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"i have to touch an object to make it shockwave." you said and brought your hand up to support your chin, already bored.

gojo spoke up, asking the next question, "for example, if you shockwave something with your hand, what happens to your hand afterwards?" he asked and never broke eye contact.

you opened your mouth, "feels a little warmer than usual, thats it." you told him and nanami immediately interrupted once more, "do you know what causes this, l/n?" he said as he crossed one leg over the other.

with furrowed brows, you answered him, "no? should i be concerned?" you asked him while sitting up straight. you didnt know why they were being so skeptical all of a sudden.

nanami sighed and decided to tell you, "what happens if you run for a long time?" he asked you and folded his arms in front of his chest while still maintaining the eye contact.

you had no idea where this conversation was going, confusion at its finest but you replied nonetheless, "you get tired." you answered the obvious.

gojo took over the conversation, "nanami means what happens to your body temperature." he said and smiled slightly at your obvious response.

"oh, the body becomes warmer." you said immediately, glad that you were good at biology and knew the answer. both men seemed satisfied with your answer and your sensei nodded at you.

he continued, "and why does it become warmer?" he asked you while nodding. honestly you had no idea why they couldnt just tell you where they were going to in the first place but you decided to behave and be polite.

"its because the organs and such need more oxygen to function, so the blood rush will be faster to provide for more oxygen for the organs." you said simply without a care in the world, not realizing what you just had said.

wondering when this biology test would be over, you noticed both men were quiet and then it dawned on you. your eyes widened and gojo took the words out of your mouth.

laughing at your realization he said exactly what was on your mind, "so you say, the body gets warmer due to the increased blood rush?" he repeated as you were at a loss of words.

"isnt that cool since your body gets warm too after you use your technique?" gojo continued to put more thoughts into your mind and nanami sighed.

the man besides gojo spoke up, "stop it. stop teasing her." he sighed and looked at gojo with a disappointed face. then he turned his gaze back to you and finally gave that explanation that you desperately needed.

"your shockwave is an after effect of the clashing blood molecules." nanami said sternly and you felt like your mind would explode. you raised your hand to hold your forehead and tried to process everything.

with furrowed brows, you answered what they both wanted to hear, "so i..." you paused as you felt a slight headache come up.

you cleared your throat, extra careful with what you would say next. gojo and nanami both remained silent and gave you the time you needed.

"i... manipulate blood?" you asked, your gaze casted downwards as your headache became slightly worser. "its a theory, but we think so." gojo said and looked at nanami for approval.

nanami nodded while you had an internal crisis. you didnt know what to say or do with this news. if it was indeed true, then you could finally actually improve on your skills.

you always had a hard time on improving your shockwave technique since you didnt know how it happened or where it came from. but now since you knew the possible cause, you could improve greatly on it.

the men noticed your silence and didnt know what do to, gojo spoke up, "y/n? i know its alot to handle but-" he said but couldnt finish his sentence.

snapping your head up at him, you gave him a determined smile. "lets test it out then." you stated and were eager to grow stronger. if you really had inherited the kamos technique, you had the possibility to become stronger and get invited back into the clan.

gojo and nanami looked at each other and didnt know what to say, gojos expression changed in an instant and a big smile grew on his face. "lets go to the infirmary to do some actual tests!" he exclaimed rather happily while clapping his hands together.

all three of you stood up simultaneously and made your way to the exit of the teachers common room where you previously discussed. you were the second to leave with gojo walking in front of you and nanami behind you.

while walking through the corridors on your way to the infirmary, it was just gojo talking and rambling about stuff while nanami remaimed quiet, you on the other hand passed a window and saw the first and second years all train together.

you saw yuuji and inumaki sparring together, a smile grew on your face as you saw the violet eyed boy and you felt a certain feeling in your stomach, as you remembered the kiss you two shared on the roof last night.

seeing he was doing combat with the first years, it would most likely mean that megumi, nobara or yuuji would have told him about your whereabouts since they knew that you had stuff to discuss with your sensei.

that meant you didnt had to worry about telling him, otherwise it would be like you just disappeared into thin air, again. you tilted your head back to look in front of you and kept on walking.

after a while, the three of you finally made it to the infirmary and entered it. the place was already familiar to you, you didnt know you would come back so soon.

gojo motioned you to take a seat on one of the chairs in front of a large table. nanami disappeared into the storage room.

as you sat down, gojo sat in front of you and nanami came out from the storage with a sphygmomanometer, also known as a blood pressure monitor. and with that, he sat besides you, wrapping the material of the monitor around your upper arm.

gojo spoke up once more while placing a few objects in front of you on the table, "are you ready?" he said with a smile evident on his features.

you looked back at him and smiled, "yes i am." you replied, eager to find out about your technique.

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