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"I really want you to lie next to me tonight." groans JJ.

"Well, I can sleep at your place" I suggest.

We still haven't talked about this whole thing. And I'm very uncomfortable with not knowing anything and knowing I'm cheating on Rafe. But every time I bring it up, JJ changes the topic.

"No, no you can't!" says JJ immediately.


"It's—just no. My dad's there and—"

"I thought your dad was gone tonight?" I question.

"Right... Still— he—he might come and then—"

"JJ, you said he's not there tonight. So...?" I look up at the blond boy with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, okay. Well come on then."

"John b! I'm sleeping at Kie's tonight!" I call to my brother as we leave.


"Here we are." sighs JJ as he walks through the door into his house. "Sorry for the mess."

"All good."

"So my room is-"

"oh, hello son." I then hear a voice say as we see Luke, JJ's dad sitting in the living room.

"Dad, I—I thought you—"

"Yeah, my plans have changed." Luke stands up, coming closer to us. Out of reflex, JJ immediately stands in front of me. "Who's that girl you're hiding? One of your bitches again?"

Wow this man really doesn't mince his words.

"No that's-"

"Good catch." His father smiles and takes a few steps closer.

"One more step and I swear I'll-"

"You'll what? Huh? Trying to look like a tough boy in front of that bitch, son, it ain't working." he laughs.

"Shut up!" he yells, trying to push me further back with his hand.

I'm shocked. I knew what kind of home life JJ has, but I never thought his father would be so bad. I am afraid, but much more for JJ than for myself.
Because I see the tears in his eyes, and the fear he has. But despite his fear, he stands in front of his father for me.

"Or what?! Huh? Hit me, come on! Or don't you dare?" Luke laughs. "Thought so."

JJ holds his hand in front of his father to keep him from getting closer to me. His hand trembles and he tries everything to hold back his tears.

"Now get that dirty slut out of my house." his father grumbles, but that's it for JJ.

"Fuck you!" he screams as he punches his father in the face. "Don't you ever talk about her like that again, ever!" another slap in the face.

"Wow, kid." his dad comes back up, laughing. "You're getting really emotional about that girl. But let me tell you this. You don't hit your old man, you understand?" says Luke as he throws JJ to the ground. I wince, not knowing what to do.
"you worthless piece of shit!" Luke slaps JJ, and with each punch I flinch.

"Mia, get out! Go, go!" cries JJ, between the slaps of his father. "Please, Mia!" he cries.

I see his tears rolling down his face. Along with the blood splattering on the floor. But I don't think for a moment about leaving. So I do probably the stupidest thing I could have done. I go to Luke, and try to push him away. But he just laughs as he grabs me by the wrists and pushes me against the wall.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" JJ stands up and throws his father against the wall. He keeps hitting him and hitting him until he doesn't resist anymore.

JJ takes me by the hand and pulls me into his room, then closes the door. He takes a deep breath. "Fuck!" he screams as he kicks his bed.

"JJ it's all good!"

"No it's not! Look at what he did. His fucking dirty hands were on you. He hit you Mia, that should have never happened!" JJ paces back and forth and then stops.
"Are you okay?" he asks worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, JJ. I'm more worried about how you are. I mean your face, it-"

"That's normal. Don't worry about me." tears well up in his eyes, but he holds them back this time. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"There's no reason you should apologize, JJ." I say, trying to comfort him.

„you have to go now." he then says.

I look at him shocked. „What? Why?"

„Be—because it's not safe for you here." he opens his door.

„No, JJ, I'm not letting you alone right now."

„Yes you are. Emilia that's not a question. Please, go." he repeats.

I look at him completely shocked. „But I don't wanna—„

„Go!" he shouts. I flinch. At this point I'm scared. Not because I think JJ will do something to me, but because of him. I'm scared for him.
„Just, just go." he sighs. He takes my hand and pulls me out the house, so I don't have to pass his dad alone. But then he just closes the door. Leaving me in front of his house.

𝐽𝑈𝑆𝑇  𝑁𝑂𝑇  𝑌𝐸𝑇  / JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now