Chap 32

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Hey Yo what's good people.... I really have no idea what to say rn.

uhhhhhh hi? how are you doing?, idk

oh yeah who wants to guess the amount of pages the whole book takes on a google document? answer here I guess---------------------->


The group all looked at the ground in dismay, their one chance at defeating the fire nation.Gone. Aang especially disappointed saying "It's over. The Fire Lord is probably long-gone; far away on some remote island where he'll be safe during the eclipse. To which (Y/N) thought about it, they couldn't have known for long, so they must be somewhere nearby "No. My instincts tell me he wouldn't go too far. He would have a secret bunker; somewhere he could go and be safe during the siege but still be close enough to lead his nation." She said hopefully to the others.

The group gave her a small smile to which Toph pointed at herself and said "If it's an underground secret bunker we're looking for, I'm just the girl to find it." She let off a small grin and soon enough they were all on Appa flying up to the palace, with about ten minutes on the clock before the eclipse. The group conceited of Aang, (Y/N), Sokka and Toph, they walked around the entrance of the place on the dirt waiting for Toph to get something , while nobody was watching (Y/N) pulled out the fire resistant knife she had bought in that fire nation town and made sure that it was still there.

When all of a sudden Toph said "There is something big, dense and made of metal deep in the heart of the volcano." she had her hand on the ground and furrowed her eyebrows together, (Y/N) quickly ran towards the group who had all crowded around Toph who now had earthbended a hole into the volcano bringing up a huge dust cloud into the air. (Y/N) coughed and fanned away the dust around her face to breathe normally again "That's a lot of dust". She walked towards the hoe following behind Toph as she entered the hole.

The tunnel lead into a dark cavern, with Toph leaning over and surveying the area using her seismic senses. (Y/N) couldn't help but observe her movements with a small smile, she couldn't help it. But soon enough Toph grabbed (Y/N) hand softly before pointing in a specific direction and saying "This way! That one's a dead end!" The group began running, having Toph in the lead as they ran by some magma channels, (Y/N) was the first to talk saying " What would we do without you?!" To which the earthbender let out a small giggle " Perish in burning hot magma." (Y/N) nodded a bit and then squeezed her hand "You'd be sad if I did. Wouldn't you" The Earthbender laughed a little more causing Sokka to groan and say "Okay enough with the flirting, we don't have time for this!!".

(Y/N) glared at him until they all got to a magma geyser field, all of them erupting regularly as they spat magma at the group. (Y/N) dodged a splash as Toph pointed across to the other side of the field "The tunnel continues on the other side and It leads right to the bunker." (Y/N) laughed nervously and said "Sure there isn't another path?" The earthbender shook her head to which Sokka stood out front and said "Well then, we'll have to be fast, but careful. He took a careful step but the geyser spit out in front of him causing him to jump back. (Y/N) sighed and stood forward as well now "No. We need to be fast, careful and lucky." She began running dodging and weaving trying not to be hit, but then realising that she's a firebender and began bending the lava "WOW!! I can do this!!, this should be easy then" She made a lava shield/roof and got everyone under it, Toph smiled and hugged her side saying "Firebending comes in to save the day, I knew you'd be useful for something" she joked and tilted up at her, (y/N) laughed as Sokka groaned again "Enough with the flirting already" to which Toph shot him a look.

Eventually they got to the end of the magma geysers and (Y/N) bent the lava away from the group, but then they were greeted with a giant lake of lava. Sokka looked annoyed and said "There's no floor. It's just a river of lava." Aang got out his glider and said "Climb aboard and hold on tight.", Sokka went on over but (Y/N) took ahold of Toph's shoulder saying "I'll go my own way, I mean Sokka is heavy enough" "HEY!!" Sokka yelled over causing the girls to laugh at him. (Y/N) scooped Toph up and soon enough Aang was gliding away, Toph held on tightly and said "Since Sokka is gone we can finally get back to what we were doing before".

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