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3rd person POV

"Yo, JJ, come on, we-" says Pope when he sees JJ sitting on the ground. "Did you drink all that?" he points to the many beer bottles on the floor.

"Yup." mumbles JJ and takes a sip.

"JJ, we need to get this boat on the water, remember? John b, 3 o'clock?"

"Yeah, no, I know." he stammers. "Buuut, we still have two hours."

"where's Emilia?" he then asks.

JJ chuckles, tears coming to his eyes. "Gone."

"Gone? What do you mean, gone?" Pope looks at his friend, confused. "JJ, what did you do?"

"Fucked everything up again." JJ angrily throws his beer bottle on the floor.

"Getting drunk doesn't solve it though, bro."

"Yes it does."

"-And you know you only do stupid things when you're drunk." Pope finishes.

JJ looks down at the floor. "Yeah, but even if I did, she's gone, so.... "


I've been walking around the island for an hour. No destination, no idea where I'm going. All I hear all the time are sirens, and then I remember that my brother is wanted by the whole island.

In the meantime, my tears have dried. I do not know what to do. Whether I should go to him, or whether I should leave it. But in an hour John B will meet us at the dump, and I know it would only destroy him even more, and the whole plan, if I'm not there or if I don't go to JJ.

Besides, I need him. I need him so much, I can hardly put it into words. I don't know exactly where I would be without him in all of this.

So I go to his house. I don't know if he's there, but I have to start somewhere.

That sentence hurt me deeply, but I just have to talk to him.

I see his house. I'm scared, I'll say that honestly. Afraid of his father, maybe afraid of JJ, I don't know exactly.

Just as I'm about to walk to the porch, I see JJ coming out of the house, and behind him, a girl.

You know, sometimes a moment can pass in a second, but sometimes there are moments that pass like hours. This moment is one of those for me. I feel like I can hear my heart beating.

JJ turns to the front, and when he sees me, he is in shock.

"Mia, what- I've-"

I look at him with wide eyes, then at the girl, I stand there completely still. "No." I just mumble, shaking my head. "No." I repeat in disbelief.

"Should I go?" then asks the blonde girl next to JJ.

"Yeah, you better go before I kick your ass!" I then yell, and she quickly walks away.

I know it's not the girl's fault, but it's just another one of those blonde bitches JJ always had a thing with. I hate her.

"Mia, let me explain, please-"

"No, it's not true, it can't be." I keep shaking my head, tears running down my face.

I see JJ's eyes get red with tears too. "I thought I lost you, it-it was a mistake, I-"

"Oh, and that's why you thought you'd just fuck the next best bitch that crossed your path?!" I yell, hurt.

"I-" JJ is obviously at a loss of words.

"You said you loved me. Those were your words!"

"I do! It- it was a mistake, Mia. A huge mistake!" he yells.

"No it wasn't a mistake, JJ!" I yell, my voice breaking slightly. "It was you, stabbing me in the heart!"

I take a deep breath. You know that feeling? When it feels like someone is squeezing your heart. Like someone is pressing on your chest with all their might, and you can barely breathe. That's how I feel right now.

I look into his eyes, I can hardly see clearly because of the tears in my eyes. He doesn't even say anything. He just looks at me with tears in his eyes. So I leave.

"Mia! No, please don't go! I love you-" he runs after me and tries to stop me.

"Don't touch me!" I scream, I see his heart breaking, but I feel like I'm dying. I can't breathe, I just have to get out of here. So I run as fast as I can.

"Mia, please!" I hear him scream from behind, crying. But I ignore it.

𝐽𝑈𝑆𝑇  𝑁𝑂𝑇  𝑌𝐸𝑇  / JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now