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Forty-eight hours.

It was the number of hours separating Jonas's and Sierra's last conversation if one could call it that.

Sierra, outraged, left the table with Leone, and since Jonas discovered the profound meaning of a cold war.

The cause of the feud: The Gauthiers.

Jonas had to be fair and allow the grandparents to show what life they could offer Leone.

Sierra was firmly opposed, primarily since Jonas intended on taking Leone to meet them for a whole weekend. A day would have caused the same rage, but a weekend was a scandalous idea.

"Come on, Sierra, it's not like I'm kidnapping him."

The ploy seemed farfetched but the first to come to the woman's mind. Sierra feared Jonas would double-cross her.

To make things worse, the man insisted she should not be present. He dreaded the clash which would contribute to Leone's discomfort.

Whether Sierra liked it or not, the Gauthiers were Leone's grandparents. And until Jonas found a reason to discredit them, he had to treat them with the consideration and respect one would accord.

The grandparents had not yet had the opportunity to spend time with Leone. Jonas could not play up the blind eye. He merely wished to give them the time they were entitled to having.

Jonas believed and hoped in the case where Sierra would remain the unique caregiver, the Gauthiers and her would come to a consensus where she would allow them to be a part of the boy's existence.

Sierra felt trapped, and no matter how hard Jonas tried to reassure her, the woman shut him out.

Jonas attempted to conceal his opinion, but Sierra knew her behavior deceived the man. Sierra read the disappointment in every one of his facial expressions. The woman preferred to avoid him than face the disapproval in his stare.

What affected Jonas's profound being was the belief Sierra still did not trust him enough after all the experiences they lived. He thought the woman knew he was on her side. Nevertheless, Sierra treated him like an outsider to her cause.

Misunderstood, Jonas sought for a listening ear as neutral as Switzerland to hear him out.

Jacob was astonished to see the profile that sat on the other side of the parish's confessional booth, "Jonas, what are you doing here?"

"I needed to speak to someone."

"You could have called, you know. I have a phone like the rest of the population."

"Sorry, but I really need to talk. Being in the booth makes what I have to say somewhat easier," the man said as his eyes wandered around the small space. He pursued the conversation before his mind began to sketch the image of a 2021 futuristic and eco-friendly booth, "I feel so guilty, right now."

"Go on, Jonas, I'm listening."

"Can you assure me I'm speaking to the man of God and not the brother?"

"I assure you, Jonas, my opinion is neutral."

"We argued," the man blurted.

"You mean you and Sierra?"

"Yes, and your sister hasn't spoken to me since. I'm really trying to do what's right, Jacob."

"What did you guys argue about?"

Sierra did not call Jacob as she usually did. The news of the dispute somewhat startled the man who wondered why he was the last to know. Jonas's timely confession offered clarifications, but also, Jonas deserved to expose his side of the story.

"I promised the Gauthiers they could see Leone during my stay. I know he's under Sierra's custody and that I shouldn't have said that, but I gave my word. Sierra doesn't want to tell me why they were on bad terms with Cecile. I can't take action if I'm unaware. I hate seeing Sierra like this."

"Jonas, my sister will calm down. I'm sure she understands. Perhaps you broke the news too abruptly."

"I had no choice, my time here is limited, and Iㅡ," Jonas paused.

What did he want?

What were his intentions?

"Jonas, Sierra will come around when she does try explaining things again. She rarely gets mad, so when she blows up, one gets the impression it's all flames and fire, but she cools down just as quick."

"But forty-eight hours are a lot."

Jacob wished to say, think yourself lucky if it only lasts that long as Vincent came to mind.

"You know if there's someone I don't want to fall out with right now, it's her. Sheㅡ."

"Yes, Jonas."

"She'sㅡ," the man sought his words, "she's essential."

Jacob smiled before letting the big brother who dug a hole on the floor of his mind by pacing like a mad hatter speak, "for whom?"


"For whom is Sierra essential for?"

"For Leone, of course."

"Of course, who else," repeated Jacob.

"Are you going to Dijon?"

"Yes, tomorrow."

A jackal's laugh echoed in the booth and reverberated in the empty parish.


"Jonas, listen, it's the brother speaking here. Sierra has never let Leone out of her sight since his arrival. She drops him off at daycare and lets us babysit a few hours, but that's about it. Friends, lovers, hobbies, my sister ditched everyone and everything for Leone. Here you come, and she's letting you take him for a weekend. And you think she doesn't trust you. I would say you're the only one she trusts."

The booth's wall offered intimacy but also a veil to conceal Jonas's pink flushed cheeks.

Jacob didn't stop there; he threw another curveball in Jonas's direction, "why don't you want Sierra to come with you?"

"I don't want her to bicker with the Gauthiers."

"Is that the only reason?"

Jonas's eyes darted, "no, it isn't. I feel as though being there in their presence might affect her. I don't know what these people did to Cecile, but I get the impression they scare Sierra. I justㅡ."

"You want to protect her."

Jacob took the silence that followed as a yes.

Despite everything, Jonas said the pastor saw the bigger picture. He prayed his sister and the worried man sitting on the other side would pull through no matter the outcome.

Speaking to Jacob calmed Jonas's nerves, who felt ready to tackle Mount Sierra again. The man saw no change in their situation when he returned.

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