forty nine: the injured solider

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tw: sexual harassment, discussions of sexual assault and violence. 

Due to Newt's punishment, Vince had ordered him to work during his lunch break today, meaning we couldn't eat lunch together like we planned.

While it definitely got on my nerves, Newt's as well, that also meant that I could shower earlier rather than later. So, while everyone was on their lunch break, I seized the opportunity to take a shower while no one else was in the wash rooms.

I much preferred that to when they were chock filled with people – I like the quiet.

I turned the corner to reach the path that led me to the wash rooms – passing a few people on the way as they gave me a frightened smile. Their faces alone prove to me why people just aren't ready for me to stop hiding the Wicked mark. It'll just spook them, and that's not what I want right now.

So, for the meantime, I've decided to keep the long sleeves and cover up the tattoo – for everyone's piece of mind.

That doesn't mean I didn't like what Thomas said – it actually felt as if after all this time, another person besides Newt finally accepted and saw me as a person who wasn't totally evil. And that was a great feeling, so I'm looking forward to when that comes about more often.

The washrooms were just in view now, the flat roof becoming apparent over the grassy hill as I hiked up the path. It was nice – the walk. Serene and quiet, with small gusts of wind beckoning me forwards and the sun bouncing on my skin.

I liked it, a lot. And it isn't just because no one's about-

"Hello, sweetheart."

I froze still, my feet not moving from their spot as my head refused to swivel round to meet the person speaking. He wasn't repelled from my lack of response, however.

"Or, would a more fitting name be the better way to go? After all, I wouldn't say you have the sweetest heart."

I wanted to curse, to pray that he was talking to anyone else and hadn't actually seen me – but no one's that lucky.

Taking a large breath in, I turned myself around, finally facing the one person I could ever possibly despise more than Janson.

"Hello, you piece of shit."

Emilio just laughed. "Now, now. That's not very friendly, is it?"

The boy tutted, moving forward with that sly smirk that sends bile to my throat and pain to my eyes. I would honestly prefer to be around anyone else right now.

Emilio's face still looked rather beaten up – his eye a tainted purple, his jaw bruised and hanging just slightly open. Not a sight to see.

"I've been meaning to speak with you." The boy said, taking another predatory step closer to where I stood.

My fingers twitched for my gun, my knife. I scolded myself – only if necessary, I thought.

"Please, enlighten me on such matters. I'm just dying to find out." I retorted sarcastically, rolling my eyes as I begin to turn away. But he catches my arm, stopping me from doing so.

"What's the hurry, my love? So quick to leave, and yet the fun hasn't even started yet."

He advanced forward once more, meeting me in the middle as his hand stayed secured on my arm.

I can't stab him – Vince will lose his shit. And if he's not okay with that, he won't be happy with the latter, either.

I watched as he slowly brought his hand up higher, his left circling my face, the other still clutching onto my forearm. I ran through tactics in my head, scanning over ideas to remove myself from his presence without landing myself extreme punishment in the process.

𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 {𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora