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All turned to see who entered Sierra died three times before the person sat next to her on the sofa. They had not spoken since their fallout.

Of course, Sierra knew she was at fault.

"Well, well, don't you all look like Kate Winslet after the Titanic sunk."

"May," Dima exclaimed while Sierra did ah movements with her mouth like a Blowfish.

"Yes, I figured I'd come to see the casualties."

May did not digest how Jonas whisked her away. Watching him wallow his sorrow at his hotel's bar with a glass of scotch broke May's heart. The man deserved better, not a woman who was scared to death to admit she loved him.

She understood that Cecile was a hefty hurdle, but she was gone, and Jonas was alive. In May's opinion, Sierra's duty was towards the living.

"You're not funny," Dima said.

The woman thought Sierra's besties were harsh on the woman, but she didn't have all the takes where both Jade and May tried to reason Sierra, who preferred to run blindfolded into her marriage with Vincent.

Sierra sat up while Leone jiggled with glee.

It had been a while since he saw his sassy aunt. She was a fun person who understood his sense of humor.

"Oh, how you've grown, little man."

"Awww, aunty, see how cute I am," the baby blabbered.

"You're a beauty just like your dad," May said.

Dad? You mean papa aka Dona, yes. I want to be like that; the boy thought. He giggled and left Sierra to go in May's arms.

"May Iㅡ."

"Swallow it and say it, Sierra."

Sierra swallowed the lump of pride and proceeded with the apology, " okay, I'm sorry. You were right. I shouldn't have accepted to marry Vincent. I caused a big mess, I know."


Sierra slid her head back, "and what?"


Silence came, and belly danced around them.

"May," once more, Dima came to the rescue.

"What are you going to do, Sierra?" May asked, ignoring Dima.

Jade chucked a cushion at her. Even she thought it wasn't the time to fry Sierra, whose mind already stir-fried in worry, "girl, why are you so blunt? Give her a break; she just got divorced."

May sneered at her, "look, who is talking?"

"I swear," Dima added, "you know what? She's already auctioning Sierra's dress and getting a refund on her gift."

All turned to look at Jade.

"What, I'm a practical person who hates to waste money?"

"Stop with the distractions, girls. Sierra, answer me. Look at the situation you are in now. You could have avoided a marriage dissolution if she had listened to your heart at least."

"What do you know about my heart, May?"

May tilted her head to the side, "Sierra, please. Stop with that."

The woman facepalmed, "I'm lost, okay. I don't know. Okay. I just broke Vincent's heart and-."

"Jonas has been breaking ever since. The man left to make you happy. Everything the man has done in the last six months has been for you, Sierra."

"May don't you think she has enough to think about."

"I know, but Sierra likes to flee and leave things for later. I just want her to realize Jonas is human too. He won't wait for her to wake up from his kiss forever."

Sierra frowned, "you know?"

"Of course I do. I was there, and I saw the man leave defeated by your stupidity."


The woman lifted a hand to a halt, "Dima, I'm being nice. I should be strangling her."

Leone put on his oh oh expression. Should he or should he not let them know he did the big one. The boy shrugged it off; the smell would get to them soon enough.

"I hear you, May."

"Oh, Sierra, don't cry," Dima said, hurrying to her side, "May, see what you've done," she scolded.

"Sorry, I just wish you were honest with him, Sierra."


Sierra found herself looking in her bedroom mirror once everyone left.

She had played and feigned so many times the woman found her truth blurred and do as usual the woman resumed her routine as nothing happened.

Metro, boulot,Leone, dodo. [French expression empathizing routine. Metro+work+sleep, plus Leone in sierras case].

Weeks past.

Sierra sat and played with her pen while the meeting went on. The woman still swam in limbo; she didn't even notice that everyone was getting up to leave and the meeting was over.


"Oui, monsieur Dubois."

"Are you alright?"

Everyone knew about her canceled wedding.

Sympathy was scarce in the almost male environment Sierra worked. Still, the heads thought about their figures, and here their regional was losing feet, and for them, it cost in euros.

"Francois and I had a discussion. And we thought perhaps you could take some holidays. You haven't taken your yearly leave andㅡ."

Sierra frowned, "holiday?"

A sign.

"Yes, now please don't think we're putting you in the placard."

Sierra's face light up, "when?"

"When what?" Mr. Dubois asked, perplexed by her behavior. The man did not expect to see the woman show such enthusiasm as all knew what usually followed such intentions from the directors.

"When can I take them?"

"Eh, your team is competent. Ali can take the lead while you're away. So let's say whenever."

"Thank you."

The woman got up.


"Is Monday okay? I mean, can I be on holiday from Monday?"

The man frowned, "yes, I guess."

"Good, thank you. Thank you so much."

The woman ran off, leaving a very bewilderment head.

Within two days, Sierra had everything ready.


People saw and interpreted what they wanted.

Sierra chose to believe this was the plan.

"Leone, regarde, l'avion [Leone look, a plane].

The boy's eyes widened, "Oh, mom, are we really going to fly?" Leone blabbered. Gosh, how life was fun since Black Beard was gone. How it would be great if they saw Dona, he would cheer her up. She was happy when Dona was around, Leone thought.

"Now boarding KLM flight 1244 for Stockholm."

Sierra bordered a plane for the second time in her life, wondering if her armor was strong enough to face up and save a Prince with her truth.

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