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Jonas always displayed a calm and gentle face. His aura and kind nature attracted those around him.

Sierra did not expect the man to welcome her revelation with open arms, but neither did she think Jonas would curl up and use his pricks to protect himself like a hedgehog.

Jonas had that silent anger that left the other in dread where imagination conjured the most horrid scenarios.

The man felt betrayed, Sierra acknowledged her error. He needed time to come round, but would he?

For a week, Jonas left and picked up Leone from daycare. Every time, Sierra's heart leaped with anxiety as the scenario where Jonas disappeared into oblivion with the little boy taunted.

Sierra attempted to chase her anguish away. Now more than ever, she needed to show she trusted him. The task had never been more challenging.

Her heart ached, and her stomach burned every time their paths crossed in the apartment.

Guilt, shame, regret, so many emotions held hands and twirled within her.


The cruel yet just wheel of life made her pay. Sierra did not expect less. She was the one to ruin Cecile's existence.

Cecile was glad not to have to see her predator's face or those of the people she called genitors. Sierra gave her the courage to break away.

Jonas's attitude impacted Sierra's mental. Less focused, less appetite, the woman tortured herself.

They had to talk, and so Sierra decided to confront the man.

Jonas was unable to see the end of his anger. The only clay building and pottery temporarily appeased him. The man sat on his stool and spilled his emotions on the spinning clay.

"Eh, Jonas."

No reaction came from the man.

"Jonas," Sierra spoke up.

"What?" the man replied without even turning his head to acknowledge her presence.

Sierra's throat became dry as she said, "we need to talk."

The voice he heard wasn't hers but Cecile's. Sierra had the same desperate tone Cecile employed when he walled himself in silence. Wherewith Cecile, he carried on working here; the wish to rectify regretful conduct pushed him to reply, "I don't want to talk to you."

Yes, it was childish, but Jonas knew it was spiteful enough to prick the woman.

"Gosh, you have to be honest, don't you? I told you, Jonas, sometimes lying makes the other feel better."

"I guess I don't want to relieve you in any way."

An unwanted tear trickled down Sierra's cheek. She adjusted the sleeping baby's position on her shoulder.

"I hear you, Jonas. I don't merit any empathy right now," the tone was one of a strangled cat who sought within to answer.

One had to be blind to ignore how Sierra suffered, yet the man could not resort to forgiving her as he could not forgive himself.

"Jonas, the only reason I didn't tell you is that I made a promise. And you kept going on about being fair and giving them the opportunity of seeing their grandson. Iㅡ."

Jonas got up and walked up to her. His eyes searched in hers, "who are you, Sierra? What are you doing to me? What do you want from me?"

The man's voice was both desperate and threatening.

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