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Why did Sierra stress?

For Sierra, Jonas's invitation felt like an exam.

Jacob arrived on time to babysit, and Sierra managed to reel him into her bedroom while Jonas was distracted with Leone.

"Sierra, what's wrong?"

"Jacob, I don't get it. Why do you think he invited me out?"

Her brother posed his hands on her shoulders, "relax, Jonas only wants to get to know you. He's been here a month, and from what I heard, you spend your time avoiding him. Put yourself in his shoes. He's in a foreign country and living with a woman who is and isn't his baby mother, friend, or spouse. It's unusual, and you're turning his stay into a disturbing experience. You're making yourself look like all the many aunties of Dijon."

"Come on, Jacob, Jonas isn't a child. We're talking about a grown man here. What's traumatic is me having to put up with him day in and day out."

"What has he done?"

Sierra looked at a spot on her brother's head before replying, "he filled my house with all this hi-tech stuff. The whole apartment seems booby-trapped for Leone. He does all of that waste sorting and recycling stuff. I mean, he's capable of opening the bin to search for that one orange peel to put it in another bag. He even made compost on my balcony. He washes, irons, cleans."

"Sierra, you're telling me the man is literally working for you for free, but he's a nuisance."

"Yes, his presence is annoying. The man is everywhere in my house. I can't look around without seeing something that belongs to him. And he's always playing with Leone. Do you know what I caught him going?"

Jacob crossed his arms, "no, tell me."

"He showed Leone photos. Photos of his grandparents and uncles in Sweden. He told Leone how the country was. As if the eight-month-old baby cares."

"Sierra, you should be ashamed of yourself. This isn't how dad raised you. Where's your tolerance and compassion? You know what you sound like?"

Sierra frowned.

"Like the Gauthiers," Jacob hit where it hurt.

Sierra's lips drooped, "Jacob, no. Why are you insulting me?"

"I'm not insulting you, but what you're saying is you don't like the man because he's different, and he does not merit to be or share moments with Leone. That's the Gauthier's judgmental trademark."


"Listen, if I see you that way, imagine how Jonas is portraying you right now. I spoke with him; he's cool. He's not racist or xenophobic. Jonas has zero biased thoughts; he's neutral."

Sierra let her gaze slide to the side, "he's Swedish; being neutral is heritage."

Jacob cocked a brow and knocked a knuckle on Sierra's head as their father used to do. The impact sent a shock wave of nostalgic memories through the woman's body.

"Jacob, that hurt."

"I hope so; that's how love is. I hope it knocked some sense in there. Dad wouldn't want to see you acting this way Sierra."

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