anger.

I'm not even the slightest bit surprised that she brought that up. I know that she doesn't like that Cage and I are together now. In fact, she hates it. You would think she would just want her brother to be happy but that's not the case. It's very well known by everyone in town that she wants Cage to date and then eventually marry her friend Victoria. Victoria's Dad owns the only restaurant in town. I have been there once with Noah back when we tried to date the food okay I would much rather go to the dinner instead.

"Now now Lauryn don't go blaming your brother. After all, he wasn't around to teach those boys what's right and what's wrong," Mrs. Trevor speaks before Cage or I can.

"Okay that's enough," I say furious, and stand up from my seat. "He may have not been around to help me raise them but I did teach my boys what's right and what's wrong. Do I regret not telling him when I found out I was pregnant? Yes, I do. He had the right to make the choice to help me raise them or not. But he didn't get that choice cause I didn't tell him. We were teenagers, I didn't know how he would have reacted. I did a good job raising Knox and Kohl on my own though. They have a roof over their head, food to eat, and clothes to wear."

"He would have stayed cause that's how Cage is. He wouldn't have gone off to college and you would have ruined his life!"

"Rory come on let's go. Come on boys we're leaving." Cage wraps an arm around my waist and guides me to the front door, Knox, and Kohl quickly follow.

We're almost out the door when we hear footsteps behind us. I turn around and spot Ethan.

"I would just like to apologize for my wife's behavior. She shouldn't have said what she did."

"It's fine. Wasn't your fault," I tell him.

"Still I'm sorry."

I just give him a nod then we walk out the front door. Quickly loading up into Cage's truck then leave.

"Can we still get milkshakes?" Knox speaks up for the time tonight since we left the house.

"Of course, we can bud," Cage looks at him in the rearview mirror and smiles at him.

"Make mine a double," Kohl says.

At that, we burst out laughing and all the tension from tonight vanishes.

When we reach the dinner we rush inside and the boys sit at our usual table.

"Want your usual order?" George the owner's nephew asks us.

"Mom, can we get our own Maple Tree specialty? Please?"

The boys both give me puppy dog eyes. It's hard to say no to them when they both do that.

"Okay but don't complain to me when your stomachs hurt from all that sugar."

"Yes! Can we get the Oreo one please?" They both ask the waiter.

"Coming right up, little dudes." George ruffles their hair then turns to Cage and me. "What about you two?"

"Can I get some french fries and a vanilla milkshake?"

"I'll have the same."

"Okay coming right up."

"I'm sorry for tonight. I didn't know that Lauryn and my Mom would act like that."

I was really hoping they wouldn't for Cage's sake. He clearly loves his family but hates how they act. Maybe someday we'll be able to all get along but for now, who knows. Only time will tell.

"It's fine Dad. Just promise we never have to do that again. Especially if they cook salmon again," Knox shudders in disgust.

"I promise no more salmon for you two," Cage tells them and chuckles.

We stay at the dinner until ten o'clock and just enjoy our milkshakes. Cracking jokes and having the boys tell us what they want their rooms to look like. Then we went home and decided to watch a movie while the boys come down from their sugar high.

I look over at Cage and find him already looking at me.

He leans forward and kisses me softly on the lips. For the first time in front of the boys.

"Ewww gross."

We look back over to the boys and find them both with their eyes covered. But the smiles on their faces aren't hidden.


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