six: the maze

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Y/N's POV:

We were all huddled like penguins around the doors, the tension hung in the air like a horrible smell. Everyone was clearly panicking; it was obvious by the way they carried themselves.

Newt would look down at his watch every minute or so, no longer trying to save face about the situation; he was just as concerned as the rest of them.

"Can't we send someone after them?" Thomas asked, looking up at Newt and Gally.

"It's against the rules." Gally retorted, immediately ignoring the idea.

"We can't risk losing anyone else."

They were right to be fair. What was one singular person going to do?

Everyone continued to stare into the maze, not removing their eyes for a second. A gust of wind flew towards us, sweeping the leaves up in its path.

The doors were beginning to move.

"There! There they are!" A boy was struggling through the walls, lugging what I assumed was an unconscious Alby, along the floor.

"Something's wrong" Newt said quietly, almost in disbelief.

"Come on Minho you can do it!" Chuck yelled next to me, stirring up other people to help encourage the boy to move faster.

"He's not going to make it" Thomas said, moving forward slightly.

The walls were still going, moving along against the ground, threatening to shut at any moment. The boys were still screaming behind me as I stood frozen, watching everything unfold.

Just as the walls were about to slam shut, Thomas ran into the maze.

"Thomas no!" Chuck bellowed after him, desperately trying to catch him in his grasp. Newt jolted forwards, reaching out to stop his friend from making a stupid mistake, but to no avail, missed him as the boy scrambled past the walls.

We all watched in awe as he made it to the other side by the scruff of his neck. The doors shut completely behind him.

Three of the Gladers were now officially stuck in the maze overnight.

I took a small step back, not believing what I had just witnessed.

No one said anything for a while, before Newt finally turned around to address the crowd. "Everyone to their beds. Now." 

Without a word, everyone sped off to the hammocks as they left me, Newt, Chuck and Gally to exchange frightened looks.

"What happens now?" Asked Chuck, his voice shaky.

I stared at the floor, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes.

"Chuck..." Newt started; the sadness apparent in his words. "They could make it. They're strong, and they have Minho. He's the keeper, he'll-" Chuck was abruptly cut off by Gally, who didn't seem to have much sympathy for the boy.

"They're gone Chuck. Might as well just accept that now." My head shot up to glare at Gally as he just looked back at me, annoyed.

"Gally go easy, maybe a more tasteful approach is the better way to deal with this type of situation, don't you think?" Newt remarked, clearly just as annoyed as I was with Gally's previous comment.

"Why sugar coat it? They're basically dead."

"Watch it, Gally" I spat, looking directly at him in anger. He moved very close to me, observing the height difference as a way to assert his dominance.

𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 {𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant