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you and inumaki both broke the hug and didnt hesitate to run towards kamo, he instructed the two of you, "this way!" he yelled out while running through different corridors, megumi came running too.

the 4 of you kept running and you looked behind you, you saw all kind of plants and branches rushing towards you guys. right as it attacked. kamo spoke again, taking the lead, "here it comes!"

stopping in your tracks and turning around, you were ready to face hanamis attack. only to be greeted by hanami self. the curse was about to throw 4 spears of wood towards the 4 of you.

because of your tired state, you couldnt think properly and were shocked at the flying spear coming in your direction. you were about to jump up in mid air to avoid it but it was already too close, you were too late.

that was untill you heard inumaki yell out in a raspy voice. "stop." and all 4 spears including hanami stopped instantly in their movement.

you looked at the spear that was barely inches away from your forehead and quickly jumped back to focus your technique in your legs. 'i still have about 3 shots.' you thought to yourself.

not having any time to lose, kamo opened both of his eyes now, ready to use his full technique. he then extended both arms, clapped them together and pointed them at hanami who was still standing motionless. "convergence." he said in a stern voice.

suddenly a thick streak of blood flew from kamos hands towards hanami. if the curse would have been a normal human being, they would surely be pierced by kamos technique.

you cursed hanami for being so dense, it would have been so much easier if you could just cut through them. the blood slammed the head of the special grade curse back.

right when hanami was forced to look upwards due to the impact, you jumped at them. you grabbed your sword mid air as you figured it would be smart to save you from one more shot before you reached your limit.

still being indoors, the wind pierced your skin nonetheless because of the speed you were rushing towards hanami. you held your sword with both your hands and you swayed it up as you were close enough to the curses head.

sliding your sword harshly through hanamis skin, right at the place where kamos blood streak took impact. you felt your sword go quite deeper than expected.

you jumped back by using the opposite wall as a platform for your feet and flew to your previous position. you tilted your head upwards towards the special grade and saw a deep, red cut.

inumaki and megumi both gasped softly an you widened your eyes. "this is really going to work if we keep this up." you said confidently with a small smirk on your face.

kamo who seemed to have his guard high as ever, rushed past you up to the stairs and spoke up. "lets go, its just going to heal right away!" he said as he continued running to the higher floor.

you looked at him in awe and realized how good of a sorcerer he was, so focused and determined. you followed right after him, with megumi and inumaki close behind you too.

on the higher floor, you 4 kept running. megumi on the far front, inumaki behind him, you running behind inumaki and kamo all the way running in the back.

'this formation would most likely work the best', you thought to yourself and silently smiled.

that was untill you heard inumaki slightly panting and letting out a cough. you started worrying greatly for him now. even though you guys took a break earlier. he was still nearing his limit.

kamo revised the plan while running, "inumaki will attack it, we will attack and then we'll get away from it." he said while slightly catching up to you, in order for megumi who was running all the way in the front to hear it too.

"then we repeat that as we try to get outside this veil. to join the others." he continued and you nodded your head, speaking up too. "good idea." you said.

inumaki agreed too, "salmon." he spoke while still panting slightly. megumi looked back at kamo and gave him a nod, this plan was going to work.

with the branches protruding from the floor beneath your feet, you picked up your pace. the roots were coming closer to where you guys were running.

kamo took the lead once again and started running faster, "hurry!" he said with a raised voice, he was visibly getting more stressed too.

megumi in front of you turned around to see the situation and he too was slightly panicking, he frowned and gritted his teeth, letting out a "tsk."

the 4 of you neared to another staircase and quickly ran towards another higher floor. there was not much choice left since it was a dead end otherwise.

'two more shots' you reminded yourself. 'we can make it.' you continued reassuring yourself as you were becoming stressed too.

with branches flowing everywhere you go, you guys entered a small corridor and kept running, some roots of the trees couldnt pass as it was a quite small entrance.

the hallway became pitch black due to the branches blocking the only entrance. with a few streaks of light coming through the wooden ceiling, indicating that you guys were on the highest floor now.

which meant there would be no staircases anymore, and you couldnt go back down as the other staircases were mostly blocked by roots and other nature. you were nearing a death end very soon and would have to fight hanami head on.

you sighed annoyed at the thought but kept running along with the others. megumi who was in front spoke up. "get ready to jump!" he said in a loud voice and pushed through the door of a balcony.

the 4 of you ran towards the balcony and jumped over the railing, ready to land on yet another roof.

your hair was flowing in the wind as you jumped and you debated if you should use your technique to use it to break your fall or not. you decided not too and tried to copy inumakis flawless way of breaking a fall.

rolling down the roof, it had left you slightly dizzy as you stood up almost immediately, there was no time to lose. you held your head and stood next to inumaki and kamo on the roof.

the 4 of you now facing the balcony where you left not even 5 seconds ago. just at that moment, a bunch of roots came through the entrance, hanami was standing in the middle of it all.

megumi was already ready to attack, he summoned his nue and spoke up. "inumaki-senpai will stop it." he said while looking back to make sure his nue was in place.

"y/n and my nue will attack." he continued and you let your hand fall to your side. deciding to save you from one shot, you rushed at your highest speed towards the curse, instead of jumping with your technique, along with megumis nue.

you and the nue were mere inches away from the curse, ready to attack. 'hanami will be stopped anyways.' you thought.

inumakis eyes widened as he was still panting and he tried to speak up. "st-" but he couldnt finish. the words just wouldnt leave his throat. he had reached his limit.

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