forty two: the constant meetings

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The next day rolled around and by that point I had made up my mind to give Newt space and not try to talk to him. Not that I would know what to say, anyway.

And surprisingly, it wasn't as difficult as I had previously thought. He wasn't being rude or obviously disregarding me, he just wasn't directly talking to me, so it made social situations much less tense.

And I was very thankful for that as we all sat around the large council table, munching on toast and fruit as Vince talked over his plans for the upcoming months. Our main agenda was how we were going to get Minho, Aris and Sonya back, so, that's predominantly what our meetings were about.

It turned out that Vince and Jorge actually had quite a few helpful connections, so they were just discussing how to use those best to our advantage as I sat there with my head down eating an apple.

But it appeared that zoning out and not listening was my downfall, as I realised Frypan was yelling my name directly in my face.

"Y/n! Are you paying attention?"

My head lifted up to scan the room, and I noticed that all eyes were on me. I swallowed thickly, realising that they must have been trying to get my attention for a while.

"Did you hear what we have been saying?" Vince asked, as he shot me an annoyed look. I took another bite from my apple and through munching I replied, "Nope."

Jorge sighed heavily while everyone turned their attention back to Vince. I could feel a small twinge of embarrassment appear in my cheeks, but I pushed away the feeling as I didn't have time for it. Instead, I turned my full attention to Vince as he began speaking again.

"As I was saying, if everything goes smoothly and I can continue to make contact, I'm sure that a face-to-face meeting to discuss logistics will go ahead in the next couple of weeks. From there-"

The so nonchalant nature of the discussion caught me off guard, when I realised, I had no idea what they were talking about. "Wait. Face-to-face meeting? With who?" I asked, clearly aggravating Vince further, but honestly, I didn't care. The man sighed again as he turned to face me.

"There's others out there just like us, and they have intel on how Wicked moves kids in and out of cities. So, a couple of us are going to meet with them to discuss plans." I nodded my head to show that I understood as another question formed in my head.

But someone else beat me to it before I could even open my mouth. "Who are you taking?" Thomas asked, flicking his eyes between me and Vince.

The man clasped his hands together on the table as he took a small breath in. "Well, I haven't figured it all out yet, but I was thinking you and Y/n."


My eyes widened so far, I thought they'd pop out of my head as I watched everyone else's expressions take in the idea. Most seemed to nod their head in agreement; all except Newt.

He looked mortified. So concerned and frightened of the idea. But he wasn't the one to speak, Brenda was. "Why them? While I don't think it's a bad idea, why did you pick those two? I think I would give it a good go." She said as she straightened up in her chair.

She has a point. Why out of all people, has Vince chosen me for this?

Vince nodded slowly before sitting himself down. "I chose Thomas because he seems to be the leader of this group, and I think out of everyone he deserves to be the one who helps get them back," This time, Vince turns to me before saying, "And I chose Y/n, here, because she's scary good at fighting, and honestly, I think with her there, none of them would try anything if they knew who she was."

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