Chap 18

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Hey ya'll so next cha is up and I was just thinking how many of you would want to play among us with me?, just like for an hour or something. If enough people would like to then I'll do it but anyways sorry for it being a little late today was hectic and I only now had time. 

Also this chap is a little shorter than usual :D since I'm so busy


The two metal cages were dragged to a wooden cart and (Y/N) was still trying to firebend her way out trying the iron bars, the floor and even the ceiling. But nothing worked. She sighed as she sat in the cage leaning against the cramped walls, Toph's voice was then heard "You're seriously giving up?" (Y/N) could only say "We can't do anything, My cage just repells my fire and you can't bend Metal so what's the point".

Toph just glared over at the (Y/N) cage before coming up with a plan, the two men out front were bickering about directions. They were at a crossroad talking about whether they go right or left towards the Beifong estate, Toph rolled her eyes at them and said quite loudly and banging on her cage "Hey! Can you two old ladies quit your bickering for a second? I got to go to the bathroom and certain (Y/N) does as well" (Y/N) stood up looking over as much as she could towards Toph's cell in confusion before getting the hint saying "Oh yeah!, You wouldn't want us being all dirty and gross when we get home".

Toph's old Earth bending teacher looked a little distraught saying "Oooh ... uhhh, okay, but make it quick!" With the key in hand, he was about to unlock Toph's door before the Host of Earth Rumble stopped his hand and said "What's wrong with you?, you would fall for such an easy trick!" Yu put his hand down and said with a sigh"Ooh, very sneaky Toph and (Y/N)! Nice try, but you can't trick me!" They walked back to their seat while (Y/N) said "You were about to open the door. What do you mean you aren't easy to trick!!!" Toph slumped down against the cage saying "Shoot, that was our only chance"

Toph then suddenly got very angry, beginning to banging at the cage and yelling at the two men "Let me out of here so I can kick both your butts! You're both Wussies!!!!!"The host then got kinda pissed banging on Toph cage basically yelling "Quit your banging! You might think you're the greatest earthbender in the world, but even you can't bend metal!" Toph suddenly stopped and (Y/N) said "Who says she can't!!!" The earthbending teacher then said "shut your mouth firebender, you can't even firebend well" now it was (Y/N)'s turn to bang and yell at the two men.


It had been a while now and (Y/N) had now completely given up just sitting down in the cage before she heard a loud crash she stood up and looked over to see a huge hole in Toph's cage, she then got scared with Toph popping up in front of her and saying "Hi" "HOLY!!" (Y/N) fell back and then whispered "Did you do that?!?!? Toph nodded and was about to get her out but the two men went to investigate the noise so she went to hide quickly.

The two began bickering again about it being a trick or her actually escaping, Toph then stood behind them and said "It's the real deal" The two men turned around to see a smug looking Toph with her arms crossed, She earthbends the two men together, throws them in the cage, and metal bends the cage shut. She then walked towards (Y/N)'s cage and opened it up, she pulled her close and earthbent them on top of  the cage which the two guys were in "I am the greatest earthbender in the world! And (Y/N) could whoop both your butts in two seconds flat. Don't you two dunderheads ever forget it!" (Y/N) smiled and Toph just hugged her before jumping off and making an earthwave to ride on, (Y/N) smiled and said "I really love this girl" before jumping off and propelling herself forward as she ran with her firebending.

(Y/N) eventually caught up saying "Hey there cutie" she laughed as Toph rolled her eyes "Hey there hot stuff" (Y/N) laughed and said "smoothe" she smiled as they continued their journey and eventually Appa was flying next to them and Sokka said "Need a lift?" Toph looked startled and fell off her mound with (Y/N) working fast to catch her "Gotcha" Toph sighed and said "Geez Sokka you do remember I'm blind?" Toph said crossing her arms, not really minding being in (Y/N)'s grasp, (Y/N) smiled as Sokka laughed nervously. (Y/N) then said "and to answer your question Yes please".....

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