Chap 17

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Well hello there people, I'm tired and I've been really stressed lately so it's great that I was actually able to post this. So time to sleep and watch Alpharad Among us vids.


As the Gaang flew down to a small island in the middle of the lake they all hopped off Appa with (Y/N) now having to tell Toph that she could let go of her. Aang was embracing Appa as the rest of the Gaang either also hugged one of his giant furry legs or were just standing to the side, (Y/N) was smiling at Appa, arms crossed and looking around at the beautiful land and lake around them. Aang got licked by a happy Appa to which he giggled and brought (Y/N)'s attention back to the reunion, While that was happening Sokka was talking with Katara and Toph so (Y/N) decided to jump in and hear what he was saying "....If we want to invade the Fire Nation when the eclipse happens, we'll need the Earth King's support" Toph crossed her arms saying "Well What makes you think we'll get it? I don't know if you've noticed, but things don't usually go that smoothly for our little gang." She said, putting a little emphasis on 'Smoothly' and looking annoyed.

(Y/N) sighed and said "I'm with Sokka you guys, I mean Aang alone can't defeat the fire lord and Fire Nation guards with just our small group alone." (Y/N) crossed her arms a little disappointed that she was agreeing to stay in this horrible place. Katara came in saying "But guys, Long Feng is in control of the city. His conspiracy with the Dai Li is too powerful. I think we should just keep flying and leave this horrible place behind us." Toph smiled a little and said "Finally something we can agree on Sugar Queen, I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se. And I can't even see!" she uses her hands to widen her eyes to emphasise the point.

Aang eventually came over to the huddled group to which (Y/N) sighed "Listen it's our only chance at winning the war, I don't want to be here either but we have to try" Aang nodded slightly saying "She's right, now that we hae Appa back there's nothing stopping us from telling the Earth King the truth. About the conspiracy and the War." Sokka made a comment about (Y/N) and Aang agreeing with him which caused (Y/N) to laugh a little, she noticed Toph smile a little at her laugh which made (Y/N) smile a little. Katara eventually was convinced looking at the whole group a little more positive now, Toph on the other hand said "I don't trust the new positive Sokka." She points at Sokka in an accusing manner which made (Y/N) laugh even more "Long Feng brainwashed you, didn't he!?"

Sokka raised his hands in defense and eventually they were back on Appa flying away from the Dai Li who were in boats traveling across the lake to find the group, (Y/N) got a good view of it as Toph who was basically clinging to her like glue said "Can we please buy a new saddle? Riding bareback is terrifying!, I can't feel anything other than (Y/N)!" She huddled closer to (Y/N) who was hanging onto Appa's fur, (Y/N) looked down at her and somewhat cradled Toph.

They fly above Ba Sing Se looking down at the people and houses, eventually getting closer to the palace. It was grand and had a big amount of land surrounding the actual palace so it took up a lot of space, Sokka looked excited about getting here but Katara warned him saying "We have to be careful. Long Feng's probably warned the king that we're coming." To which Sokka laughed and said "Why would you assume that? If you ask me, I think we're just gonna sail right in and-" A large rock flies right by them and almost hit Appa "AAGH!!" Sokka yelled, Toph who had no idea what just happened asked "What was that?" Sokka rescinded with "Surface-to-air rocks More incoming!"

They dodge a few more rocks with appa weaving through them. One gets launched right at Aang, but he destroys it with his hand. Another is launched at them head on, but Aang slices it cleanly in two by swinging his staff at the rock. Aang launches himself from Appa to the front of the palace and slams his staff into the ground, generating a massive earth shock wave to knock back the palace guards. Appa lands and roars at the captain's ostrich horse, which causes it to drop the captain and run off. As they continue toward the Earth King, more guards appear and launch earth cubes at the gang. Toph and Aang use earthbending to block the attacks, Katara uses waterbending to subdue the guards and (Y/N) protect them from the back from any ambushes that may occur.

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