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3rd person POV

"You his guardian?" A woman asks JJ's father, at the entrance to the police station.

"Sorry to say, I'm his father." He replies angrily.

"Well, hearing is in two weeks. If you fail to show up, you will forfeit your bail. The restitution will be based on the average of three outside estimates of the cost of the damaged item." Explains the officer.

"Restitution?" Luke questions.

"Pay for what he broke. It's part of the plea. Yeah, and sign here, please."

Luke signs the form and gives his son a disappointed look.

Luke signs the form and gives his son a disappointed look

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"Let's go. Go now!" He orders JJ.

"I wonder what restitution's gonna be on a 2019 Malibu." Luke says, walking to the car.

"I'll pay it off. All of it. I swear, dad." Replies JJ.

"Shit. 30k? When you gonna clear that, big guy, when all you do is smoke weed and hang out on the south side?"
"Get in the car" Luke points to the car and gets in.

JJ stands in front of the car door in the passenger seat and hesitates to get in. He knows what to expect. And he is afraid.

"Let's go" his father repeats and JJ gets in. Luke leans on the steering wheel.

"Dad, I swear-" JJ says, but his father interrupts him with a slap to the face. "No!" yells JJ. Blood splatters on the window as Luke continues to hit him.

"Thirty thousand dollars! Do you know what you did to me? Damn-" he yells at his son.


"How you gonna get that money back, huh?" Luke shouts through the house. He's sitting in the living room, music cranked full blast and alcohol everywhere. JJ is pacing back and forth in his room. He covers his ears at his father's words.

"I'm gonna tell you right now, you are a worthless piece of shit!"

"Shut up!" JJ yells as he bangs his fist against the door.

"-your mama knew."

"Shut up!"


After a while, JJ gathers his courage and walks out of his room. The music is off and he comes in to his father lying on the couch and sleeping. He walks closer. His hands shake and tears come to his eyes. Then he holds it up. He holds the gun to his father's head. His hands are shaking so much that he can't even hold it up straight.

His lips tremble, tears roll down his face, and he pulls the gun away again.


1st person POV

"First, I almost get strangled to death by Kooks, and now I'm on the hook for 30 grand." Says JJ. He, John b and I are sitting outside the chateau on some rocks. "We should just dip."

"Okay, where do you want to go? Huh?" John b asks, expectantly.

This is the first time I have seen JJ since he was arrested. And since we kissed. We haven't said a word about it, or rather we haven't said a word in general. The only thing that has happened is that we have hugged each other tightly for a short time.

I feel weird standing there as a threesome. With John b. He doesn't know anything, but it's a weird vibe.

"Yucatan." JJ replies.

"Yucatan." Laughs John b.

"No, I'm dead serious right now. Surf all day, and then we can just live off lobsters we catch with our bare hands."

"You just wanna leave cause you got your ass beat?"

"Easy, John b." I look over at my brother with a serious look.

I've noticed the new wounds on JJ's face right away. But talking to him about it doesn't help.

"You didn't see the photos." JJ mumbles.

"Think about it." John b jumps off the rock. "They're willing to kill for the gold, then it's gotta be out there."

"Have you lost your mind?" JJ yells, taking his cap off his head. "One hundred years, man. One hundred years, people have been trying to find this Royal Merchant, and no one succeeded. And you think you are gonna be the one that actually finds it? When will you get it in your thick skull?"

John B looks to the side, annoyed, and I remain silent.

"-if you keep going down this road, you're gonna end up just like your dad!" Shouts JJ.

"I can't give up, JJ!" Shouts John b, shoving JJ backwards. At JJ's words, I directly get up and walk straight into the chateau without saying a word. I know I seem to act like a bitch, but this words hurt me again, so much, I have to get away.

"Great, JJ. Now you've completely fucked it up." Says John b to JJ, who looks after me.
I sit on my bed, looking at a phot of my dad. I can't believe he just left us. He didn't even said good bye. Then I hear someone coming in. It's JJ.

"Look, Mia, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't think about it and-"

"You never do, JJ." I sob.


"You're the only one, the only one who's always helped me with my panic attacks about my dad. And you've always defended me because of that, too. And then you say something like this? You know how much I miss him. Do you think I'm looking forward to probably missing my brother that much soon?" I look up at him, my eyes red.

"I'm sorry. I really am. It's just, a lot has happened in the last few hours and I've just been confused and angry and...." JJ sits down next to me on the bed.
"I know I'm an asshole. And I know I always screw things up, like when I kissed you, but..."

"You didn't screw that up, JJ." I murmur with a slight smile.

At my comment he smiles a little.

"John b waits outside. Please come with me, I need you." He says and holds out his hand.

𝐽𝑈𝑆𝑇  𝑁𝑂𝑇  𝑌𝐸𝑇  / JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now