Chap 3

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Yes I was able to do a double upload, I just feel so inspired!!!!! YAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS!!!


Y/N) woke up to shouting from a familiar voice, she was in some kind of metal cage, she stood up and looked around seeing that the cage was hanging above the ground and Toph was shouting at the Announcer and The Boulder. She also noticed that Aang was there as well and they seemed to be in the stadium earlier today, suddenly Mr Beifong, Master Yuu and the two who were with Aang stood there giving the announcer a bag of gold coins demanding they give (Y/N) and Toph back. Which they did they lowered the cages and opened the bottom so (Y/N) and Toph dropped from there. (Y/n) and Toph ran to Mr Beifong, he led them away from the area and the two others wanted the Avatar back which the fighters wouldn't give up without a fight.

While the Beifongs, (Y/N) and master Yuu were walking the two called out for Toph for help which Mr Beifong defended against, telling them that Toph was blind, tiny, helpless and fragile. When Toph snapped she accepted to help and walked off back to the area, (Y/N) joined her and said "I'm coming as well" Toph smiled and elbowed her "of course you can" they walked out onto the arena with the two friends of Aang.

Toph made a giant pillar of rock in front of the fighters holding Aang hostage "Let him go, I've beat you all before and I'll do it again" Toph said in her confident voice, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile. The one holding Aang's cage threw him to the side and the fighters ran at the group. Toph stopped Aang's friends and (Y/N) "Wait...they're mine", (Y/N) just smiled and took a step back saying "of course Toph" pulled the others back with her.

Toph made a giant dust cloud and one by one the fighters were thrown off the stage, meanwhile The two friends who were named Katara and Sokka, all three of them tried to open the cage. (Y/N) wanted to just melt the cage with her firebending but didn't so she tried getting the bottom to open with Katara while Sokka used a rock to smash the lock. Eventually they got the bottom open and they all saw Toph fight against the boulder and this big guy with only four teeth.

Toph easily beat them all and sent them down into the pit with the other fighters and finally there was the announcer left, they got in fighting positions ready to beat up the other. The announcer sent multiple rocks flying her way and she just made a barricade. Soon it was all over and Toph won.

Eventually they were back at the house and in the seating room where Mrs and Mr Beifong sat and toph stood before them, (Y/N) stood beside Mr and Mrs Beifong looking at Toph with a little worry on what her parents would think, they seemed to understand at first on how Toph felt but then Mr Beifing told her she was given to much freedom instead which angered (Y/N). The Avatar was escorted out and (Y/N) saw Toph's tears flow as (Y/N) was instructed to take Toph to her room.


Top and (Y/N) had packed their bags deciding to run away for good from the estate, they had many plans to run away when they were younger but they were always caught and so today was the day they would finally actually leave. They were running until they spotted a Giant White fluffy Mister and three people around it, they ran up to them and Aang seemed surprised "Toph!, (Y/N)! What are you doing here" (Y/N) smiled and let Toph explain "My father changed his mind, he said we were free to travel the world". Obviously it was a lie but they seemed to buy it. So as (Y/N) got on the giant fluffy monster named Appa with the Avatar and her best friend Toph, she knew it was going to be one hell of a ride...

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