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inumaki then broke the hug and lowered both his arms to bring them to his sides again. nobara, yuuji and panda heard what inumaki said earlier and yuuji repeated him.

"y/n, what does he mean with y/n kamo?" the dense pink haired boy said. you had hoped that nobara would explain it to him but she looked just as clueless as yuuji.

you sighed and finally told the full truth, "im part of the kamo clan." you said while smiling at him, not believing it either. yuujis expression changed in an instant along with nobara.

they beamed at you in sync and told you how great it was, "no way!" nobara explained and sat straighter in her seat.

after a while, explaining everything but obviously leaving the murder and your dead mom out, they finally calmed down again.

you sat on the couch next to panda and inumaki, the couch besides you was occupied by nobara, yuuji and maki, in that order. megumi was still sitting in his own chair besides them.

the seven of you all collectively decided to watch the latest news as you all figured you would have dinner soon and wouldnt have much time to watch a movie or such.

"guys!" yuuji suddenly yelled out and he immediately caught everyones attention. nobara looked up at him and frowned her eyebrows, "what?" she asked him in a bored tone.

you wouldnt blame her honestly, the news was boring and you all were actually just watching it to pass time.

the pink haired boy ignored the comment from his comrade and spoke up again, "what about we have a movie night in one of our dorms!" he said with the biggest smile on his face.

thinking hard, you spoke up to break the silence, "sure, why not." you said as you found it a rather fun idea. yuuji looked at you and gave you a thumbs up, "thank you, y/n!" he said and looked around to see if the others approved.

maki spoke up too, "we can have it in my dorm?" she said as she casted her gaze from the television to the other students. "my room is at the end of the hallway so its quite big actually." she continued.

"how come you never told us this, maki?" panda asked her and turned his head at her. maki simply shrugged and spoke up, "you never asked." she said with the slightest bit of amusement in her voice as one corner of her mouth slightly curled upwards into a smirk.

megumi broke their conversation apart before they had any chance to engage into a discussion, "maki-senpais room it is then." he said as he stood straight, walking towards the table to have dinner.

"salmon salmon." inumaki then agreed with him as he was sitting besides you, upper arms touching at the close contact.

you inhaled deeply before also standing to your feet, you were hungry as well and went over to the table to have dinner.

after megumi and you went, the others followed as well. dinner was lively, it was filled with laughter and everyone giving recommendations for movies for tonight.

eventually you all decided to watch a horror movie, which was great since it was friday night, half of the students would probably be scared to death and unable to sleep.

nobara and maki were the first two to finish their dinner and left the common room to find a decent horror movie dvd. yuuji told them that gojo would probably have some since he watched a bunch of dvds as his training.

and so they left, after a while you all were done and just waiting for maki and nobara to show up, even though it hasnt been five minutes yet.

megumi, yuuji and panda were all talking about the news that they saw on the television not too long ago and engaged deeper into their conversation.

still sitting at the table, you saw inumaki from across you stand up and walk somewhere. you wondered where he went untill he stopped next to you and sat down gently on the chair where nobara was first sitting.

you looked at him by slightly tilting up your head and smiled at him, "excited for the movie?" you asked him almost immediately.

inumaki nodded his head and spoke up, "salmon!" he exclaimed while looking at you. almost in an instant, his expression changed.

"scared?" he asked with amusement as he was folding his arms in front of his chest, never breaking eye contact with you.

you sweatdropped at his sudden question but spoke up nonetheless, "well-" you wanted to speak up but were interrupted as inumaki zipped his collar down to send you a teasing smile.

his eyes narrowed while a big smile was plastered on his face, it was as if he was waiting for you to confess about the fact that you were scared. but you would never.

noticing his gaze, you continued as you looked anywhere but him, slightly embarrassed, "im not scared." you said eventually and looked him in the eye.

you opened your mouth again and continued, "the jump scares can be... scary though." you said and he looked at you with a 'so-i-was-right' face.

not giving in, you defended yourself, "thats litterally why theyre called jump scares! its because they scare you." you told him and he laughed at your state.

looking at him, you spoke up again, "are you not scared, or something?" you asked him while tilting your head to the side.

"salmon." he replied simply and your expression turned blank. you blinked twice and raised your brows, you wanted to ask how in the world he wasnt scared untill he spoke up.

he shifted a little closer to you, "i can help you when youre scared." he said while looking at you with care, extremely careful with his speech. hoping that no one heard it as well. he was not supposed to talk in a normal language after all.

you melted at his words and gladly took the offer, smiling at him and letting out a soft, "thank you."

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