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"okay, so we'll just go pick up Kiara, and then we'll leave her on the boat with Sarah?" i ask to the three guys sitting on the porch.

"Yup." John b answers.
"We just need one more reason." he turns to pope. "ideas?"

While pope and john b are talking, i turn to jj, who is sitting next to me, and play around with his rings. But he pulls his hand right away. I look up at him confused, but he just goes and stands next to Pope.

Ever since he left me in front of his house yesterday, he's been completely dismissive of me. He doesn't talk to me anymore, ignores me, and so on. I have absolutely no idea what happened to make him act like that. Did I do something wrong?


"Code Red!" calls Pope to Kiara, who is on the gangplank and walking to HMS Pogue, where Pope and I are sitting.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Okay, JJ and John b conked out in the marsh. They need a tow." explains Pope.

"Uh, okay, well, what does that have to do with me?" questions Kiara.

"We need you for mechanical." I shrug.

"Mechanical." repeats Kiara, nodding.


"Can't you guys do anything, without me?" Kiara climbs onto the boat and joins the two boys. "What happened?"

"Uh, the alternator's, uh, not alternating anymore." explains JJ.

"It's not charged." John b improves him.

"Did you check the plugs?"

"No. No, you should ckeck'em." JJ and John b get up and walk out.

"You guys are useless."

"Sorry about that." John b mumbles. "Come on, come on, come on!" he whispers as the two run off the boat.

"Uh... is this a joke?" asks Kiara

"Go, go, go!" JJ and John b jump into the water.

"There are no plugs, like, at all."

"Sayonara!" shouts John b as he jumps into the water.

"Shit!" Kiara runs as she hears someone shout "John b", and bang on the hatch in the boat. She opens the hatch to see Sarah Cameron.

"Guys, I don't know if this is the best idea." I sigh to the guys on the boat as the two girls yell for them.

"Get your asses back here!" screams Kiara.

"We can't. Not till you two figure it out!" shouts John b back.

"I will kill every single one of you!" Screams Kiara.

"Y-you can't just leave!" Adds Sarah.

"There's food in the cabin, and JJ rolled a blunt." Calls Pope to the two girls.

"Hydroponic!" Yells JJ.

"I'm sorry, Kie, they talked me into it!" I shout as John b drives off.


The next morning we drive to pick the girls up. JJ slept at home that night. This is the weirdest thing ever, because he never does that willingly.

"uh-oh! You forget your keys or something?" John B shouts to the two girls as we head for the boat to pick them up on HMS Pogue.

"You need a tow?" Asks Pope

"You gotta admit it was kinda funny."

"John b." Says Kiara.

"Uh, what's that?"

"Mastermind, huh?"

John b has now pulled the boat as close as he can to the two girls. "I'm always plannin'"

"Some patriarchal bullshit." Mumbles Kiara.

"Yeah, that sucked." Adds Sarah.

"You still love us though, right?" Laughs JJ to the two girls.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Hey, you still hate me?" John b asks his girlfriend. "A little. We're both gonna get you back when you least expect it." Explains Sarah.

"Watch your back, boys.

"Well, I welcome that challenge." Pope clarifies.

"Me too." Adds JJ.

"So, did you guys, you know-" begins Pope.

"Reconcile our differences?" Kiara looks over at Sarah who shakes her head. "Mm-mm."

"Not even close."

"But, we're willing to work together." Sarah states.

"I know what you guys are doing, Kie." I whisper to Kiara, with a smile.

I know for a fact, from the look on their faces, that they got along and even had fun. Girls just understand girls.

"Shut up." She whispers back.

"You know what? That's victory." States John b.

"Yep." Adds JJ, and JJ and Pope do a hand shake. "Woogity-woogity-woogity!" Says Pope in a high-pitched voice.

"Know why? Hydroponic." Comments JJ.

"Don't say that." Murmurs Pope.

"All right-" John b looks up at JJ. "-shut up. You guys ready?"


"Yep." The two girls jump on the boat. "Let's get it."


"JJ?" I call through the chateau after we bring Kie and Sarah back. I don't get an answer, so I go into the living room and see him on the sofa.
"Didn't you hear me?"

"Yes, I did." he mumbles.

"Then why didn't you- JJ what's going on? Did I do something?" i ask straight out.

"Nope." he gets up from the sofa and walks out onto the porch. "It's all good."

"Then why are you ignoring me? I mean you already ignored me when I wanted to talk to you about us and now-"

"what's there to talk about? Tell me Emilia, because I don't even know what WE are? Are we dating? Are we just fucking? Are we best friends? Are we even something? Or nothing?" He just looks at me for a moment. "I wish we never fucked and I mean that." he says and walks out of the chateau.

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