twenty eight: the creatures without a name

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"Oh shit." My feet picked up from under me as I started to run. We all bolted forwards as Minho and Thomas caught up to the group. "COME ON, GO" Thomas yelled as we ran towards a deserted escalator. "Thomas, Minho, what the hell are those things?!" Frypan shrieked as we ran up to the other floor, being greeted by more of whatever those things are. "I don't know, just keep on moving!" The boy yelled back as we darted round the corner, only to be met with just as many as we were before.

They looked disheveled and exhausted, as they rushed towards us, spewing saliva and screams all over the place. Their skin looked like it was deteriorating, festering with mold and a green hue that laced the epidermis. I took a slight step back at their presence, it being both horrid and shocking to look at; their faces leaving a distinctive imprint in my mind.

"Aris, no!" The boy ran towards one, kneeling down as he threw the bat he was holding at one of the things legs, causing it to shriek out in pain as it collapsed to the floor. "Go, go, go!" Thomas shouted as we reached another escalator again.

I sprinted onto it as I looked over my shoulder. There was one right behind me as I turned around and in a sudden quick motion, collided my foot with its face as it fell backwards. I watched as Newt came up behind it as he jumped over its writhing body, grabbing my arm as he did so to pull me with him. With no time to think, I continued upwards as we all reached the higher floor once again. 

We bolted round the corner, thinking that we had maybe lost them, as the glass to our right shattered as I watched something jump on Newt.

At the time, I couldn't figure out why, but my heart fell to my feet at the sight. I ran towards them as I watched Thomas leap into action, kicking the thing off the boy as he scrambled to help him up. "Thanks, Tommy." He said, before we all turned and continued to run.

We reached a door and rushed through, leading us to another corridor. We bolted past the walls and noticed that besides a large padlocked door, it was a complete dead end. Panic appeared in people's eyes as Frypan and Thomas turned to the large doors. "Come on, we can go through here." As they began to kick down the door, the things started to appear around the corner as they barreled their way towards us.

"I'll hold them off." Winston said as he reached into his bag as he pulled out a gun. My eyes widened as I watched him turn around and begin aimlessly shooting, mostly missing his targets. I have no clue that he even had that, and yet I was glad that he did. If anything, it could come in handy.

I watched as Thomas and Frypan failed to kick in the door, making it weaker, sure, but still not being able to get it to give way. "Move." I said as I nudged Frypan to the side and kick in the door closer to where the lock is. Luckily it worked, as the door shot open as it swung loosely on its hinges. Everyone turned to stare at me for a second in shock as I sighed. "We don't have time for this, let's go!" I yelled, as I rushed forward through the door, desperately ushering the others outside.

Winston was the last out, and I thought the coast was clear.

I was wrong.

Just as the boy sprinted through, he was grabbed backwards by the human-like monsters. I shot towards him, clutching onto his hands as he screamed in pain, his lower half surely being ripped to shreds. The others joined my side to help as they hopelessly latched onto the boy.

Finally, we pulled him through as Thomas helped barricade the door. "Thomas, come on! We have to go!" Minho yelled as he watched the boy refuse to leave the door. "Go! I'll catch up!" He cried out as Minho nodded and ran after us. I turned my head to watch Winston clutch desperately at his abdomen, the cuts and wounds scarily prominent as they bled through his fingers. 

I stayed close to the others as I turned back to see Thomas finally let the door go, as the creatures pelted after him. It was scary how fast there were, so much so that they missed Thomas by mere centimetres.

We reached a hill, running over it quickly to find a little hiding spot. No one needed to say anything as we all ran to hide, turning off the torches as we did so to shield our location from the things near us.

I turned my head to look at Winston. He looked awful; bleeding profusely as his body was completely engulfed in scratches and bites.

I wasn't sure about anyone else, but only one thought crossed my mind.

He wasn't going to make it. 


A/N: I am genuinely so sorry that this chapter is so short but i hoped you guys still liked it as i always thought the scene was cool. Also, my plan is to go through previous chapters and change things i wasn't so happy with, but if you've reached this point you don't have to go back and re read as i won't add anything that you'll need to know for later on, i just wanted to let you guys know that is what I'll be doing ;)

I've been struggling a lot lately to write as I've just entered my exam period and honestly they are so exhausting haha i hate exams so much. However, i will be posting just as i have been as I've got so pre written ones so we're all good for the time being. 

Anyways, i hope you all have a great weekend <33

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