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"Guys that's the police" JJ states.

"No kidding" I say sarcastically.

I am and always have been one who loves to correct what people say. Or rather, I just can't take it when someone says something wrong, or something so obvious. I think it's like so funny when people get annoyed because I correct them. I know I'm weird.

"Not the moment for that, Mia" says JJ and pulls me to him.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me" says Pope.

"Yep, that's the police" JJ states again.

"Just act frickin normal." says Kiara to the others.

"I think I'm going to have a heart attack" I say, seeing that the boat is approaching us. The police boat is now next to the HMS Pogue.

"Evening, officers," greets Pope.

"Evening" deputy Shoupe holds out the rope to Pope to secure the boat. "JJ, tie it off"

"How you kids doing? You know the marsh is closed?" the deputy takes off his sunglasses and JJ pulls me closer, into his arm. I get goosebumps all over my body.

"No" JJ replies. "I didn't know"

"why— why is it closed?" asks Pope.

"Well, we're conducting a search out here. Boat went down. Seen anything?"

"No" the two boys answer.

"No boats, no"

"JJ what if—" I whisper but he interrupts me. "Everything will be fine, I promise" he whispers and gives my hand a light squeeze.

"where's your friend you always hang with? He here?" the deputy asks suspiciously. "Emilia, your brother right?"

"Um... yeah... he is—" I begin to stutter.

"He's working" Kiara interrupts.

"Right... and you guys? When did that happen, are you a couple now?" he asks smiling, looking at JJ and me holding hands. "Um..."

"Yeah officer, it's still new but, yeah" JJ looks at me smiling and then back at the officer.

"I'm gonna check your little boat out" the deputy gets on the boat and looks around.


"Yeah, hop aboard" says Pope. "You wanna check— uh, check her out"

"Thank you"

We all know John b must be short of breath right now. And my hands start to shake at the thought. JJ tries to calm me down by stroking my back and running his thumb over my hand. And it helps, it really does, but I can only think of my brother down there.

"You have another one of these?" the officer holds up a life jacket.

"Yeah yeah. Of course. It's, uh... it's in the hold" JJ points to the hold.

"Yeah. Show him" Kiara says, standing up.

"Yeah, here we go" JJ holds up the other life jacket.

"Alright" the officer walks to the front of the boat.


"Be careful" says JJ.

"Be careful right there. You don't wanna slip" Pope adds. Shoupe looks around then looks at the water for a few seconds. My heart starts beating faster and faster and the fear for my brother increases. JJ notices this and takes me in his arms.

𝐽𝑈𝑆𝑇  𝑁𝑂𝑇  𝑌𝐸𝑇  / JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now