Chap 13

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So...... writing an entire chapter in 2-3 hours isn't good is it, Idk but here you go chapter 13 hope you enjoy!!!


 As the group walked together (Y/N) stayed behind still recovering from the kiss from Toph, she was looking down until a gust of wind was heard and Katara said surprised "Aang, what are you doing here? I thought you were looking for Appa" (Y/N) look up and caught up with the group listening in what Aang had to saying "Something stopped me, Something big". They all walked to the base of the wall, Aang and Toph earthbending a small platform lifting them all up to the top of the wall. As they were being raised up Sokka said a little confused "What's so big that Appa has to wait?"

Aang looked over at a giant drill and said "That", Everyone looked over and (Y/N) looked a little worried seeing the fire nation insignia on top of it. Eventually they got to the top and everyone walked off with Ying saying disparagingly "We made it to Ba Sing Se and we're still not safe. No one is!" Their family huddling together looking worried but was soon interrupted by an earthbending guard "What are you people doing here? Civilians aren't allowed on the wall!" He crossed his arm looking down on them all intimidatingly, Aang stepped forward saying "I'm the avatar, take me to whoever is in charge" (Y/N) crossed her arms as the guard nodded and took them over to the one in charge General Sung, (Y/N) lowas looking down and Toph seemed to notice her actions. She put a hand on her shoulder saying "You okay?" To which (Y/N) sighed, Toph nodded and said "Okay I get it, don't worry you're not like them" (Y/N) looked away still keeping to herself but also her heart was beating faster because of Toph.

General Sung said happily "It is an honor to welcome you to the Outer Wall, young Avatar, but your help is not needed." Aang looked a little confused with the rest of the group also looking confused "Not Needed?" He asked, the General smiled looking calmly at them "Not needed. I have the situation under control. I assure you the Fire Nation cannot penetrate this wall. Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms saying. "What about the dragon of the west?"

The general looked taken aback laughing nervously "Well ... uh, technically yes, but he was quickly expunged." He puffed up his chest and said confidently "Nevertheless, that is why the city is named Ba Sing Se. It's an 'impenetrable city'. They don't call it Na Sing Se. That means 'penetrable city'." Toph looked at him with sarcasm lacing her voice "Yeah, thanks for the tour, but we still got the drill problem." The General smiled confidently "Not for long. To stop it, I've sent an elite platoon of earthbenders called the Terra Team." "Good name, very catchy" Sokka commented to which (Y/N) laughed saying "I definitely agree" "Guys focus" Toph said elbowing them both with both of them rubbing the spot they were hit.

They watched as the Terra Team attacked the Drill, the earthbenders wedge large earth spikes into the metal shell of the drill to try and halt it even for a small bit. Everyone thought it was over until the drill's segments separated, reducing the columns to crumbles. Suddenly the team put up earth shields to dodge flying daggers. Mai and Ty lee were sliding down the shell of the drill with Ty lee easily defeating all the earthbenders, the General looking down shocked said "WE'RE DOOMED!!!!".

Sokka walked up to him slapping his face saying "pull yourself together!" (Y/N) just laughed at the man who was now rubbing his cheek, Toph crossed her arms saying "maybe NOW you want the Avatar's help?" (Y/N) chuckled and said " Yeah, maybe now". The general mumbled nodding to which Aang smiled looking over towards the drill "The question is, how are we going to stop that thing?" The group all looked at Sokka who looked confused "Why are you all looking at me?" "You're the idea guy" (Y/N) said laughing a little to which Sokka replied "So I'm the only one who can ever come up with a plan? That's a lot of pressure." "He's also the complaining guy" Katara said as everyone laughed, Sokka laughed and said " That I don't mind".

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