fifty nine: the disappointed expressions

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The hours between when Newt left and finally returned, felt extremely lonely.

It had been four hours since they left – which wasn't too surprising I guess, as the location is roughly about 90 minutes away.

No one had heard a thing – although not unusual – yet it still made me feel on edge.

What if something went wrong? What if Thomas was right, and somehow something really awful happened?

Lincoln stayed with me the entire time, trying to reassure me that my insecurities were normal, however not rational. He said repeatedly that they would return unscathed, and with Minho, Sonya and Eris safely in their company.

However, when I finally heard the rev of their engine and sprinted to the gateway, I didn't see Minho get out of any of the vehicles.

Newt looked rather disappointed, and Thomas wore such a solemn expression it sucked all of the little joy we had left, out of the room.

"He wasn't in the container we thought he was." Vince explained, as he watched Tom retreat into the sleeping quarters.

Everyone who returned had the most upsetting expression you could ever imagine.

Although glum, Newt went straight for me, engulfing me in a hug I think he needed much more than I did.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and felt his slight nod in response. Pulling away, he gave me a half-hearted smile. "At least we got Sonya and Aris back."

Looking over his shoulder, I noticed the two emerging from the truck. Vince had handed them some blankets and glasses of water, before escorting them to the medical room.

I took Newt's hand in mine, gave it a small squeeze, and pulled him along with me to the centre. Everyone else had seemed to swarm to the medical room, and I wanted to know what was going on.

When we entered, Eris had already been seated on the bed, as Sonya delicately attended to his wounds. His eye looked rather battered, a deep purple sunk its way into his skin, making him look exhausted.

Thomas sat on a stool near him, as Brenda came in and stood next to Newt and me.

Eris choked back a laugh. "Took you guys long enough to rescue us."

Thomas' mouth turned up slightly at the corners. "It's nice to see you too."

The group chuckled just as Lincoln entered the room. He held bandages and tape in his hands.

"Hey, I'm pretty sure Vince wants to see you all in the council room. He and Jorge are just finishing up."

Thomas nodded and turned back to Eris. "It seems we have to make this quick; so, I'll cut to the chase. What happened?"

The boy pointed at Eris' black eye, and he sighed.

"I fought back. Or, at least, tried to."

Sonya spoke then. "You guys are lucky you found us when you did, they've been moving us around a lot recently."

"I thought that was the first time you had moved base since the Right Arm?" I asked, confused. When we went to speak to Jax and Lia, we were told they rarely move around.

It was said that while they would like to, and consider it a smart option for an organisation such as themselves, they couldn't afford to constantly change base due to how many people they had and how dangerous it would be.

Did Jax just mix up the information?

"No, we moved around constantly over the last six months. They like to move around to ensure no one finds them."

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